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Do you think Nintendo should move to the iPhone?

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#21 Brian6330


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Posted 11 August 2011 - 06:12 PM

At first I was like "Hell, no,' but I think this is the perfect 'Opportunity' for Nintendo ;)

You might think I'm suddenly crazy, but if Ninty could get away with charging a dollar for a single level of Mario 3DS, then sticking a 'Want more? BUY A 3DS!' thingy at the end, they would see HUGE sales boosts. And make a profit from the app 'Game' :P

Douby Apple would let them, though :(

First time I've heard of a good way for Nintendo to make an app. This would actually make sense XD

#22 Reaper Pin

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Posted 11 August 2011 - 07:10 PM

No way in hell should Nintendo move to the iphone. The PS Vita however, would be a yes. Imagine Zelda with PS3 graphics on a handheld. Do want.

Call me a fanboy, but what you just said is a TERRIBLE idea. Seriously.

On topic-

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#23 Andy


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Posted 11 August 2011 - 07:14 PM

No way in hell should Nintendo move to the iphone. The PS Vita however, would be a yes. Imagine Zelda with PS3 graphics on a handheld. Do want.

I'm gonna have to give that Idea a big **** NO!
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#24 Feld0



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Posted 12 August 2011 - 11:57 AM

At first I was like "Hell, no,' but I think this is the perfect 'Opportunity' for Nintendo :D

You might think I'm suddenly crazy, but if Ninty could get away with charging a dollar for a single level of Mario 3DS, then sticking a 'Want more? BUY A 3DS!' thingy at the end, they would see HUGE sales boosts. And make a profit from the app 'Game' :P

Douby Apple would let them, though :P


I totally agree that Nintendo should never release full games for devices other than their own. But iOS and Android (and potentially other platforms, too, like PC) would make for a great avenue for them to reach a potential audience of over 100 million with "advertisements" for their games. Things like small game demos that prompt you to get a 3DS, or informational apps like an iPhone version of the Nintendo Channel would all be things that I think would only expand their reach.

And I don't think Apple can shoot their apps down without the media going crazy with "Apple admit that they fear Nintendo as a competitor!"-type stories. It would be bad publicity for them. :P

#25 Metroid



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Posted 12 August 2011 - 12:14 PM

Don't do it Nintendo, it's a trap!

But seriously, playing Mario games on iPhone isn't the same as playing it on the Nintendo's consoles. I can't see any positive at all about this "play Mario on your iPhone".
I hope that it'll never happen and I don't think it will happen. Nintendo, stick to your consoles and only your consoles. That would be wise.

#26 Waller


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Posted 12 August 2011 - 01:52 PM

No way in hell should Nintendo move to the iphone. The PS Vita however, would be a yes. Imagine Zelda with PS3 graphics on a handheld. Do want.

Won't happen, trust me.


#27 BazzDropperz


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Posted 12 August 2011 - 02:17 PM


Edited by BazzDropperz, 13 July 2014 - 11:28 PM.

#28 Wertville


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Posted 12 August 2011 - 02:17 PM

Care to explain WHY it's a bad idea? Without that the only reasoning in your post would be when you said "fanboy" :3

Says the Vita Fanboy ;)

One of the many reasons Ninty should stick with the 3DS is because they already know the hardware, and it was pretty much custom built for them. They would have to re-learn everything if they were to switch over to the Vita and it would be years before they reach their maximum potential. Then there's the 'Less money for 1st Party' thing, and the 'Sony can control franchise' thing... Trust me. There are MANY reasons why that is a bad idea.

EDIT: Left out a word :S

Edited by Wertville, 12 August 2011 - 02:18 PM.

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#29 giggity3000


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Posted 12 August 2011 - 05:28 PM

If Nintendo puts they're games on other systems then they're own consoles will flop. Who would buy (Besides fanboys) a Nintendo console if they can play mario on there Iphone or Ipad. Going on other systems will = software only company which will = Mario eventually on Ps360 which will = Mc/Sony fanboys laughing there assets off.


#30 SparktehFox


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Posted 12 August 2011 - 10:17 PM

Yeah I know it isn't very likely, and the 3DS would have to fail pretty hard for Nintendo to do this. I was just saying it would be a good thing if this happened.

Care to explain WHY it's a bad idea? Without that the only reasoning in your post would be when you said "fanboy" :3

Same goes for you, buddy. If you're going to just say "NO!" without giving any reason you might as well not post in the first place :D

You gotta read my response. If Nintendo EVER did anything like this they would become Sega. A third party who doesn't have a lot of say in the gaming business anymore. Basically what your proposing is that Nintendo kill itself and send it's children to a stranger's house because he promised them free candy. (Incredibly dark but whatever. I love Splatterhouse) Lastly, Graphics do not a great game make. The art style is part of the direction but "HD" has really no part in making a game good. (Looks over at Sonic '06)

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Edited by SparktehFox, 12 August 2011 - 10:21 PM.

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#31 Biohazard



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Posted 13 August 2011 - 12:04 AM

Wouldn't it be a better idea if Sony (or the second-party companies they own) made games for Nintendo? Wouldn't it be awesome if Killzone, Resistance, inFAMOUS, God of War, or the Ratchet & Clank series were played with the innovative Wii U tablet controller?

#32 BazzDropperz


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Posted 13 August 2011 - 12:09 AM

Says the Vita Fanboy http://s.thewiiu.com//public/style_emoticons/default/wink.png

One of the many reasons Ninty should stick with the 3DS is because they already know the hardware, and it was pretty much custom built for them. They would have to re-learn everything if they were to switch over to the Vita and it would be years before they reach their maximum potential. Then there's the 'Less money for 1st Party' thing, and the 'Sony can control franchise' thing... Trust me. There are MANY reasons why that is a bad idea.

EDIT: Left out a word :S

Well that's a bit better, though I object to being called a Vita fanboy because I haven't made and illogical fanboy comments :P The fact is Nintendo hasn't spent years developing for the 3DS yet, so they wouldn't be set back years behind the competition if they started developing for another console. By using their existing funds to develop many more games for multiple platforms they could make more money than they are now. Sony wouldn't control their franchises (they can't because there are laws against that), just like they don't control the franchises of the multitude of 3rd partys that currently make games for their systems - I was never suggesting that they become a part of Sony.

#33 Waller


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Posted 13 August 2011 - 12:17 AM

Well that's a bit better, though I object to being called a Vita fanboy because I haven't made and illogical fanboy comments :D The fact is Nintendo hasn't spent years developing for the 3DS yet, so they wouldn't be set back years behind the competition if they started developing for another console. By using their existing funds to develop many more games for multiple platforms they could make more money than they are now. Sony wouldn't control their franchises (they can't because there are laws against that), just like they don't control the franchises of the multitude of 3rd partys that currently make games for their systems - I was never suggesting that they become a part of Sony.

Why buy the Wii U if I can already play Nintendo games in my Xbox 360? That's the way everybody is going to think and it's going to be reflected in the Wii U sales.
What you're suggesting is just going to make Nintendo the new Sega.

Edited by Waller, 13 August 2011 - 12:19 AM.


#34 BazzDropperz


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Posted 13 August 2011 - 12:21 AM


Edited by BazzDropperz, 13 July 2014 - 11:24 PM.

#35 SparktehFox


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Posted 13 August 2011 - 07:58 AM

Again, that

They wouldn't become like SEGA if it was a planned transition. SEGA would've been way better off now if they chose to leave the console business and wern't forced to leave. In my opinion better graphics make new art styles possible, and for me good art styles make a good game. The Vita isn't just about the graphics - it has better online (no friend codes, you can play online on the same game with PS3 users), dual analogue sticks (closer to analogue sticks than circle pads), the processing power to do better looking AR games without using cards and better sound quality. EDIT: @Waller: I don't want Nintendo to make games for the Xbox 360. I think it would be great if they developed for the Vita, however.

Again, what you're proposing would effectively make Nintendo a third party developer which means Nintendo would be no better off than Sega.
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#36 Guest_Lewnna_*

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Posted 13 August 2011 - 08:50 AM

I count on Nintendo for making high end games that have superb quality and revolutionizing gaming. If Nintendo moved to the iPhone, they just wouldn't be Nintendo any more. They'd be making cheap ass games and they'd be conforming.

#37 StreetPassWanter


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Posted 13 August 2011 - 10:13 AM

Wouldn't it be a better idea if Sony (or the second-party companies they own) made games for Nintendo? Wouldn't it be awesome if Killzone, Resistance, inFAMOUS, God of War, or the Ratchet & Clank series were played with the innovative Wii U tablet controller?

I guess, but it'll never happen.
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#38 hooky


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Posted 13 August 2011 - 11:33 AM

I think Nintendo should buy a phone manufacturer like HTC and make a Nintendo Phone, like Sony did (although Sony already had a cellphone division). They should NOT develop for the iPhone though.

#39 Wertville


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Posted 13 August 2011 - 11:34 AM

Well that's a bit better, though I object to being called a Vita fanboy because I haven't made and illogical fanboy comments :D The fact is Nintendo hasn't spent years developing for the 3DS yet, so they wouldn't be set back years behind the competition if they started developing for another console. By using their existing funds to develop many more games for multiple platforms they could make more money than they are now. Sony wouldn't control their franchises (they can't because there are laws against that), just like they don't control the franchises of the multitude of 3rd partys that currently make games for their systems - I was never suggesting that they become a part of Sony.

There's more to being a fanboy that illogical arguments (Or else there would be no Umineko fanboys :P), and one of those things is overhyping the said object of fanboyism ;)
And don't get me wrong, fanboyism isn't BAD. Just don't go calling the kettle black is all I'm saying :P

It doesn't matter how many years they've had to develop for it, fact is that they MADE it. This gives them at least a 1 year advantage, and that's huge in the gaming industry.

Nintendo makes more money than just the games they make and consoles they sell; I'm almost certain they gain a portion of 3rd party sales, as well. Cutting this off would mean less money for quality games and, even worse... Less money for localization D:

Even if they don't have complete control, they do gain SOME control over the franchises. I'm pretty sure Sony has rights to prevent a game from being made/localized on their console, just like Nintendo does.
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#40 Brian6330


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Posted 13 August 2011 - 02:56 PM

I'll repeat my answer again, so that it's clear:


(Although the 1 level app idea is supported by me)

Edited by Brian6330, 13 August 2011 - 02:56 PM.

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