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If Iwata doesn't provide Wii U success by 2015 he needs to step down

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#1 Penguin101


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Posted 18 April 2013 - 07:19 AM

Currently iwata is doing fine, however I feel if he doesn't provide Nintendo fans and potential Nintendo fans (those unsure or against Nintendo at the moment) with new and interesting IPs by 2015, I think it's better for him to step aside and hand pick a younger leader to replace him, one with fresh game ideas, who maybe goes against the grain of the usual Nintendo retric - breathing new life into Nintendo who seem to be making old games with new twists time after time (which I love myself but they aren't exactly attracting different hardcore* audiences). When maybe it's time to try new audiences too along with keeping their strong and loyal fanbase happy.


I myself have faith in Iwata and believe he will be promoting younger developers and maybe even scouting talent from Western and Eastern third parties to bring us new and fresh titles by 2015, he is already bringing new IPs but currently none are what I call different enough to attract a non-Nintendo audience. 


*What I mean by hardcore is any game that isn't Wii Fit U, Party games or Wii Sports, so yes that includes Mario etc unlike some people who choose to have ultra violent games as hardcore.


Do you feel Nintendo needs new leadership? Do you feel Iwata is doing everything right? Do you feel that Iwata should step down under certain conditions? Do you feel this topic is a waste of alphabet?

#2 GAMER1984



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Posted 18 April 2013 - 07:40 AM

You are generous I'm giving him until end of this fiscal year.

#3 Penguin101


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Posted 18 April 2013 - 07:49 AM

You are generous I'm giving him until end of this fiscal year.


Currently sales aren't as bad as everyone thinks, however if he doesn't release a flood of Wii U titles like Reggie says, or if he does and it doesn't help shift consoles then yes he probably should. 

#4 Nollog


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Posted 18 April 2013 - 08:17 AM

Iwata apologising for everything is silly.

The only thing he should have apologised for in my opinion was causing Nintendo to post their first loss in history.

Slow menu isn't bad, wii u game situation isn't too bad.


What he's done is announce like 50 new games we just need to wait for.

He's not a great ceo imo, but at least he's pandering to me with yoshi games and mario dlc.

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#5 Hank Hill

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Posted 18 April 2013 - 09:49 AM

I love how people rag on Nintendo for just "rereleasing old games with new twists" whenever hey, guess what, every game franchise in existence does this.


As for new IPs...while it would be nice to see more, it's rather stupid to say they never make new ones. Unless Pushmo, Sakura Samurai, and Dillon's Rolling Western don't count.



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#6 McMurphy


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Posted 18 April 2013 - 10:40 AM

I love how people rag on Nintendo for just "rereleasing old games with new twists" whenever hey, guess what, every game franchise in existence does this.



I think the difference between Nintendo and other publishers, however, is how their exclusive developers handle IPs. Nintendo doesn't, for example, have someone like Naughty Dog (Crash, Jak, Uncharted, Last of Us, etc) who is willing (or able) to make great IPs AND being brave enough to move onto a new franchise after a trilogy. Nintendo has some of the best exclusive developers handling the most iconic characters in video games, but there is not a whole lot of venturing into new IP territory.

Edited by McMurphy, 18 April 2013 - 10:41 AM.


#7 Hank Hill

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Posted 18 April 2013 - 10:45 AM

I think the difference between Nintendo and other publishers, however, is how their exclusive developers handle IPs. Nintendo doesn't, for example, have someone like Naughty Dog (Crash, Jak, Uncharted, Last of Us, etc) who is willing (or able) to make great IPs AND being brave enough to move onto a new franchise after a trilogy. Nintendo has some of the best exclusive developers handling the most iconic characters in video games, but there is not a whole lot of venturing into new IP territory.


The problem is, they have ventured into new IPs and they did not sell very well.



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#8 routerbad



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Posted 18 April 2013 - 11:16 AM

I think the difference between Nintendo and other publishers, however, is how their exclusive developers handle IPs. Nintendo doesn't, for example, have someone like Naughty Dog (Crash, Jak, Uncharted, Last of Us, etc) who is willing (or able) to make great IPs AND being brave enough to move onto a new franchise after a trilogy. Nintendo has some of the best exclusive developers handling the most iconic characters in video games, but there is not a whole lot of venturing into new IP territory.

This was only the case with the Wii.  Every other Nintendo platform has seen the release of new IP's from some of their biggest developers.  Pikmin was a great addition for the GC, Perfect Dark, Conker, etc for N64, Starfox for the SNES.  That's only the bigger ones, obviously there have been more, but I just wanted to point out that only the Wii saw a new IP drought from their larger development teams.


I'm hoping Nintendo comes with some new IP's to go along with the star power that their established franchises have.  Nintendo used to have Rare, they have Retro now, along with Monolithsoft, and hopefully in the future platinum games that make great games and have the ability to develop new IP's.

#9 SoldMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums


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Posted 18 April 2013 - 12:18 PM

But, but, but I love Iwata, his English is so sexy ;)

#10 McMurphy


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Posted 18 April 2013 - 01:04 PM

This was only the case with the Wii.  Every other Nintendo platform has seen the release of new IP's from some of their biggest developers.  Pikmin was a great addition for the GC, Perfect Dark, Conker, etc for N64, Starfox for the SNES.  That's only the bigger ones, obviously there have been more, but I just wanted to point out that only the Wii saw a new IP drought from their larger development teams.


I'm hoping Nintendo comes with some new IP's to go along with the star power that their established franchises have.  Nintendo used to have Rare, they have Retro now, along with Monolithsoft, and hopefully in the future platinum games that make great games and have the ability to develop new IP's.


I totally hear what you are saying, and don't get me wrong: I am loving the Wii U.


In regards to new IPs, we aren't talking about historic Nintendo tendencies, here. If that was the case, we could compare today to the fantastic IP runs on the NES. The market and the very industry has radically changed since then. So, I would agree that the Wii generation was when the IP draught really came to a head. Here is the thing, though. The Wii was released back in 2006. We are talking about nearly a decade of Nintendo developers competing in the market share (largely) unable to introduce competitive new IPs.


"...only the Wii..." may be understating the matter when keeping in mind how long the Wii generation has been around.


#11 routerbad



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Posted 18 April 2013 - 01:38 PM

I totally hear what you are saying, and don't get me wrong: I am loving the Wii U.


In regards to new IPs, we aren't talking about historic Nintendo tendencies, here. If that was the case, we could compare today to the fantastic IP runs on the NES. The market and the very industry has radically changed since then. So, I would agree that the Wii generation was when the IP draught really came to a head. Here is the thing, though. The Wii was released back in 2006. We are talking about nearly a decade of Nintendo developers competing in the market share (largely) unable to introduce competitive new IPs.


"...only the Wii..." may be understating the matter when keeping in mind how long the Wii generation has been around.

That's a very hard argument to get around.  This generation has indeed gone on WAY too long, and 7 years without an exciting new gaming IP is bordering on negligence.  WiiFit was a new IP, but I don't necessarily classify that as a "game" any more than training for a marathon or going to the gym is a "game"

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