Okej, the thing is i've never really played a NFL-game before either. I saw the trailer and it looked really interesting. I'll take your word for it that it's not worth playing
Yeah, i've never heard of the game and went to youtube to watch some gameplay. Looked kinda cool and i like the simplicity of the game. Will check out some reviews and probably get it once it's released.
That's too bad though. Hopefully they don't have any good titles specified to a certain region. To be honest i don't quite see the reason why they're doing like this. Okej, fine. If they release the game to another region later on i can see why. But take Madden for an example: It will sell better in the states, but there are ppl interested in purchasing the game in Asia/Europe/Australia. We will NEVER be able to buy it due to the region lock. That's some cash gone missing for Nintendo.
Am i just stupid or do anyone know the benefits of locking it to multiple regions like that?
There are a number of reasons why some some companies decide to make their hardware and/or software region specific. Its not quite straight forward though. One thing is that each region or country is treated as an individual market and imports would interfere with the sales in that particular region or country. Each region or country has to answer to the parent company. Then there is content that may not be appropriate in certain areas and also the fact that their are different ratings systems. There is also licensing and publishing issues. The licensing rights for a particular game may vary between areas as may the publishing rights. The same game in some instances can be published by different companies in different areas.
As you see its quite complex and and there are several reasons. Sony for what ever reason chooses to ignore this altogether and Microsoft leaves it up to the developers and publishers, whilst Nintendo uses blanket region locking. Strangely enough up until the DSi none of Nintendo's portable consoles had region locking. Their home consoles have always done. It is annoying because I've always imported games but as I also own a PS3 and 360 its not as big of an issue to me.
Its up to the publisher to release the game in those regions. The problem is that each country has it's own copyright laws and trademarks, and allowing distribution between regions could cause some lawsuits in the future.
That's part of it but there are other reasons too.