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NIntendo: History, Mistakes and Future (my views)

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#1 MorbidGod


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Posted 27 April 2013 - 06:12 PM


It's come to my attention that a few people out there might think I dislike, or even hate them. I realize that I can argue a point to death and maybe my wording isn't the greatest to convey that I don't think anything negative towards you or any group of people. I also realized that I might come off as some crazy nut job that is a HUGE fan boy. Although, to say I don't love Nintendo would be a lie, I don't hate the other console makers (I was a die hard fan boy as a child) and I hope they do well and will probably buy a MS Xbox 720 or a PS4. The primary reason, however, that I sound like a die hard fan boy is because I defend Nintendo and never admit to their mistakes. Truth be told, I haven't really heard (on a regular basis) the mistakes Nintendo has made for me to actually agree with them.

Which brings me to this topic. Nintendo has made mistakes with the 3DS and the Wii U, and one of them are inherently related to another because of the first mistake. But before I get into these three mistakes I see Nintendo has made -- thus far -- I have to get into the history of the DS and Wii lines. I also do not want to be considered to have yet another DOOM AND GLOOM thread, so I will end my editorial/post with the future and where I think Nintendo is heading.


Nintendo was in a bad spot with the Gamecube, and they knew it. It was a whole new world and Nintendo was behind the curve. The GCN had HORRIBLE marketing. They did a good job on being everywhere -- theatre's, TV shows maybe even the internet -- but the ad's were weird and didn't convey the right message. The launch was not horrible. However, the third Nintendo President stepped down and for the first time in their 113 years they are appointing a non-family member to be President of Nintendo. That is right, boys and girls. Nintendo -- originally a card playing company -- was a family run company (http://nintendo.wiki...Nintendo_people). This was a good choice because Iwata did a lot of things that made Nintendo a successful company. The Nintendo DS and Wii were his children, and they made Nintendo rich. So people -- remember -- he is making mistakes with the 3DS and Wii U, but his rein as King isn't as bad as it could have been. He brought a new golden age for Nintendo, one the company hasn't seen since the SNES days. He ushered in a console that is one of the fastest selling consoles of all time.

Moving on, the GCN was launched and there was not much he could do. He introduced a silver color to give another option. I am sure he made a lot of other choices that I missed as a child, but really since he wasn't the head huncho during the consoles development he couldn't have made the changes that should have been made. He during this time introduce the idea of the Wiimote. Originally said to be an add on to the GCN, it became clear that the GCN didn't have the install base they wanted. So they started to develop the idea of the Wii.

Interesting enough, Nintendo was not sure if there was a casual market for gamers. They were not sure if a radical new motion controller would be a run away success. So they played it safe. Released a Nintendo DS -- the THIRD WHEEL as it was called -- as a test. They gave it two screens, a basic design and some good games. It was a run away success. Soon we stopped hearing about the Game Boy and the DS was it. Release date of the Nintendo DS is important though. Nov 21 2004 (US). This meant that the DS was released almost two years in advance of the Wii (Revolution at the time). This means they had time to change gears and go another route if it failed. Don't believe me that this was their plan? Explain why they called it the third wheel when we never got the GBA2. Hmm? Any thoughts? It's not like it wasn't in development. It was scratched because Nintendo was trending a different path.

A little unknown fact, Nintendo was rumored to be developing two home consoles. One, was a powerhouse with a regular controller. Another, was a GCN-like console with a radical new redesign and new controller based off motion control. Now the motion control wasn't actually known then, but the specs were part of the rumor. It wasn't until the Wii was revealed that it became clear. Nintendo was making an escape route. If the DS failed, the third wheel goes away, GBA2 would be released and the Wii would never have been born. Who knows, maybe Revolution would have been it's name. A quick tidbit, originally the Wiimote wasn't going to have the nunchuck. It was just the wiimote. Then Retro suggested the idea.


So, this leads me into Nintendo -- and Iwata's -- mistakes. I shown you how Nintendo tested an idea. Gave themselves enough time to make changes so they wouldn't have two failures in a row. With the 3DS, why didn't they do this again? It was clear that Iwata and Nintendo was trying to help third party developers. Nintendo has always had trouble working with third parties. One of the many reasons developers have trouble is that Nintendo sell's their platforms. People buy the Wii and DS for Nintendo games. They have a 360 or PS3 or Vita for their hardcore games. Nintendo probably thought if they allowed third party developer sell their console and they didn't release anything major right away that developers would spend more money and maybe do better. What ended up happening was a horrible mistake. Those games weren't system sellers, and Nintendo was left out in the cold. Whoever made that choice -- probably Iwata -- clearly made an error that could have been avoided with the Wii U if they didn't release them so close together.

3DS Launched March 27 2011 (US) and Wii U Nov 18 2012 (US). Little over a year to make those changes needed. Nintendo all ready planned for their heavy hitters to be released in 2013 when the other consoles were probably going to be released. Not a horrible idea. Compete with Sony and Microsoft by releasing Mario Kart U, Mario U (3D), and whatever Retro is working on. Maybe even tease SSBU for Wii U with an awesome trailer saying it will be released in 2014, looking into the future. As long as third party developers give them a system seller at the launch, all would be fine. ZombiU was probably going to be that game. Problem is, what other exclusive third party game was going to be a system seller? So Nintendo had to do something post-3DS launch. They didn't have time nor could they afford a rushed Mario U. So they made NSMBU. It is 2D, simple and easy. Hopefully that could move some systems while Nintendo works around the clock on getting content ready for the 2013 invasion. Don't believe me? Look at Retro Studios and E3 2012. It was clear that they were building up to something. There was whispers afterwards that Retro pulled their footage because it wasn't ready. Wasn't ready? That's the point. Nintendo didn't have a system seller ready. Pikman 3, the closet thing to a system seller, has even been delayed and was suppose to be a launch title.

So far, I have covered mistake number one and two. As you can see, they are related. If they didn't make mistake number one, mistake number two could have been avoided. The third and final mistake is the IBM Power-Based CPU. And not because it is weak (which I still doubt). It's a mistake, which sadly it is possible they could have seen this coming if they gave them a two year window between 3DS and Wii U launch, because third party developers are going to have to make a choice when making multiplat's. Once the next gen is in full gear and 360 and PS3 are phased out, as we all know they will be, the only console or system using the Power ISA for games will be Nintendo. No one else in the world will be developing games for the Power ISA. In fact, EPIC has made it clear they aren't making Unreal 4 for Power ISA. Sure, they say Wii U but why do you think that is? Let's just assume that EPIC is right, and the Wii U can run Unreal 4 ("You heard the stupid gaffe yesterday about the Wii U," he said. "If someone wants to take Unreal Engine 4 and ship a game on Wii U, they can! If they wanna ship an Unreal Engine 4 game on Xbox 360, they could make it happen." {http://www.engadget....view-gdc-2013/} ) then why wouldn't they use resources to develop Unreal 4 for all three next gen consoles? It's because Microsoft and Sony are leaning towards x86 architecture, not Power ISA. That might be why it took Epic so long to come out and say that. Remember when they wouldn't confirm what platforms will run the Unreal 4 engine? I bet Microsoft hadn't made the choice if the processor would be Power ISA or x86. And in May -- I might eat my words (and hopefully, for Nintendo's sake, I do) -- Microsoft will reveal that they are using an AMD CPU and GPU. ( http://www.slashgear...y-cut-09276992/ ) As you can see, that idea isn't coming from no where. It's based on current speculation.

Which means, EPIC would have to spend more money and time on an architecture that no one will be using. This is not good for them. Why should they do that? I bet when we heard Epic was urging the console makers to use more powerful tech, that the actual conversation was please use x86. It makes it easier for developers and them. Everyone pretty much on the same playing field. Everyone besides Nintendo, of course.

Third party developers could also spend resources developing UNREAL 4 for the Wii U, but why should they. People buy Nintendo systems for Nintendo games.

So, those are the mistakes Nintendo made. In my point of view.


Now where is Nintendo heading? Are they heading towards their end? Will the House of Mario die out, like the House of Sonic did with the Dreamcast? The answer is no. Nintendo, unlike Sega, is sitting on a lot of cash. They have the money to develop -- unlike with the Wii -- a new form of controlling games and HD hardware. To develop their own DVD that has a lot of space. These things aren't cheap. It's why the Wii U is currently loosing profit on every system sold. It's not because of how much it costs to actually produce the parts or buy them. It's because they have to pay the R&D back, which they aren't currently. It'll get cheaper and better as time goes on. Not a huge problem. Again, Nintendo is sitting on a lot of money.

I believe that once they launch their system sellers there will be no stopping Nintendo. They won't end up last, or if they do it won't matter because the numbers are so close everyone would be at the same spot. As a side note, I don't think anyone will be a looser this gen. Looking at this generation, the PS3 and Xbox 360 are so close that I consider them both second place. You can't say selling over 70 million units is a bad thing. I for one didn't see Sony doing that. They did, though. This generation I see everyone selling, in the end, around the same amount.

I think -- hopefully -- that this experience taught Iwata something. That they don't need gaps in games. With all these games in the works, they should always have system sellers sold every Quarter of the year. If they can do that with little to no gaps, they could end up having a second Wii on their hands -- which means I would eat my words, because the others won't see that success. However, I don't know if Nintendo can do that. Hopefully they can.

I am typing this on my PC, not my cell phone, so hopefully it will be more thought out and less mistakes I am sure I am know for. Hopefully you enjoyed this and hopefully we will have some nice debates that spring from this post. So ... post and debate! Let's have fun :D

Edited by MorbidGod, 27 April 2013 - 06:33 PM.

Whovian12 -- Nintendo Network ID.

#2 Alianjaro



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Posted 27 April 2013 - 06:21 PM

10/10, would read again. Great to see that some people here take their time and write constructive and thoughtful stuff here. I actually read the whole think (I hate when I post a wall of text and people don't bother reading, so I don't do the same lol).


Hey, don't be so hard on yourself lol, you're not that bad! And for mistakes, I don't recall having a bad impression about your grammar.


On topic though, I have come to a point where I think I'm not in a good position to judge Nintendo. They are the professionals, and as a matter of modesty I recognize not having the adequate knowledge to criticize Nintendo for their decisions. But that's just me!

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#3 meitantei_conan



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Posted 27 April 2013 - 06:28 PM

I liked this! I enjoyed reading it. Very well written and thought out. See this is what we need, more threads like this, instead of " ohermergerd wee woo sucks haz no games! grapix are last gen! WIIU IS DOOOOOOOOOMED" 

#4 MorbidGod


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Posted 27 April 2013 - 06:36 PM

10/10, would read again. Great to see that some people here take their time and write constructive and thoughtful stuff here. I actually read the whole think (I hate when I post a wall of text and people don't bother reading, so I don't do the same lol).

Hey, don't be so hard on yourself lol, you're not that bad! And for mistakes, I don't recall having a bad impression about your grammar.

Thank you for reading the entire post. I am actually going through and editing some mistakes lol.

On topic though, I have come to a point where I think I'm not in a good position to judge Nintendo. They are the professionals, and as a matter of modesty I recognize not having the adequate knowledge to criticize Nintendo for their decisions. But that's just me!

It is true we don't have behind the scene knowledge. I am sure there was a reason for the 3DS and Wii U launch being close together. Maybe they felt rushed because the Wii sales were slowing down. And I am sure someone smart with degree's out the butt told them what I have always known, developers have a hard time competing with them. Nintendo has left gaps open even in the Wii and DS era for developers to make and sell their big titles then only to have nothing in those gaps. Nintendo just should sell their games and work with third party developers. That is a MUCH better strategy.
You can ensure you don't have gaps, you don't have to spend all the resources yourself, and you can help advertise and make sure it is a success. I think that is why Iwata basically said recently that he plans on making third party publishers who are choosing not to make games for Wii U to regret it.

HOPEFULLY I am right on that.

I liked this! I enjoyed reading it. Very well written and thought out. See this is what we need, more threads like this, instead of " ohermergerd wee woo sucks haz no games! grapix are last gen! WIIU IS DOOOOOOOOOMED"

Haha, thanks. I'll try to type more thoughts going forward using my PC. I do better that way, easier to edit.
Whovian12 -- Nintendo Network ID.

#5 Julio93


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Posted 27 April 2013 - 07:11 PM




#6 GAMER1984



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Posted 27 April 2013 - 07:18 PM

great read! i dont know man it seems they have all the tools to take overthe industry again and make (either sony or microsoft) quit yet they always F it up somehow. i know backward compatibility is import to them... but they made a big mistake not making Wii U x86 compatible. some of their decision are mind numbing. they need new leadership and someone with a new approach. lets see what this new Iwata as NOA CEO does for the company.  

#7 Plutonas



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Posted 27 April 2013 - 07:23 PM

IBM cpu is not a mistake... it may be a mistake to add x86 based cpu... because these consoles will be EASY as hell to hack... even without a chip..! plus viruses, exploits, theft, etc. Imagine while u play someone steals ur credit card, or even plant a virus into ur system OS, or even worse, something that conflicts ur firmaware.... bum kabum.  And these machines (ps4-720) will come with cameras, who knows who will be able to have access and enjoy ur view and ur friends, while u play or while u have ur console in a standby.. (beyond sony and ms) lol


Even if we have firewalls, antivirus, anti-trojan, anti-bot, anti-mailwares in our pcs... we still get them... what about the x86 based consoles!


IBM also is a good nintendo partner... they gave free tech to nintendo as a "thanks"... Also IBM cpu is easy to program, so its not a big deal for developers to re-write 2 lines of code... anyway.


IBM is a good choice and I hope even wii U 2, will come along with an updated wii U cpu... (more like 4 cores and 1.4-1.5ghz).

Edited by Plutonas, 27 April 2013 - 07:33 PM.

#8 GAMER1984



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Posted 27 April 2013 - 07:35 PM

IBM cpu is not a mistake... it may be a mistake to add x86 based cpu... because these consoles will be EASY as hell to hack... even without a chip..! plus viruses, exploits, theft, etc. Imagine while u play someone steals ur credit card, or even plant a virus into ur system OS, or even worse, something that conflicts ur firmaware.... bum kabum.  And these machines (ps4-720) will come with cameras, who knows who will be able to have access and enjoy ur view and ur friends, while u play or while u have ur console in a standby.. (beyond sony and ms) lol


Even if we have firewalls, antivirus, anti-trojan, anti-bot, anti-mailwares in our pcs... we still get them... what about the x86 based consoles!


IBM also is a good nintendo partner... they gave free tech to nintendo as a "thanks"... Also IBM cpu is easy to program, so its not a big deal for developers to re-write 2 lines of code... anyway.


IBM is a good choice and I hope even wii U 2, will come along with an updated wii U cpu... (more like 4 cores and 1.4-1.5ghz).

we will see

#9 MorbidGod


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Posted 27 April 2013 - 07:37 PM

IBM cpu is not a mistake... it may be a mistake to add x86 based cpu... because these consoles will be EASY as hell to hack... even without a chip..! plus viruses, exploits, theft, etc.

IBM also is a good nintendo partner... they gave free tech to nintendo as a "thanks"... Also IBM cpu is easy to program, so its not a big deal for developers to re-write 2 lines of code... anyway.

Yes, I love IBM. IBM is the better choice. But in the point of view of developers, it's not the best choice. We'll see if that mistake ends up being huge it just a small bump.
Whovian12 -- Nintendo Network ID.

#10 Plutonas



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Posted 27 April 2013 - 07:38 PM

IF NINTENDO used X86 based cpu, with that network... there were going to be VICTIM no1... so it would end up, the shut down of NINTENDO. Just think about it... Lets say, Microsofts network have an 8/10 scale of difficulty to be hacked... Nintendos should be 3/10! So u have to recall ur IBM "mistake" referral.


I bet we will have big laughs with this generation of consoles... Imagine while u play, a live broadcast by Anonymous... hahahaha (especially Microsoft, I bet). :)

Edited by Plutonas, 27 April 2013 - 07:49 PM.

#11 MorbidGod


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Posted 27 April 2013 - 08:45 PM

great read! i dont know man it seems they have all the tools to take overthe industry again and make (either sony or microsoft) quit yet they always F it up somehow. i know backward compatibility is import to them... but they made a big mistake not making Wii U x86 compatible. some of their decision are mind numbing. they need new leadership and someone with a new approach. lets see what this new Iwata as NOA CEO does for the company.

Read up on what caused the video game crash way way back when. One of the mistakes Atari made with their consoles was no backwards compatible. Nintendo always made that mistake, and it didn't do very well for them.

So they trying to keep that I don't fault them. Using Power ISA in my mind is the smallest mistake, and in some (read this thread) minds it's not a mistake at all.

But not being backwards compatible in Nintendo's mind is probably the worst choice they could make.
Whovian12 -- Nintendo Network ID.

#12 GAMER1984



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Posted 27 April 2013 - 09:04 PM

Read up on what caused the video game crash way way back when. One of the mistakes Atari made with their consoles was no backwards compatible. Nintendo always made that mistake, and it didn't do very well for them.

So they trying to keep that I don't fault them. Using Power ISA in my mind is the smallest mistake, and in some (read this thread) minds it's not a mistake at all.

But not being backwards compatible in Nintendo's mind is probably the worst choice they could make.

i  guess... like i said we will be here to see it play out.

#13 AndyG


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Posted 27 April 2013 - 11:58 PM

A few minor mistakes Nintendo made i feel should be pointed out:

1. The controller should have featured pressure sensitive triggers (especially important in racing games, it's either all or nothing when it comes to throttle)

2. OS is painfully slow (Will be fixed with update

3. The name, it would be so much easier to market this if they had picked a different name



The first three aren't so important but Nintendo really need to step up their game with advertising because they can and will sell more consoles if they market it more. There should be so many WiiU ads im sick of seeing them.

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This is where it ends

#14 MorbidGod


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Posted 28 April 2013 - 02:38 AM

A few minor mistakes Nintendo made i feel should be pointed out:
1. The controller should have featured pressure sensitive triggers (especially important in racing games, it's either all or nothing when it comes to throttle)
2. OS is painfully slow (Will be fixed with update
3. The name, it would be so much easier to market this if they had picked a different name

The first three aren't so important but Nintendo really need to step up their game with advertising because they can and will sell more consoles if they market it more. There should be so many WiiU ads im sick of seeing them.

I agree with those, although not in the name. Good marketing would fox that problem. Problem is since GCN Nintendo has sucked at marketing. I don't know why though.
Whovian12 -- Nintendo Network ID.

#15 Alianjaro



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Posted 28 April 2013 - 09:31 AM

Thank you for reading the entire post. I am actually going through and editing some mistakes lol.

It is true we don't have behind the scene knowledge. I am sure there was a reason for the 3DS and Wii U launch being close together. Maybe they felt rushed because the Wii sales were slowing down. And I am sure someone smart with degree's out the butt told them what I have always known, developers have a hard time competing with them. Nintendo has left gaps open even in the Wii and DS era for developers to make and sell their big titles then only to have nothing in those gaps. Nintendo just should sell their games and work with third party developers. That is a MUCH better strategy.
You can ensure you don't have gaps, you don't have to spend all the resources yourself, and you can help advertise and make sure it is a success. I think that is why Iwata basically said recently that he plans on making third party publishers who are choosing not to make games for Wii U to regret it.

HOPEFULLY I am right on that.

Exactly how I think. We're seeing more and more japanese 3rd parties collaborate with Nintendo. I think that's how Iwata wants to make some devs regret not working with the Wii U. 

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#16 SoldMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums


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Posted 30 April 2013 - 01:50 PM

Great read, thank's for posting this, it was a real eye opener, just made me love Nintendo even more, looking forward to the future, definatly the Wii U's next two years, I just hope Iwata learns from his mistakes.

#17 MorbidGod


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Posted 30 April 2013 - 01:58 PM

Great read, thank's for posting this, it was a real eye opener, just made me love Nintendo even more, looking forward to the future, definatly the Wii U's next two years, I just hope Iwata learns from his mistakes.

Your welcome! ^_^
Whovian12 -- Nintendo Network ID.

#18 routerbad



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Posted 30 April 2013 - 02:10 PM

Awesome read, thanks for writing this!


As far as the CPU is concerned.  PowerISA has all of the equivalent features to the x86 instruction library.  PowerISA based CPU's are used in everything from ATM machines to satellites, and has a long history of development.  Game developers know how to code to PowerISA, and I don't personally believe that the instruction set in and of itself will be a limiting factor in games development or third party support.

#19 GhostDrive



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Posted 30 April 2013 - 02:45 PM


#20 Soul



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Posted 30 April 2013 - 03:17 PM

ermahgerd we gotta spread this like Kony 2012.

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