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Iwata on advertising

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#1 BlueBlur


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Posted 30 April 2013 - 06:46 AM

My question is on advertising expenses. Both 3DS and Wii U are expected to grow significantly in hardware and software sales this fiscal year, but advertising expenses are not expected to grow by a large amount. Does this mean that you are confident about the quality of your software, or are you trying to advertise your products more effectively? Or is it the case that when you break the figure down into the first and second half-year periods, you simply find that it is more concentrated towards the second? I would like you to talk about the expected return on advertising expenses by considering it in terms of efficiency and timing.

First, I don't think increasing advertising expenses necessarily increases hardware sales, and I don't think that decreasing advertising expenses necessarily decreases sales either. In particular, when we launch a new hardware system from scratch, we typically need to make intensive investments just to have the name of the system recognized, but we are not planning to launch new hardware this fiscal year, and therefore we will not need to invest in this type of activity.

Moreover, given that we are facing difficult financial results, we are devoting our energies to using our advertising expenses effectively. As I explained in the presentation before, when people view Nintendo Direct on the Nintendo eShop, it is a very effective advertisement, but it has only minimal media costs. What I mean by "minimal" is that whenever one wants to transmit information on the Internet, one needs to pay a CDN (content delivery network), where one is charged according to the flow volume of data, so it can never be cost-free. However, this is much more inexpensive than media such as television or print media for which we need to pay advertising costs. What's more, people who are interested in our games watch our videos for as long as 15 or 30 minutes. We can divide advertising media into two types, namely, activities more geared towards gaining awareness, including TV commercials where we need to explain one message in 15 or 30 seconds, and those which can be used to attract potential consumers and have them understand a product to the point where they make the decision to purchase it. We will continue to utilize TV commercials to raise awareness of our products, but we are now in a position to use different methods for product understanding and buying motivation. We initially launched Nintendo Direct in Japan, and we first began to receive positive feedback here, but this year we are also starting to get very positive reactions in the U.S. and Europe too, so I feel that our advertising activities will continue to change and become more effective. And I am not just talking about Nintendo Direct. We can say the same thing about social media marketing activities using Facebook and Twitter.

In terms of the breakdown into the half-year periods, we don't have any first-party key software for Wii U until July. We will, to some extent, concentrate our marketing activities from the summer towards the end of the year. With regard to Nintendo 3DS, in contrast, we will synchronize our promotional activities with the release of each much-anticipated title. By the nature of Nintendo's business structure, sales grow most significantly around the year-end sales season, and as consumers around this period do not necessarily seek information proactively, we need to employ fairly large-scale advertising activities. Instead of pursuing similar advertising endeavors throughout the year, we strive to adapt them accordingly.


And more



#2 Blade of Dyna

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Posted 30 April 2013 - 06:53 AM

Thats funny, i though Iwata was going to HOPE for advertisement of the Wii U to get better just like he's HOPING 3rd party developers will support the Wii U

the Wii U is in a bad spot and time isnt going to fix it. He needs to doing instead of talking.

#3 GhostDrive



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Posted 30 April 2013 - 07:04 AM

I have faith that things will get better, they always do for Nintendo. Come August we'll see more sales for the Wii U. I do agree they could advertise more, but then need games to advertise first, durr.

#4 Alph


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Posted 30 April 2013 - 08:37 AM

He could still advertise it.... Jeez.

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#5 Portal



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Posted 30 April 2013 - 08:48 AM

Interesting. They gotta think though. Who's watching those Nintendo Directs? People who already know about 3DS and WiiU and very likely have the system. They need to focus on tapping the market of casuals, those who would only know about WiiU or 3DS through TV commercials and the like.

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#6 DéliopT



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Posted 30 April 2013 - 08:54 AM

Nothing new or unexpected there: games coning in second half, advertising coming in second half aswell.



He could still advertise it.... Jeez.

They released those 3 commercials with the families coming in to play, last week. It seems to be playing on Youtube when you open a video.



#7 Nollog


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Posted 30 April 2013 - 08:56 AM

Interesting. They gotta think though. Who's watching those Nintendo Directs? People who already know about 3DS and WiiU and very likely have the system. They need to focus on tapping the market of casuals, those who would only know about WiiU or 3DS through TV commercials and the like.

If everyone who owns a 3DS bought a Wii U, they'd have about 150 million Wii U's sold though.

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#8 Alph


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Posted 30 April 2013 - 08:56 AM

Nothing new or unexpected there: games coning in second half, advertising coming in second half aswell.



They released those 3 commercials with the families coming in to play, last week. It seems to be playing on Youtube when you open a video.

Oh yah. No advertisements for the UK though.

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#9 Hunter



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Posted 30 April 2013 - 08:57 AM

He really is clueless about advertising. As others have said, Nintendo directs are generally only viewed by big Nintendo fans or people who already own the system, therefore these aren't going to be viewed by the majority of the general public. I really don't understand why they don't advertise it properly through TV, magazines, youtube etc.

Oh yah. No advertisements for the UK though.


Yeah I haven't seen a single advert and I watch a fair amount of TV.

#10 routerbad



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Posted 30 April 2013 - 09:19 AM

Thats funny, i though Iwata was going to HOPE for advertisement of the Wii U to get better just like he's HOPING 3rd party developers will support the Wii U

the Wii U is in a bad spot and time isnt going to fix it. He needs to doing instead of talking.

So basically, the way I read it anyway, what he's saying is that advertising throughout the year, historically, has brought about little reward in terms of hardware sales, and in order to advertise effectively, they will adapt their advertising strategy toward seasons where marketing has been proven effective in effecting purchase decisions, namely the second half of the year in the lead up to the holiday season.


Spending big money on TV spots and other mainstream marketing would be a huge waste until they have software to show off with it, and if done in the wrong way or at the wrong time, will be forgotten when people are ready to spend their money on game consoles.  I agree with his reasoning for not marketing the beginning half of this year, but they should have done much more marketing in the lead up to launch, after e3 2012.  The problem is they most likely saw delays for key titles on the horizon, Retro was not prepared to announce, and it would have been hard to drive the message home to people with a limited library and a not so stable OS.


We as armchair analysts can pick their strategy apart, but they are the ones with real skin in the game, so we'll have to wait and see what they have planned to drive the message home so people decide to purchase a Wii U.

#11 DéliopT



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Posted 30 April 2013 - 09:29 AM

Oh yah. No advertisements for the UK though.


There were some new commercials that showed the features of the console and Pikmin 3. Only saw the german version, though.



#12 Alph


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Posted 30 April 2013 - 11:47 AM

There were some new commercials that showed the features of the console and Pikmin 3. Only saw the german version, though.

Really? Are they new? Link?

Hi, my name is Alph. I live on a planet named Koppai. I am famous for saving my planet from starvation. My best friends are Brittany and Captain Olimar, NOT Captain Charlie. I like surfing the KopNet and playing Kopetball.

#13 Cozmo


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Posted 30 April 2013 - 12:46 PM

Interesting. They gotta think though. Who's watching those Nintendo Directs? People who already know about 3DS and WiiU and very likely have the system. They need to focus on tapping the market of casuals, those who would only know about WiiU or 3DS through TV commercials and the like.



exactly. gthey need to advertise to people who dont already want one or to people who dont even know what it is, rather than the people who already have or are planning on getting one. 

#14 umegames


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Posted 30 April 2013 - 12:54 PM

He could still advertise it.... Jeez.


It'd be a waste, at most, people will go out and get 1 or 2 games, and sell it, as some have already.

If they wait for a stronger library, people will be more apt not only to finally make the purchase, but keep the system as well.


So what it boils down to again, is a not so strong launch and launch window.

Rayman legends would have helped, but...

#15 SoldMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums


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Posted 30 April 2013 - 01:01 PM

I'm starting to think the Wii U will just pull a 3DS, but for the lords sake Nintendo get it right next time, thing's won't fix themselves forever.

#16 DéliopT



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Posted 30 April 2013 - 01:19 PM

Really? Are they new? Link?


This youtube video incorporated all 3 commercials:



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