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Next Xbox Development Woes Could Spell Trouble for the PS4

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#1 Julio93


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Posted 30 April 2013 - 05:00 PM

Microsoft is supposedly struggling. According to reports coming out of Kotaku overnight, the platform holder is as much as six months behind on producing content for its next generation console. The site’s sources claim that the company recently canned a number of internally developed titles for its impending machine because they weren't coming together as expected. However, the firm’s aiming to compensate for that by pulling out its cheque book, and is aggressively targeting third-party exclusives for its machine. That spells danger for the PlayStation 4.

One high-profile title that’s being touted as an exclusive for the Redmond-based manufacturer’s system right now is the unannounced shooter from Respawn Entertainment, the Californian studio established by former Infinity Ward founders Jason West and Vince Zampella. The report lines up with previous rumours, seeing as the developer is currently aligned with Electronic Arts, who is rumoured to have something brewing for the next Xbox. Assuming that there is substance to the reports, the loss of such a large title could be a huge blow to Sony’s system.


The game itself – believed to be called Titan – is supposedly a futuristic first-person shooter featuring nimble mechs and a multiplayer focus. The title will apparently require an online connection, but not necessarily due to sinister means. Supposedly, much like Sony’s own MAG, the game will only be playable online – there’s no single player campaign, according to Kotaku’s sources. It doesn’t sound particularly appealing on paper, but it would be foolhardy to underestimate the next title from the studio behind the groundbreaking Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. However, it’s the precedent that has us more concerned.

While there have been some attempts from Microsoft to bolster its first-party portfolio over the past couple of years – it added Max and the Magic Marker developer Press Play to its roster not long ago, in addition to founding a new Canadian outfit named Black Tusk – it’s a long way behind Sony in this regard. The PlayStation maker has access to a seemingly limitless pool of top-tier developers, with the likes of Naughty Dog, Guerrilla Games, and Sony Santa Monica currently divided into multiple teams. That means that the PS4 is unlikely to be starved of exclusive content, but if its primary competitor opts to invest in third-parties to counteract its shortcomings, it could spell trouble for the console.


The real problem is that the Japanese manufacturer still doesn’t have a single bankable brand. Gran Turismo comes close, but the next entry in that series is thought to be in production for the PlayStation 3. God of War and Uncharted are both also on the cusp, but outside of that, the platform holder’s struggled to produce titles that make the mainstream market sweat. inFAMOUS: Second Son is certain to be a quality game, but it would never be able to hold its own against a franchise such as Grand Theft Auto, and depending on how aggressive Microsoft’s getting, that’s the kind of series that Sony could cede to its closest competitor.

Of course, aligning with third-parties is a risky and expensive venture, which is why blockbuster exclusives from multiformat publishers have all but faded out over the past decade. In addition to covering the costs of ‘lost’ sales, manufacturers are also generally expected to foot some of the marketing bill. It’s an expense that may have little long term incentive, too. Mass Effect started life as a Microsoft Game Studios franchise, but has subsequently spread to the PS3 and even Wii U. And the likes of Gears of War – which remains owned by Epic Studios – could quite easily be next on the agenda if the Xbox maker fails to pony up again.


But if this generation has proved anything, it’s that the first few years are the most important. Mass Effect may have gone multiplatform eventually, but it’s a franchise that still enjoys most of its success on Microsoft’s platform. Perhaps that’s an isolated case due to the manner in which the series maintains progression between sequels, but a similar phenomenon also occurred with the likes of BioShock, too. The Xbox maker may feel that if it’s able to establish a large fanbase for certain brands on its platform, it doesn’t really matter if those games release on other formats at a later date.

Of course, we’ll need to wait until the 21st May to see what the firm’s actually got in the pipeline, but there’s no denying that the addition of a handpicked roster of third-party exclusives – timed or otherwise – could really hurt the PS4. Sony will put up a fight with its own selection of software, of that there’s no doubt – but it may not be enough. Its competitor has deep enough pockets to really the damage the impending console if it wants to, and the failure of its own first-party endeavours may prove the catalyst that the company needs to flash its cash.



Couldn't they just make a new exclusive instead of buying existing 3rd party games?



#2 Gaymer


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Posted 30 April 2013 - 05:12 PM

That's wonderful. The 360 was my third party machine, so if this is the case, I'll be happy with a Wii U and next box.

#3 Alianjaro



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Posted 30 April 2013 - 06:34 PM

Lack of first parties... Nintendo's way over that.

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#4 DexterousGecko


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Posted 30 April 2013 - 07:20 PM

So, ps4 is in trouble because microsoft might be throwing money at a company trying to make a rip off of battlefield 2142 by EA? gotcha.

#5 BanjoKazooie


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Posted 01 May 2013 - 01:59 AM

Who wants to pay 60 bucks for a game that only has online?? I don't see a point in that game at all. Maybe it's just because I prefer single player games over online multiplayer...


I was once known here as KillerMario, but since I really like Banjo-Kazooie, I changed my display name to show them my respect :)

#6 Dragon



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Posted 01 May 2013 - 03:56 AM

Oh, rumors...

I don't really like Microsoft's attitude toward gaming. But this looks like something they would do, rumor or not. I'll be getting a PS4, and I'll also have a Wii U and PC to play games on. No need for Xbox if Microsoft goes that route. They won't get me to buy their next-gen console by simply getting some exclusive 3rd Party games.

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#7 Socalmuscle


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Posted 01 May 2013 - 10:49 AM

To be honest, my personal opinion is that Microsoft became the "new Nintendo" with the 360.  they simply got it right.  Everything.  And the kept updating, promoting, refreshing, making the system seem fresh year after year.


But that is one system.  Every generation is a whole new deal.  Nintendo has learned and though they got off to a rocky start, refinements to the Wii U are making is seem like the complete gamers dream (sans the whole lame launch scenario).  


PS4 has come out swinging with bad intentions after taking a resounding beating at the hands of both the 360 and the underpowered Wii last generation.  


Microsoft was caught by surprise with the upgraded specs of the PS4 and is no doubt trying to reconfigure their specs while not breaking contracts with hardware partners.  It's a tough spot.  


The PS4 is touting GaiKai, which may or not be a great deal.  MS is touting a more robust, built in Kinect experience.


Both with be powerful consoles.  but Microsoft may be giving up the edge in power this time, whereas the 360 routinely had better graphics and framerates than the PS3 last gen.


That alone may be the difference between two consoles that don't have a true loyalty base.  It's simply a spec war (numbers on paper. Pick which ones look best and go for it).


Xbox development "woes" will only help PS4.  the only thing that will hurt all next gen consoles (Wii U, PS4, Xbox) is that true next gen games will be more expensive to produce.  time is money.  And it will take modelers more time to work with many more polygons.  It will take texture artists much longer to work with far more pixels.  It will take the engine desgners longer to tap into every nook and cranny of the hardware.


That's just logic.


Interesting to see the new Xbox announcement as Microsoft is also not afraid of a few lies in terms of representing their product like Sony (4K screenshots anyone?), but Microsoft has gotten the marketing down pat.  they are VERY good at it.  I can imagine seeing some overpaid celebrity endorsing the system, etc. (like that sad, sad, Spanish tennis play that tweeted how great it was to be using a Samsung Galaxy S4... from his iPhone 5. I bet samsung is wanting their money back if they can't pay someone enough to prefer their product. LOL). But until we see the actual games being played off of actual hardware on an actual HDTV that anyone can buy, then it is hard to tell the truth from fiction anymore.


In short, the Xbox troubles mean nothing for PS4.  but it does sound like things aren't going as easily for MS as they'd have liked.  I guess they'll have to use the higher spec'd system now just to compete. and gamers will pay through the nose to do so.  Not just for the system, but for the poor souls that actually fall for the subsidy method...

#8 Plutonas



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Posted 01 May 2013 - 11:07 AM

microsoft will bankrupt if they buy "3rd party games" it will cost them millions.  They point there to cover up the ALWAYS ONLINE thing.. but I doubt that ANY GAME could change my mind.

#9 SoldMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums


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Posted 01 May 2013 - 08:23 PM

Still can't belive Microsoft ditched most of thier exclusives, I swear Xbox will just be a cable box one day, part of the reason I left. They were supposed to be console maker not an everything but maker, I'm staying with Ninty and Sony seriously, I love my Wii U and 3DS, PS4 is also starting to make me as exited as PS2, I just wish I had reason to get exited for Vita but Sony handhelds never really did it for me anyway I got Ninty for that, I seriously don't feel anything for Microsoft now, they just depress me when I think of them, seriously when I think of the next Xbox I throw up a little in my mouth.

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