Posted 03 May 2013 - 06:37 AM
Posted 03 May 2013 - 06:40 AM
I was expecting around November with MarioKart in October, but it's still the holiday season either way. Don't see how this was unexpected by any means.
Some people always have a cellphone on them. I'm so awesome I always have a 3DS.
Check out my blog! Portal's Portal
Posted 03 May 2013 - 06:46 AM
With as many titles as they're supposedly trying to bring out the later half of this year, it's not too surprising. We already know for the most part that Pikmin, Mario, Zelda WW, and Mario Kart will all be coming out this year.
I'm more interested in finding out things like when Bayonetta 2, X, Fire Emblem X Shin Megami Tensei, and Retro's new game are all coming out.
Posted 03 May 2013 - 06:51 AM
I really hope it isn't a sequel, sure, Mario Galaxy 2 was spectacular, but not again.
No matter what it is i'm going to enjoy it anyway. o3o
Posted 03 May 2013 - 07:01 AM
I really hope it isn't a sequel, sure, Mario Galaxy 2 was spectacular, but not again.
No matter what it is i'm going to enjoy it anyway. o3o
Yeah I'm also hoping for something other than another Galaxy
Games of The Moment
New Super Mario Bros. 2
Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door
Posted 03 May 2013 - 07:07 AM
I think we won't get anything else from Galaxy, I'm sure that they said 2 was the last one. Anyway, if it's true, I'm pretty excited.
Posted 03 May 2013 - 07:09 AM
Posted 03 May 2013 - 07:15 AM
I would like to see them try something new. The Galaxy games were great, and it would be awesome if they released those games in HD in the eshop down the road for $20-30, but the new Mario needs to be something completely new and fresh.
Posted 03 May 2013 - 07:16 AM
A Super Mario 64 like world hub would be cool. You could roam around, searching for your next level.
They will probably release the Mario/Mario Kart combo like they did with 3DS - and boy, did it help! But my wish is that, with Wind Waker already coming late this year, they should save Mario 3D or Mario Kart for next year, when PS4 and X720 will be down on shipments and new games (most likely).
Posted 03 May 2013 - 07:27 AM
Posted 03 May 2013 - 07:28 AM
NO GALAXY 3! I only accepted galaxy 2 because it was on the same console as galaxy 1 and they didn't manage to fill galaxy 1 with ideas they had, The game Must be different! I got bored of galaxy games due to it being the same game!
Also a 3D mario game doesn't take long to make, so i won't be shocked if it was coming in october.
I just wish for a more open world, like Bom-Bom Battlefield in Super Mario 64, it wasn't a *Point a to point b* game like galaxy and 3d land was. But because this game is made by the people who made galaxy and 3D land, i honostly don't have high hopes for it, don't get me wrong its obviously going to be a good game, it will be another galaxy game (the level design i mean) without the gravity.
Well, I've finally found my Starfox, and I love it.
Posted 03 May 2013 - 07:29 AM
Oh dear god, this Fall for the Wii U...
*starts saving millions of dollars for all the games*
Posted 03 May 2013 - 07:35 AM
NO GALAXY 3! I only accepted galaxy 2 because it was on the same console as galaxy 1 and they didn't manage to fill galaxy 1 with ideas they had, The game Must be different! I got bored of galaxy games due to it being the same game!
Also a 3D mario game doesn't take long to make, so i won't be shocked if it was coming in october.
I just wish for a more open world, like Bom-Bom Battlefield in Super Mario 64, it wasn't a *Point a to point b* game like galaxy and 3d land was. But because this game is made by the people who made galaxy and 3D land, i honostly don't have high hopes for it, don't get me wrong its obviously going to be a good game, it will be another galaxy game (the level design i mean) without the gravity.
I agree. The galaxy games had some great designs and all, but I hated how linear they were. I'd much see Miyamoto and Nintendo finally harness the power of their system and make a huge open world Mario platformer. A Mario 64 on an epic size and scale would just be amazing.
Posted 03 May 2013 - 08:14 AM
What's the difference between Galaxy and 64?
The gameplays's pretty much the same, do you just want a new setting/location?
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Posted 03 May 2013 - 08:15 AM
Hopefully it's a bit like Super Mario 64. If it comes in October, I might buy it day one!
Hi, my name is Alph. I live on a planet named Koppai. I am famous for saving my planet from starvation. My best friends are Brittany and Captain Olimar, NOT Captain Charlie. I like surfing the KopNet and playing Kopetball.
Posted 03 May 2013 - 08:16 AM
What's the difference between Galaxy and 64?
The gameplays's pretty much the same, do you just want a new setting/location?
Posted 03 May 2013 - 08:24 AM
.... Galaxy gameplay is quite different from 64. It had a lot of new mechanics that weren't there before.
How so?
Seems like just a different hub to me.
Jumping through paintings instead of star-cannons.
64 is more free-roam but it's still platforming.
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Posted 03 May 2013 - 08:37 AM
How so?
Seems like just a different hub to me.
Jumping through paintings instead of star-cannons.
64 is more free-roam but it's still platforming.
Posted 03 May 2013 - 08:42 AM
I think they'll do something new though. They did with every first 3D Mario game for a new generation.
N64: first 3D Mario
GC: island setting
Wii: Planet setting
Wii U: I hope they will come up with something cool. Sure, I'd buy Galaxy3 or Sunshine 2, and a back-to-basics SM64 style would be awesome as well. But the Galaxy team is one of Nintendo's best, I'm sure they can come up with something super creative.
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