As you know, Resident Evil 1 remake was only exclusive to the Nintendo Gamecube and still is, I never heard or played the original Resident Evil 1 until 'Resident Evil: Deadly Silence' on the DS, same game as the PS1. But the Resident Evil 1 remake really had me scared, its like they nailed what they originally intended to do without the hilarious and stupid voice actors. The atmousphere was scary as all hell when you walked into the graveyard, those crimsons really got me by surprise, back then I always shoot them in the chest instead of aiming for the head, and I payed the price and got my head cut off multiple times, also that Itchy Tasty diary was INSANE. Still the best and disturbing diary in a Resident Evil game.
While playing the Gamecube version first, the thing that I remembered the most was the insane looking monster that was once a innocent girl, Lisa Trevor. Lisa Trevor was not in the original game, and wow. Instead of putting her for scares because of her disturbing look, they really got a good backstory involving her and her parents in the mansion. I was hoping for her to return but I guess they dropped her in the plot for good. Oh well.
Hope Nintendo can announce the Gamecube VC so I can replay the game again.