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Bethesda does not confirm NOR deny the Wii U version of Wolfenstein:TheNewOrder

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#1 Julio93


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Posted 07 May 2013 - 08:54 PM

Just a few moments back, Bethesda announced the next chapter in the Wolfenstein franchise: The New Order. Bethesda have confirmed that the game will be arriving on PS3, Xbox 360 and PC. They also confirmed that it will be arriving on next generation consoles. But the question remains: what next gen consoles?


According to Bethesda’s Pete Hines, they are not being specific about which next gen console the game will hit on. Another question to be asked is whether the Wii U is really a next gen console now since it’s already been in the retail market for sometime.

Here is what Pete Hines said when asked about a Wii U version:

We (intentionally) aren’t being specific on what platforms “next-gen” covers. Stay tuned.

The Nintendo Wii U has not having a very good time at the moment. With very low software support and reputed game developers not supporting it. Nintendo has to do something to get out of this mess hole.

The Evil Within just like Wolfenstein: The New Order will be running on id Tech 5 and it is not coming on the Wii U.

What do you think? Will Wolfenstein: The New Order release on the Wii U?





Well that's nice of them, atleast they admitted that the Wii U is a next gen console and are not being jerks like EA or Epic Games.



#2 Keviin



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Posted 08 May 2013 - 12:33 AM

I think it will be released on it eventually.

No sig.

#3 AndyG


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Posted 08 May 2013 - 03:06 AM

It would be great if Bethesda showed a bit of love for the WiiU, i would much rather see an Elder Scrolls game appear as i am yet to play anything from the series but Wolvenstine would be a welcome addition.

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#4 DexterousGecko


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Posted 08 May 2013 - 05:44 AM

That's "nice" of them? Bethesda is not being nice, and their not saying Wii U is "next gen". It's just PR talk to keep everyone happy.


On a side note , Wolfenstein? really? *sigh* I'm looking forward to the day where games aren't just remakes of games I grew up with.

#5 Gamejunkie



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Posted 08 May 2013 - 11:00 AM

Well that's nice of them, atleast they admitted that the Wii U is a next gen console and are not being jerks like EA or Epic Games.

What ever opinions EA and Epic games have its their prerogative. That doesn't make them jerks. If you don't agree then fine but they doesn't mean you have to throw insults.

#6 routerbad



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Posted 08 May 2013 - 11:15 AM

What ever opinions EA and Epic games have its their prerogative. That doesn't make them jerks. If you don't agree then fine but they doesn't mean you have to throw insults.

Their opinions are one thing, they are trying to pass off obvious BS as fact, and it is completely insulting to anyone who knows anything about the industry.  That's a pretty jerkish thing to do.

#7 PyroKinesis



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Posted 08 May 2013 - 11:24 AM

I would be interested in this game... if it comes to the Wii U, that is.

#8 Colinx



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Posted 08 May 2013 - 11:34 AM

That's "nice" of them? Bethesda is not being nice, and their not saying Wii U is "next gen". It's just PR talk to keep everyone happy.


On a side note , Wolfenstein? really? *sigh* I'm looking forward to the day where games aren't just remakes of games I grew up with.

So because they're not saying it's next gen they're not being nice? Wii U isn't next gen technology. 


I love the last Wolfenstein and I think that it wasn't close to anything of a "remake" of the original. 


#9 routerbad



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Posted 08 May 2013 - 01:20 PM

So because they're not saying it's next gen they're not being nice? Wii U isn't next gen technology. 


I love the last Wolfenstein and I think that it wasn't close to anything of a "remake" of the original. 

When will you people stop repeating BS?


Wolfenstein was cool when I was a kid, everything since has been garbage, and its time to move on from the past.  It isn't a remake, but it is a reboot.

#10 DéliopT



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Posted 08 May 2013 - 01:26 PM

E3, maybe?



#11 Nollog


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Posted 08 May 2013 - 01:45 PM

What ever opinions EA and Epic games have its their prerogative. That doesn't make them jerks. If you don't agree then fine but they doesn't mean you have to throw insults.

Epic lol'd in a press conference when asked about the console.

EA canned a game pretty much finished for the console for no reason.


They ain't no professionals.


"We (intentionally) aren’t being specific on what platforms “next-gen” covers. Stay tuned."

Sounds like a no to me.

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#12 Colinx



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Posted 08 May 2013 - 01:48 PM

When will you people stop repeating BS?


Wolfenstein was cool when I was a kid, everything since has been garbage, and its time to move on from the past.  It isn't a remake, but it is a reboot.

First off, who is this "you people"? I'm just stating that Wii U isn't next gen technology. I never said that I don't classify as a next-generation system. I do, but the tech in it, isn't.

Edited by Colinx, 08 May 2013 - 01:48 PM.


#13 routerbad



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Posted 08 May 2013 - 02:34 PM

First off, who is this "you people"? I'm just stating that Wii U isn't next gen technology. I never said that I don't classify as a next-generation system. I do, but the tech in it, isn't.

Here's the problem, the tech in it, is.  As I have said multiple times, none of the technology, not the CPU, not the GPU, not the RAM, not NFC, not the wireless video standard, none of it, was available last gen.


The GPU is completely custom and completely new, with one component, programmable shaders, derived from an AMD reference that wasn't available last gen.  The shaders account for less than half of the GPU logic.


The CPU is a custom IBM chip based on Power7 architecture and uses the PowerISA2.06 instruction set, neither were available last gen.


DDR3 was not in production until two years after last gen started.


The GPU is 40nm, the CPU 45nm, a process that was not available at the start of last gen.


So, before you start talking about whether the tech is "last-gen" or not, actually look at the components and when the underlying technologies became available not commercially, but industrially, before making the statement.


And "you people" refers to a group of people who constantly parrot one another with baseless claims derived from ignorance.

Edited by routerbad, 08 May 2013 - 02:35 PM.

#14 Colinx



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Posted 08 May 2013 - 05:41 PM

Here's the problem, the tech in it, is.  As I have said multiple times, none of the technology, not the CPU, not the GPU, not the RAM, not NFC, not the wireless video standard, none of it, was available last gen.


The GPU is completely custom and completely new, with one component, programmable shaders, derived from an AMD reference that wasn't available last gen.  The shaders account for less than half of the GPU logic.


The CPU is a custom IBM chip based on Power7 architecture and uses the PowerISA2.06 instruction set, neither were available last gen.


DDR3 was not in production until two years after last gen started.


The GPU is 40nm, the CPU 45nm, a process that was not available at the start of last gen.


So, before you start talking about whether the tech is "last-gen" or not, actually look at the components and when the underlying technologies became available not commercially, but industrially, before making the statement.


And "you people" refers to a group of people who constantly parrot one another with baseless claims derived from ignorance.

So I guess everything thats in the PS4 is next-next gen, and everything in the PC is next-next-next gen, correct? To the visual eye. It's not a difference, which is clearly at the end of the day what matters and what I was referring to. 


I think its a bit ignorant of yourself to say I "constantly parrot one another with baseless claims derived from ignorance", is that seriously a joke? Constantly. The fact that you just called me ignorant and said I constantly make false claims based off of this one post is downright ludicrous.

Edited by Colinx, 08 May 2013 - 05:55 PM.


#15 routerbad



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Posted 08 May 2013 - 07:57 PM

So I guess everything thats in the PS4 is next-next gen, and everything in the PC is next-next-next gen, correct? To the visual eye. It's not a difference, which is clearly at the end of the day what matters and what I was referring to. 


I think its a bit ignorant of yourself to say I "constantly parrot one another with baseless claims derived from ignorance", is that seriously a joke? Constantly. The fact that you just called me ignorant and said I constantly make false claims based off of this one post is downright ludicrous.

Did I say that YOU constantly make claims?  Read it again, I was referring to a group of people that constantly parrot one another, when you started squawking, you joined the group.


Everything in the PS4 is based on the exact same technology as everything in the PS3, except the CPU in PS4 is based on a tablet core and the Wii U CPU is based on a supercomputer core, just sayin.


GDDR5, came out around the same time as DDR3

Northern Islands based GPU, same architecture and features as Southern Islands, iterative enhancements between core revisions.


As far as the end of your first line, I agree, there will be little difference visually.  Most of the time we won't be able to tell the difference between consoles and PC on multiplats this gen, until much later, when the GPU tech starts to actually advance again and we stop seeing $1000 GPU's that do exactly the same thing $150 GPU's do, and not even better, just faster.


(it has plateaued for quite a few years now, which is why instead of new features or technology in GPU's we keep seeing more shaders, or more VRAM, or more this or that, and it hasn't increased the visuals at all, it has just made framerates stupid high, which are a waste of resources and money, and would never be noticed when the frames are locked to 30 or 60 fps, a reason that too much power for the sake of having power is a silly investment if none of the games you are going to play are going to actually make that power worthwhile.)

Edited by routerbad, 08 May 2013 - 07:58 PM.

#16 Azure-Edge


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Posted 08 May 2013 - 08:18 PM

I wouldn't be getting my hopes up for anything Bethesda related. They've shown time and time again that they predominantly prefer to work on the PC and a little on the Xbox. Remember the PS3 versions of Fallout 3 and Skyrim? Because I do. (Well not Skyrim since I didn't buy it but I know of the issues.) Needless to say it was not a pretty sight, so just imagine how F'd up and lazy their WiiU version would be. 


#17 Colinx



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Posted 09 May 2013 - 10:36 AM

Did I say that YOU constantly make claims?  Read it again, I was referring to a group of people that constantly parrot one another, when you started squawking, you joined the group.


Everything in the PS4 is based on the exact same technology as everything in the PS3, except the CPU in PS4 is based on a tablet core and the Wii U CPU is based on a supercomputer core, just sayin.


GDDR5, came out around the same time as DDR3

Northern Islands based GPU, same architecture and features as Southern Islands, iterative enhancements between core revisions.


As far as the end of your first line, I agree, there will be little difference visually.  Most of the time we won't be able to tell the difference between consoles and PC on multiplats this gen, until much later, when the GPU tech starts to actually advance again and we stop seeing $1000 GPU's that do exactly the same thing $150 GPU's do, and not even better, just faster.


(it has plateaued for quite a few years now, which is why instead of new features or technology in GPU's we keep seeing more shaders, or more VRAM, or more this or that, and it hasn't increased the visuals at all, it has just made framerates stupid high, which are a waste of resources and money, and would never be noticed when the frames are locked to 30 or 60 fps, a reason that too much power for the sake of having power is a silly investment if none of the games you are going to play are going to actually make that power worthwhile.)

I still stand by my previous post. :)


#18 routerbad



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Posted 10 May 2013 - 07:21 AM

I still stand by my previous post. :)

To be clear, I agree with the primary point.


Though I wouldn't go as far as calling PS4 next-next gen, feature wise it has parity with the Wii U, and PC in fact.  They all have the same featureset, which means that they will all be capable of the same things, but to varying degrees.

#19 Colinx



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Posted 10 May 2013 - 10:26 AM

To be clear, I agree with the primary point.


Though I wouldn't go as far as calling PS4 next-next gen, feature wise it has parity with the Wii U, and PC in fact.  They all have the same featureset, which means that they will all be capable of the same things, but to varying degrees.

I was more so referring to the tech. Not as in the features that one has. Like I said, I consider it to be a next gen system, just not technology. To me its tech from 2005 just remade today. So obviously it would be better. 


#20 routerbad



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Posted 10 May 2013 - 10:38 AM

I was more so referring to the tech. Not as in the features that one has. Like I said, I consider it to be a next gen system, just not technology. To me its tech from 2005 just remade today. So obviously it would be better. 

The problem with what you're saying is that it isn't 2005 tech "remade today".  Most of the tech has never been available anywhere before, based on the highly customized nature of it.  Even if you consider what the tech was based on, HD6XXX wasn't available until December 2010 (the E6760 wasn't available until 2012) and the Power7 wasn't available until 2010.  DDR3 wasn't available until late 2007.


Not much has changed since then either, the basis for those technologies are still being used for the likes of HD7XXX and HD8XXX, the only difference being more of the same.

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