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Have you or someone you knew ever had a near death experience?

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#1 Julio93


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Posted 08 May 2013 - 06:54 PM

In 2008 my mom almost died, I still remember till this day, it was in the morning, and I heard my dad saying 'Amanda! Amanda! Amanda!' I got up and wanted to know what is going on, he was doing CPR to my mom and looked at me and his eyes were red with tears.  He said 'Please go to your room!' in Spanish, then my aunts woke up and heard him screaming louder, I heard cries and my kind aunt bursed into my room crying and layed next to me 'Your mother is dead!" In Spanish, she kept crying by my side and I heard what she said, but didn't respond, in my head I was like "My mom...Is dead?....It must be a dream.....It must be a......." I woke up and screamed at my family "CALL AN AMBULANCE! ITS NOT TOO LATE!" The paramedics arrived and took my mom to the hospital, thankfully she was alive. We didn't know what was the cause, she wasn't breathing at all, I celebrated my mom's birthday which was today, I still am thankful she's still alive, I know she won't be there for me forever. So I best make use of the time we have.


Last year, I also almost died, I had a rough day while meeting some familiar faces and I was just resting in my bed. Suddenly i felt like my arm dislocated, it stopped for several minutes, but then when the sun was down, I felt like I couldn't even breath, so I went to my computer and I still felt low on oxygen, at first I thought it was my mom's cooking but I panicked and told my mom while I was holding my heart. She panicked when she saw me struggling to breath, she told my dad to take me to the hospital, while driving my dad was trying to lighten up the mood like "You sure we can't turn back because I don't want to pay for something you're faking." In Spanish. I was really angry when he started doing that since I felt like I was about to die, we arrived and the doctors kept questioning me that if I smoke, they kept saying that and I really wasn't in the mood to be joking around and I didn't want to raise my voice at them. They told us its a thing that most people go through, in short 'They don't know.'


So after that happened, 3 weeks later my landlord ordered someone to drill an alarm in the middle of the house. I asked him "What is this alarm for?" He replied "Oh, this alarm is required by state law that everyone should have in their homes." I said "What does it detect?" "He replied "A deadly toxin that you can't see, can't taste and can't smell that can slowly make you feel weak and kill you unless you go get fresh air." That hit me, I looked it up and I was shocked that THAT was the thing that almost killed me instead of a common heart attack. So whenever I hear that alarm which was only once, I just alarm everyone to get outside the house until its gone.



#2 dante👌


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Posted 08 May 2013 - 07:05 PM

Well i myself haven't had a near death experience, but a friend of mine had an experience when he was younger, He was Dead for 10 minutes then brought back to life, I don't know the full story but that's what he told me.

#3 BrosBeforeGardenTools


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Posted 08 May 2013 - 07:07 PM

Keep in mind I likely do have schizophrenia or at least a little of it. But I was having hallucinations and was taken to the hospital for them and while at the hospital, God came to me and told me that the hallucinations I was having were given from Him and were visions of what the world would be like if people didn't change their ways. I talked to God for a long time and about many things. Eventually I said, God I don't want to have these visions anymore, and both God and the visions from Him left.

This isn't exactly a near death experience, but it's the closest I've had to one.

#4 Robotic Sunshine Commander

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Posted 08 May 2013 - 07:39 PM

Amazing story..... My girlfriend almost died recently... she almost got hit by a big truck that was swerving down the road. I'm thankful she is still here today.

My mother has also had a really near death experience, but i don't talk about that with anyone...

Also, i wish your mom a happy birthday.


#5 Byakuya Togami

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Posted 08 May 2013 - 08:32 PM

I was in a car wreck when I was about four. I wasn't hurt, but it was a pretty bad wreck and I was lucky that I wasn't harmed.

#6 BanjoKazooie


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Posted 09 May 2013 - 02:05 AM

One time I was trying to light a bonfire for my dad, and it was wet outside. So I went up to my garage and got a red bin of gasoline. I poured a little on just to get it going. I lit the fire, watched for a minute (standing next to the bin of gas) I saw a stream of fire shoot out of the fire and straight ingots gas bin, I though " OH SHIZ" I thought I was going to die (the bin was nearly full)I jumped, expecting an explosion behind me to kill me. But, the bin just had a little POOF, and burned slowly. I later found out it was a mix of gasoline and oil, I had grabbed the wrong bin. Thank god I did, or I would either be dead, or have 3rd degree burns covering my body.


I was once known here as KillerMario, but since I really like Banjo-Kazooie, I changed my display name to show them my respect :)

#7 Big Boss

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Posted 09 May 2013 - 04:55 AM

I've almost drowned twice, and one of those times wasn't in water.

#8 SoldMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums


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Posted 09 May 2013 - 09:01 PM

My friend nearly sliced his foot off, he nearly bled to death, I still don't know how it happend.

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