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Nintendo looking at the mobile gaming industry is a GOOD thing.

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#21 DéliopT



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Posted 13 May 2013 - 02:03 PM

They have said that they are making free to play possible on WiiU (I think that was also at GDC) including support for microtransactions.  There is already a game on the eShop like that for 3DS.


They mentioned it again during the last Financial Q&A aswell.

There`s already one game for Wii U. That pinball game. I just want to Nintendo using the time they have left before PS4 and X720 to really start positioning Wii U - and 3DS too - as the console of choice for that kind of games.

They are already in a good position with Indies. Got to take anothe step in that direction!



#22 ZombiCarolyn



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Posted 13 May 2013 - 03:32 PM

why would it be a bad thing?

#23 SoldMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums


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Posted 14 May 2013 - 01:11 PM

I supose it's a good thing for those few awesome gems on the App Store, I just hope the price transitions with the games that would make it even better, I'm not paying £5 for a £1 game.

#24 Cozmo


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Posted 14 May 2013 - 10:45 PM

I don't know about this...I really don't. If they are upscaled and have the controllesof the game pad wit the dpad then maaaaybe. Also a seperat catagory for them to keep the indie games and those ones seperate BC I don't want to sift througha crap ton of crappy games to find my good indie ones.

I don't want he shop to tun into a dumpster filled with bad iOS games. I like the way it is now with good indie games.

#25 dustinb12


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Posted 15 May 2013 - 05:38 AM

No i dont have an iPhone. that said, from the outside looking in (not bashin just sayin) have you ever watched some of these smartphone folks closely? They are hopelessly hooked on these silly little fonky glitched out games. i work with 50 year old men who go hide to play all manner of games from angry birds to zombie 18 wheeler something or other. These are the same folks who all my life teased that i like mario, zelda, etc. Now throw out a few small mario titles, Star Fox, F-Zero and let them see what quality Nintendo brings. We all know Nintendo is waaayy behind, I don't see cutting loose a few games in the app store being a bad thing.

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#26 NintendoReport



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Posted 15 May 2013 - 05:44 AM

i don't want to play angry birds or any rubbish like that !


a proper console should have proper full size games !


I understand your point, and the console will have proper full size games but the news here is good especially for perhaps indie devs or smaller companies who want to publish their work on a larger install base catered more to gaming then fart sound boards, and talking tom cats.


P.S. Angry birds trilogy is already headed to Wii U I think in Q3.  :P

Edited by Sorceror12, 15 May 2013 - 05:46 AM.

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