alright time to lay aside some of the xbox one drama and companies changing their minds in a sheer hour. If you played telltales poker night 1 or poker night 2 what characters do you want in (if they make) poker night 3
Poker night 1 had:
Heavy (TF2)
Max (Sam and Max)
Strong Bad (homestar runner)
tyco (penny arcade)
poker night 1 didn't have a dealer from a game
Poker night 2 had
Sam (sam and max)
CL4PTRAP (borderlands)
GLaDOS (portal-she's a dealer not a player)
ash (army of darkness)
Brock Sampson (Venture Bros)
and of course every game had the guy who owns the observatory
My personal picks are:
Eddie Rigs (Brutal Legend-Possible)
Bob (Bobs Burgers-possible)
Captain Smiley (Comic Jumper-Very Unlikely)
Duke Nukem (Duh Duke Nukem-likely)
Pyro (TF2-should be the dealer-likely)
what are yours