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Why 3rd party exclusive is a good thing for developers and game experience.

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#1 Julio93


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Posted 27 May 2013 - 12:49 PM

I know this gen everyone hates Nintendo for making their favorite game an exclusive to Nintendo consoles and boycott the living hell out of it and whine on twitter and making useless petitions. But these cry babies need to realized that this is a better way than making it multiplatform.

Having it exclusive means developers have the time with sticking with only 1 console without being hassled making it again running on another system. Remember when Final Fantasy XIII was released and everyone was blaming it becoming multiplatform? It was originally only a Ps3 exclusive then all of a sudden its releasing on the 360, same goes for Devil May Cry 4. Could it be better if it was only on Ps3? absolutely, (luckily the next FF title will be only for PS4.) same with the Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm series, when the sequel was also available on the 360 it has gotten worse and just downright lazy for 3 games straight having the same game play mechanics and yet the first game was way better than the current ones. having 3rd party exclusives is a great thing instead of having 1 platform slightly better than the other like they have been doing for 3 years, look at the history of 3rd party exclusives, they were all amazing. Metal Gear Solid 4 is only on Ps3, Instead of whining like everyone else is doing this gen, what did i do? I bought the damn console. I bought a PS3 just for that game because I absolutely love the series, and till this day its still a Playstation 3 exclusive, while having a Ps3 i had a chance to play other amazing titles that are only on Ps3, even exclusive content, currently I'm waiting for Tails of Xillia only on Ps3.

I grew tired of playing games on my Ps3 2 years ago because there weren't any exclusives that were 3rd party, every game came out on both platforms and I thought i was gonna stick with Nintendo or move back to PC with their mods.

I want you to ask yourselves this: Would Kingdom Hearts be a better game if it became multiplatform instead of focusing on one system? Would Sonic Unleashed be a better game if it was only on 1 platform like Sonic Colors? Would Bayonetta 2 be satisfying if it was on all platforms knowing that the PS3 version is inferior regardless? Think about it before you make these useless rants about exclusivity is unfair.




#2 BrosBeforeGardenTools


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Posted 27 May 2013 - 12:52 PM

I'm torn. On the one hand, sometimes trying to port the game ruins one port or all of them. On the other, when porting works well, we get a good game on all consoles.

#3 BlueBlur


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Posted 27 May 2013 - 12:56 PM

I know this gen everyone hates Nintendo for making their favorite game an exclusive to Nintendo consoles and boycott the living hell out of it and whine on twitter and making useless petitions. But these cry babies need to realized that this is a better way than making it multiplatform.

Having it exclusive means developers have the time with sticking with only 1 console without being hassled making it again running on another system. Remember when Final Fantasy XIII was released and everyone was blaming it becoming multiplatform? It was originally only a Ps3 exclusive then all of a sudden its releasing on the 360, same goes for Devil May Cry 4. Could it be better if it was only on Ps3? absolutely, (luckily the next FF title will be only for PS4.) same with the Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm series, when the sequel was also available on the 360 it has gotten worse and just downright lazy for 3 games straight having the same game play mechanics and yet the first game was way better than the current ones. having 3rd party exclusives is a great thing instead of having 1 platform slightly better than the other like they have been doing for 3 years, look at the history of 3rd party exclusives, they were all amazing. Metal Gear Solid 4 is only on Ps3, Instead of whining like everyone else is doing this gen, what did i do? I bought the damn console. I bought a PS3 just for that game because I absolutely love the series, and till this day its still a Playstation 3 exclusive, while having a Ps3 i had a chance to play other amazing titles that are only on Ps3, even exclusive content, currently I'm waiting for Tails of Xillia only on Ps3.

I grew tired of playing games on my Ps3 2 years ago because there weren't any exclusives that were 3rd party, every game came out on both platforms and I thought i was gonna stick with Nintendo or move back to PC with their mods.

I want you to ask yourselves this: Would Kingdom Hearts be a better game if it became multiplatform instead of focusing on one system? Would Sonic Unleashed be a better game if it was only on 1 platform like Sonic Colors? Would Bayonetta 2 be satisfying if it was on all platforms knowing that the PS3 version is inferior regardless? Think about it before you make these useless rants about exclusivity is unfair.


#4 Mushlikeahusky1


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Posted 27 May 2013 - 06:41 PM

When life gives you lemons buy consoles.

#5 SoldMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums


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Posted 28 May 2013 - 03:51 PM

I'm looking forward to the Wii U exclsive games, they all look awesome :D

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