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HELP! Official Sales Statistics

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#1 Penguin101


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Posted 08 July 2013 - 01:52 AM

I'm currently working on an article and I need up to date sales statistics for the Wii U, VG Chartz is completely and utterly outdated. I used to be able to find the sales statistics on Nintendo's corporate website, but can't anymore. Last time I checked in March they were roughly 3.62 million and VG Chartz has them at 3.19million still.


Does ANYONE have a link to up to date data?

#2 Arkhandar


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Posted 08 July 2013 - 04:46 AM

VGChartz is anything but reliable. Use it just a trivial site to check on weekly sales.

If you try to fail and succeed, which have you done?

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#3 Rockodoodle


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Posted 08 July 2013 - 05:34 AM

It looks like they are selling 25k per week. If you do the math, I think they are around 4m units sold. They are projected to be at 6m for the whole year.  Xbone and PS4 will have similar launch numbers as Wii U.....

#4 Penguin101


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Posted 08 July 2013 - 05:45 AM


It looks like they are selling 25k per week. If you do the math, I think they are around 4m units sold. They are projected to be at 6m for the whole year.  Xbone and PS4 will have similar launch numbers as Wii U.....


I'm hoping, HOPING, that Wii U can reach 5 - 6 million by November 18th (one full year for the Wii U), and I hope they sell 3 million more+ between then and 18th January 2014. I'm sure that the combination of Wind Waker, Mario 3D World, DK Tropical Freeze, Batman: Arkham Origins, Watch_Dogs, COD: Ghosts will draw in enough gamers, plus I'm hoping that a lot of soccer moms will be buying a Wii U not only for their kids but for Wii Fit U (yes I know, booo) because even if it's a large majority buying Wii U this christmas for a casual game like Wii Fit U, it'll boost the install base enough for publishers to release 3rd party games on the Wii U, thus in turn attracting core gamers and growing the core install base. 


But one can only dream. One thing they need to do is start advertising on public transport and TV. Parents aren't going to be watching Nintendo directs to know about the Wii U, They're going to need TV, newspapers, and public transport billboards. Words and phrases like "brand" "new" "console" are welcome.

Edited by Penguin101, 08 July 2013 - 05:47 AM.

#5 Goodtwin


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Posted 08 July 2013 - 06:48 AM

I'm hoping, HOPING, that Wii U can reach 5 - 6 million by November 18th (one full year for the Wii U), and I hope they sell 3 million more+ between then and 18th January 2014. I'm sure that the combination of Wind Waker, Mario 3D World, DK Tropical Freeze, Batman: Arkham Origins, Watch_Dogs, COD: Ghosts will draw in enough gamers, plus I'm hoping that a lot of soccer moms will be buying a Wii U not only for their kids but for Wii Fit U (yes I know, booo) because even if it's a large majority buying Wii U this christmas for a casual game like Wii Fit U, it'll boost the install base enough for publishers to release 3rd party games on the Wii U, thus in turn attracting core gamers and growing the core install base. 


But one can only dream. One thing they need to do is start advertising on public transport and TV. Parents aren't going to be watching Nintendo directs to know about the Wii U, They're going to need TV, newspapers, and public transport billboards. Words and phrases like "brand" "new" "console" are welcome.


I think thats exactly whats going to happen.  Wii U is going to have another great holiday season, but I dont expect sales to change much prior to the holiday season.  The difference will be that once there are a handful of quality exclusives on the platform, then the sales shouldnt tank so bad after the holiday season.  I am expecting 7-8 million Wii U's sold by the end of this year, and then come the new year, sales should stabilize around 50-75k per week.  Once Mario Kart releases, then things will really pick back up, with Smash Bros carrying the momentum even further.  You would assume that the 3DS market is a pretty good indication of the market that Nintendo can target.  If there are over 30 million consumers who bought a 3DS, then tjhe market for Nintendo games should still be pretty large.  If nobody wanted to play Nintendo games anymore, then I seriously doubt the 3DS would be so popular.   

#6 Rockodoodle


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Posted 08 July 2013 - 01:19 PM

That's the ray of hope for Nintendo. And, I think they can still tap into the Wii users. Comparing the graphics from one system to the next- IMO pretty compelling, especially if it has been five years since you updated and you see your friends' Xbox, PS3. An updated version of Wii Sports might be popular.  And I think Mario Party and/or Wii U party....  That's what's selling on mobile- simple games that don't require all that much thought or effort.    



I think thats exactly whats going to happen.  Wii U is going to have another great holiday season, but I dont expect sales to change much prior to the holiday season.  The difference will be that once there are a handful of quality exclusives on the platform, then the sales shouldnt tank so bad after the holiday season.  I am expecting 7-8 million Wii U's sold by the end of this year, and then come the new year, sales should stabilize around 50-75k per week.  Once Mario Kart releases, then things will really pick back up, with Smash Bros carrying the momentum even further.  You would assume that the 3DS market is a pretty good indication of the market that Nintendo can target.  If there are over 30 million consumers who bought a 3DS, then tjhe market for Nintendo games should still be pretty large.  If nobody wanted to play Nintendo games anymore, then I seriously doubt the 3DS would be so popular.   

Might want to take  a look here- just mainly projections from an analyst.  He actually thinks that Nintendo will miss so badly that it will almost demand a major shift in strategy.



#7 SoldMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums


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Posted 09 July 2013 - 04:09 PM

Hold on Nintendo took the sales figures off of thier corporate website? Are they hiding something?

#8 Plutonas



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Posted 11 July 2013 - 01:48 AM

here it is, but they didnt renew it, since march!?  http://www.nintendo....soft/index.html

#9 Desert Punk

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Posted 12 July 2013 - 12:41 PM

wii must be over 100 million now. Important to note that some statistics (like from the manufacturer) may be how many they have shipped and some statistics (from retail sources) may be how many are actually sold to customers. There can still be a lot of unsold stock in retail channels.


So realistically if Nintendo say 4 million sold it could be 3.6 million in homes and 400,000 still to be sold. Some retailers also may not give out numbers sold.

#10 thechamp80



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Posted 15 July 2013 - 03:58 PM

Hold on Nintendo took the sales figures off of thier corporate website? Are they hiding something?

They don't want to show embarrassing sales stats I'm guessing.

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