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How much install memory is there on the Premium?

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#1 Keviin



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Posted 19 September 2013 - 10:29 AM

I heard the day 1 update was 4GB already, and there's likely also some unusable space on there. So how much storage is there actually in the '32' GB version? Games nowadays can get up to 8+ GB, which would leave room for no more than 4 games...

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#2 Nollog


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Posted 19 September 2013 - 10:44 AM

Iwata cleared this up before launch didn't he?
In a video where he told more truth than the other companies did in the last 70 years combined.


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#3 TriplePower



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Posted 19 September 2013 - 11:59 AM

If you plan to get games digitally, you'll just have to buy an external drive sooner or later. It's inevitable.

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#4 Keviin



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Posted 20 September 2013 - 12:36 AM

Iwata cleared this up before launch didn't he?
In a video where he told more truth than the other companies did in the last 70 years combined.



Didn't know about this link, thanks. So that leaves me with 25 GB... WW is below 2GB so I guess I'm not in trouble when I buy the WWHD pack. I don't plan on downloading games (except for demos/smaller games maybe) so it's no big deal I think.

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#5 cannonshane


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Posted 20 September 2013 - 04:28 AM

You will fit a few full games on it. But it doesn't hurt to have a hdd hooked up. Considering they are so cheap these says.

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#6 Nollog


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Posted 20 September 2013 - 06:05 AM

Didn't know about this link, thanks. So that leaves me with 25 GB... WW is below 2GB so I guess I'm not in trouble when I buy the WWHD pack. I don't plan on downloading games (except for demos/smaller games maybe) so it's no big deal I think.

Most demos are around a jiggabyte each.

I wonder how big wii fit will be, with nintendo's warnings about it not fitting on a white console.

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#7 Hank Hill

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Posted 20 September 2013 - 06:26 AM

Like everybody else has said, there should be about 25-26GB worth of space after the updates.


If you plan on downloading a fair amount of games, I'd buy either a large flash drive or HDD for cheap. I think a 320GB HDD goes for around $50 nowadays.



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#8 ifrit05


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Posted 20 September 2013 - 08:10 AM

Most demos are around a jiggabyte each.

Jiggabyte? You sound like my aunt talking about computers lol. 

you mean Gigabyte


But yeah, i have a few games internally installed and have about 8GB's left. Get a 500GB external HDD, they're cheap and you could store a lot of games on that. 


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#9 Nollog


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Posted 20 September 2013 - 10:09 AM

Jiggabyte? You sound like my aunt talking about computers lol. 
you mean Gigabyte
But yeah, i have a few games internally installed and have about 8GB's left. Get a 500GB external HDD, they're cheap and you could store a lot of games on that.

no, I mean Jiggabyte

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