The Fanboy/ Fangirl Awards!
Posted 28 September 2011 - 11:16 PM
If you have any questions, please come and ask away!
^Click it
^I agree with this guy
You know you want to! 'Tis leaked Nintendo information!
Posted 29 September 2011 - 08:38 AM
- StreetPassWanter likes this

Posted 29 September 2011 - 06:08 PM
Cus Me and Wertville= biggest MegaTen fans, and I'm the biggest Pokemon fanI have one question. why do I not have all the awards already?
Edited by Lord N, 29 September 2011 - 06:09 PM.
Games that refuse to use Gameplay effectively to do anything are like films that refuse to use cinematography in film to do anything.
NNID: Lord of Grape Juice /PSN: Nderbert/Steam: Harmonius EX
Posted 29 September 2011 - 06:32 PM
Trophy Cards are classy too! LOLZIGZAGOON
Posted 30 September 2011 - 03:25 AM

Posted 30 September 2011 - 07:16 AM
Y U LIE?I am the biggest Zelda Fan on this site.

Posted 30 September 2011 - 01:47 PM
I don't lie, I speak the truth!Y U LIE?

Posted 01 October 2011 - 05:58 AM
Ahem, I've got 7 reasons of why I am the biggest Zelda Fan.I am the biggest Zelda Fan on this site.
1) I WRITE IN GREEN! What Zelda fan doesn't do that?!
2) I've created a Skyward Sig Shop, with SIXTEEN sigs!
3) I am going to make a log of my adventures in Skyward Sword.
4) I check the news everyday on zeldadungeon.net and zeldainformer.com
5) I'm going as Link for Halloween! >: D
6) Did I already mention the SIXTEEN sigs? You're using one of them!
7) I think Princess Zelda is HOT!

Edited by Link, 01 October 2011 - 05:58 AM.
- PK-Gaming likes this
Posted 01 October 2011 - 08:59 AM
You celebrate Zelda when a new game comes out, I do it all year round.Ahem, I've got 7 reasons of why I am the biggest Zelda Fan.
1) I WRITE IN GREEN! What Zelda fan doesn't do that?!
2) I've created a Skyward Sig Shop, with SIXTEEN sigs!
3) I am going to make a log of my adventures in Skyward Sword.
4) I check the news everyday on zeldadungeon.net and zeldainformer.com
5) I'm going as Link for Halloween! >: D
6) Did I already mention the SIXTEEN sigs? You're using one of them!
7) I think Princess Zelda is HOT!
1)I stay up till 3A.M. trying to make a timeline that makes sense.
2)I replay the original Zelda once a month.
3)I stopped checking the news because I want it all to be a surprise when I play Skyward Sword.
4)I've had Skyward Sword pre-ordered since 2009.
5)I once opened the original game on the 3DS just to listen to the title music until the battery went red.
6)I also plan on logging my progress in Skyward Sword.
7)I want to go as Link for Halloween, but my parents don't like ordering costumes on the internet.
8)I plan on getting a job at EAD group 3(any Zelda fan should know what that is).
9)You have a Link avatar for a few months just for one game. I always have a Link avatar.
10)My most watched video on YouTube is the Zelda theme.
11)I'm currently listening to a ten hour loop of the Song of Storms.
12)I'm always drawing Triforces on my school work, and even replace the A in my name with a Triforce.
13)I currently spend my weekends hunting for copies of the Oracle Games, which would complete my Zelda collection.
14)I once hummed the Song of Storms, and it began to rain.
15)Princess Zelda thinks I'm hot.
Edited by Andy, 01 October 2011 - 09:54 AM.
- PK-Gaming likes this

Posted 01 October 2011 - 12:12 PM
Uhh.... that isn't a reason.15)Princess Zelda thinks Link hot.
It's call making a home-made costume. HOME-MADE!!! I even learned how to sew because of it. (I hate doing that, though)7)I want to go as Link for Halloween, but my parents don't like ordering costumes on the internet.
Edited by Link, 01 October 2011 - 12:13 PM.
Posted 01 October 2011 - 12:13 PM
Well, not all of us can be great.Gee Andy, I wish I was as big a Zelda fan as you are.
Edited by Andy, 01 October 2011 - 12:17 PM.

Posted 01 October 2011 - 12:18 PM
Uhhh... how did I lie?U LIE!!!! I once played the ocarina in OoT3D and the rain stopped (Zelda's Lullaby). No, seriously.

Posted 01 October 2011 - 12:53 PM
Alright, since I'm behind.
I hereby proclaim ANDY. The ultimate fanboy, sorry Link, you just weren't fanboy enough.

Posted 03 October 2011 - 08:06 PM
Get your books of Mudora at the ready, coz you'll need all the knowledge to pass:
Trophy Cards are classy too! LOLZIGZAGOON
Posted 11 October 2011 - 04:44 PM

Posted 11 October 2011 - 05:06 PM
Posted 13 October 2011 - 10:47 PM
I mean, he tells everyone he is the resident Pokefreak.
And one time I had to use a chilloutdude.jpg against him.
It was a critical hit.
It was Ultra Effective.
Lord N blacked out...
I stole $20 of him. hehehe.
Trophy Cards are classy too! LOLZIGZAGOON
Posted 15 October 2011 - 02:55 PM
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