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Capcom and next gen

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#1 itogi



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Posted 20 October 2013 - 09:58 AM

http://gaminrealm.co...xt-gen-fighter/ This what you get for overpricing DLC, Milking games and not listening to your fans. I wonder who Capcom going to blame it to?



#2 zealduke



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Posted 20 October 2013 - 03:55 PM

i used to love capcom back in the early 90's.  It's a shame to see what they've turned into and now this is happening...

#3 Auzzie Wingman

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Posted 21 October 2013 - 12:13 AM

It sucks. Capcom has such a great range of games to choose from, but no longer have the funding to continue making a lot more titles. Although games like Ace Attorney 5 will be great, it's a niche game and you won't get scores of people playing it, so it won't be that much of a surplus.


Not gonna say that Mega Man was the be all and end all of Capcom, but a 3DS Online Battle Network, Mega Man X9 or a new Mega Man altogether that is really good all-round would be of interest. Mega Man Legends 3 is too much of a sore spot though to consider reviving.


I don't want Capcom to die though.

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#4 DéliopT



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Posted 21 October 2013 - 03:21 PM

That response doesn`t clarify. Is it financial resources or human resources?



#5 tboss



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Posted 21 October 2013 - 03:41 PM

not really that surprised, very few good games comming out from them lately. they will probly be bought up like THQ in a few years. nintendo is more likly to buy in to capcom but i dont think they well. might go for just monster hunter. other okay choices include mega man and resident evil, both of which would do well on nintys platforms, but i dont see eather of those happening.

#6 Aiddon



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Posted 21 October 2013 - 07:14 PM

http://gaminrealm.co...xt-gen-fighter/ This what you get for overpricing DLC, Milking games and not listening to your fans. I wonder who Capcom going to blame it to?


uh, that Tweet is taken SEVERELY out of context. It has more to do with Ono's team, not CAPCOM as a whole and MANPOWER, not money. Furthermore, if CAPCOM is going under then companies like Square Enix, EA, Take 2, and Sony (especially Sony) should have been dead AGES ago. CAPCOM is not doing that bad, they're about on the same level as SEGA right now; they need to improve, but it won't be an uphill battle unlike Sony's messy state. The guy who wrote this article obviously thought taking five minutes to learn the situation was too much trouble. A fine example of sloppy research

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