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#1 loppislax



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Posted 01 November 2013 - 04:25 PM

Oh gosh, I've always been awful with introduction posts. I'm just a 27 year old random swedish guy who likes collecting vintage stuff and retro video games. I also enjoy painting every now and then.


I've been a Wii U owner for almost a year and I have been neglecting it quite a lot. But I started to play with more now recently with all the new awesome games coming out soon.

So yeah, there ain't much to say about me really. :) I will for the most part probably be a lurker but I will also post every now and then. This seems like a pretty cool and friendly place too.

#2 Lykes


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Posted 02 November 2013 - 08:03 AM

Hey, there!
One more European, very nice! :D (I am German. ^^)

Although it's not good to hear that you neglected the purchase of your Wii U, I like to read that you have been able to get back to it by playing several games. This really strengthens my interest in the Wii U because I am going to buy it at the end of the month.

Well, I guess, you're not PewDiePie, right? :D Because... you are Swedish. :P
Bad joke besides, sorry. :D

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