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#1 HaHa-No


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Posted 04 November 2011 - 01:52 PM

Well... opinions on schools really :b.

Shall I chat about my weird as hell classmates? I'm guilty as accused of being odd as well, but still...
Anywho, the majority of my class has no appreciation of real games, and spend their lives on CoD swearing when they get killed or playing doodle jump and Angry Birds (which are, admittedly fun for a while). There's also 27 different personalities in the class, one each! Consider the fact a 10 year old heavy metal fan who reads yaoi and a 11 year old girl who reads her mums gossip magazines, listens to pop and dance are best friends in this class :b. See what I mean? We're also all tiny or huge. I'm short and can only grow hair on my head, my friend Jake is tiny, and Balanna even more so. Then there's Declan who's already hair all over the place and is about 4 1/2 feet tall. Somebody called Lewis (who, albeit I'm friends with) has tin cans in his pockets and wears glasses with mirrors in case a gangster tries to kill him (who is also either a pervert or attracted to me as he strokes me, hugs me and go's on about my (sexy) eyes and (amazing) hair all day). Then there's looks themselves. One kid is stunting his growth because he's developing a six pack, has short hair and is growing stubble. And then there's me, who's wiry, has long hair and a ridiculously clean face. Half the girls in my class have dyed their hair as a rainbow and now complain when boys call them lesbians.

Do you see why I complain about my school being odd?

Now, spill the gossip on your school, oh yes, I forgot, one of the guys in my class has kissed 5 different girls on the lips, who IS a pervert.


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#2 Starrgrl24



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Posted 04 November 2011 - 02:20 PM

I go to college, and it's not as bad as your school. What the crap.

I'm just your average overachiever/talented musician with no friends. I am far too busy to socialize with anyone at my college which is why I don't go partying or drinking. I am quite thankful for that. :P I have hung out with people twice, but that's because I wanted to be nice. I'm actually quite happy people invite me to hang out. (I guess I do have friends, but I ignore them most of the time) Back in high school though, people avoided me and never bothered to let me hang out with them. Being in a small building full of musicians is pretty great. :)

The people at the music department are very friendly and sometimes when they have nothing better to do, they talk to me. I do enjoy it most of the time. Even the professors are great. Sure no one gets more than 6 hours of sleep, but everyone is pretty darn enthusiastic. xD There are no video gamers, but I can still relate to them because they're music majors like me. I only have one friend who is doing computer gaming as major.

Speaking of computer gaming, that same friend allowed me to be in his video game development group for an upcoming competition. I will be the composer and I have already started working on the music.

I also trap myself in the small practice room for 4-5 hours a day, playing the same music over and over again until it's perfect. It's tiring...but I seem to do fine when I take short breaks and do stretches. Music majors like me usually aren't supposed to have an online life, but I totally changed that. lol

Yeah, I guess that's all I have to say.

Edited by starrgrl24, 04 November 2011 - 02:21 PM.

#3 Garolymar



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Posted 04 November 2011 - 02:41 PM

You got quite an interesting bunch of classmates there Mr.No.
I don't really remember much from Elementary and I didn't do much in highschool, The only thing I remember is that some girl died while I was attending the latter so there is that, all the rest is kind of one gray blob of days that I dreaded getting up in the morning for. It was a pretty nauseating 4 years, glad it's finally over with, I'm no good in crowds so if I had to spend anymore time there I'd probably go insane.
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#4 nintendo3DS


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Posted 04 November 2011 - 03:18 PM

Well... opinions on schools really :b.

Shall I chat about my weird as hell classmates? I'm guilty as accused of being odd as well, but still...
Anywho, the majority of my class has no appreciation of real games, and spend their lives on CoD swearing when they get killed or playing doodle jump and Angry Birds (which are, admittedly fun for a while). There's also 27 different personalities in the class, one each! Consider the fact a 10 year old heavy metal fan who reads yaoi and a 11 year old girl who reads her mums gossip magazines, listens to pop and dance are best friends in this class :b. See what I mean? We're also all tiny or huge. I'm short and can only grow hair on my head, my friend Jake is tiny, and Balanna even more so. Then there's Declan who's already hair all over the place and is about 4 1/2 feet tall. Somebody called Lewis (who, albeit I'm friends with) has tin cans in his pockets and wears glasses with mirrors in case a gangster tries to kill him (who is also either a pervert or attracted to me as he strokes me, hugs me and go's on about my (sexy) eyes and (amazing) hair all day). Then there's looks themselves. One kid is stunting his growth because he's developing a six pack, has short hair and is growing stubble. And then there's me, who's wiry, has long hair and a ridiculously clean face. Half the girls in my class have dyed their hair as a rainbow and now complain when boys call them lesbians.

Do you see why I complain about my school being odd?

Now, spill the gossip on your school, oh yes, I forgot, one of the guys in my class has kissed 5 different girls on the lips, who IS a pervert.

Ugh. Why do 10 year old's play CoD? When I was 10, all I played was Pokemon, Mario, and Yu-Gi-Oh. What happened to the good old days? :/

#5 Wertville


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Posted 04 November 2011 - 06:36 PM

Ugh. Why do 10 year old's play CoD? When I was 10, all I played was Pokemon, Mario, and Yu-Gi-Oh. What happened to the good old days? :/

3DS complaining about COD players...?

What happened during the week I was gone O.o???

Anyway, my school social life isn't important: I'm not very social, but I have a small group of close friends that I hang out with all the time. It's changed since grade-school (Only 1 is still somewhat there), but I feel like we've all made a history for each other in the short years we've known each other :P

More importantly: Classes
I love classes that have a 'do it yourself' attitude not in assignments, but the learning itself, while I hate classes that do very little to actually teach you yet give out semi-daily assignments, alongside a huge final-project that you HAVE to start at the beginning of the year to get anywhere close to finishing. *coughEnglishcough*

Computer Science has the opposite problem: It's awesome, but my teacher is struggling to get me assignments because I'm advancing so fast :P
Apparently I'm doing University programming :o
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#6 HaHa-No


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Posted 05 November 2011 - 12:48 AM

I'm not going to say my school is bad.

Something must have helped me get Level 5's in everything :b. You learn, it's just all the kids here are weirdo's (including meh).

Ugh. Why do 10 year old's play CoD? When I was 10, all I played was Pokemon, Mario, and Yu-Gi-Oh. What happened to the good old days? :/

The Xbox 360, and Bungee. I of course, can't stand CoD, and I'm forced to play Yu-Gi-Oh with the pervert...

Edited by HaHa-No, 05 November 2011 - 12:49 AM.


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#7 Wertville


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Posted 05 November 2011 - 07:10 AM

I'm not going to say my school is bad.

Something must have helped me get Level 5's in everything :b. You learn, it's just all the kids here are weirdo's (including meh).

The Xbox 360, and Bungee. I of course, can't stand CoD, and I'm forced to play Yu-Gi-Oh with the pervert...

I still occasionally play Yu-Gi-Oh. I don't get why it has a '4 kids' label*, because it's a pretty in-depth and rule-heavy card game...

*In case you missed the reference, I do know why it has a '4 kids' label...
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#8 Starrgrl24



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Posted 05 November 2011 - 08:21 AM

Ugh. Why do 10 year old's play CoD? When I was 10, all I played was Pokemon, Mario, and Yu-Gi-Oh. What happened to the good old days? :/

Oh man, I can't help but agree with you. Back in the days, I played Pokemon, Mario, and Yu-Gi-Oh! Good times :) I also spent time playing outside with my brother and cousins. Now...I see little girls watching lame sitcoms and boys playing CoD. I mean, you don't even see good cartoons anymore for kids! There is very little creativity for this generation. What has the world come to? :(

FPS games will eventually die out. I can't wait for that to happen. :D

Well...I think it is natural for the older generation to criticize the younger generation. xD

#9 HaHa-No


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Posted 05 November 2011 - 12:09 PM

My friend bought me a pair of bunny ears and a fake stripy tail for my birthday last year. Then told me to walk around town wearing them with her.

I love them, but I was not looking like a silly pony just to make her happy.

They were crap anyway, wore them once and the ears fell off the headband when I hit my head on the ground. The tail was great though. Put a hole in a pair of jeans so the sewing wouldn't show up :b.

And yes, this is another 'my school is weird' poke.

Edited by HaHa-No, 05 November 2011 - 12:37 PM.


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#10 AMAC



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Posted 05 November 2011 - 02:29 PM

I wouldn't complain too much about your school. It sounds like there's a lot of interesting characters and primary school is much better than secondary. You'll get so much more work next year and the fun seems to disappear from your education. ;p As for the girls with the rainbow hair in your school, I have no idea why boys are calling them lesbians; they're probably just trying to be like Rainbow Dash... Anyway, I'd love to see someone at my school try turning up with multi-coloured hair. It's pretty strict when it comes to appearance. Actually, it's pretty strict in general.

#11 HaHa-No


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Posted 05 November 2011 - 03:05 PM

Rainbows are apparently the gay symbol. So here's a general male boys formular in my school;

(information processing, human identified female)

Me and my few male friends are the only boys who stand up for the girls at my school. So we have 'wanted' attention from girls and 'unwanted' attention from boys.


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#12 Brian6330


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Posted 05 November 2011 - 04:29 PM

Rainbows are apparently the gay symbol. So here's a general male boys formular in my school;

(information processing, human identified female)

Me and my few male friends are the only boys who stand up for the girls at my school. So we have 'wanted' attention from girls and 'unwanted' attention from boys.

Oh mah god. This totally reminds me of when I used to be in Primary school in Switzerland.

Your school sounds all right. Here, you can't compare it at all -_-

Where to start talking about High School... let's just do it in points:
-If you get good grades (85 and above) and are male; they call you a nerd...
-Only games played here=FPS, Racing and Fifa
-Group Work=You do nearly everything, unless you're lucky and have a normal person in your group.
-If you don't wanna talk about Basketball, Football, FPS games or gossip like "did you hear x broke up with y?", then you're pretty lonely.
-If you love other game genres besides Sports and FPS, you'll be awkward and no one will want to hang with you.
-If you're a nerd no one will want to hang with you. (Except maybe 1 or 2 friends, of which one is a girl. There are other friends, but it's not like we really talk a lot.)
-If you wanna get to know somebody for realz, they'll look at you weird when you try to talk with them more.
-If you don't talk about/say something they wanna hear, they'll tell you to "Shut up!"
-Classical music is referred to as "Grandfather" music.
-If you have never had a girlfriend, they'll say your gay, until you just ask out a random girl. (It doesn't matter if she says yes or no.)

Do I need to go on?
Primary school and school in general in Switzerland is awesome. Here (Belize) not soo much.

I think you guys now know why my post count is so high -_-

Trust me Haha, be glad for the school (and class) you're in. It sounds pretty normal-ish for nowadays.

Sometimes I wish I could go back to my old school days in Switzerland. There I looked forward to going to school because of the people who I knew and hanged with there (was lots).
Here; I just get through by having motivation. (My motivation=Wanting a good education, so I can study for whatever I want and then work as that. Also; to have a family, nice job and be well-off in live. That's the only reason I do as good in school as I currently do.)

Edited by Brian6330, 05 November 2011 - 04:29 PM.

#13 Bill Cipher

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Posted 05 November 2011 - 04:49 PM

Oh mah god. This totally reminds me of when I used to be in Primary school in Switzerland.

Your school sounds all right. Here, you can't compare it at all -_-

Where to start talking about High School... let's just do it in points:
-If you get good grades (85 and above) and are male; they call you a nerd...
-Only games played here=FPS, Racing and Fifa
-Group Work=You do nearly everything, unless you're lucky and have a normal person in your group.
-If you don't wanna talk about Basketball, Football, FPS games or gossip like "did you hear x broke up with y?", then you're pretty lonely.
-If you love other game genres besides Sports and FPS, you'll be awkward and no one will want to hang with you.
-If you're a nerd no one will want to hang with you. (Except maybe 1 or 2 friends, of which one is a girl. There are other friends, but it's not like we really talk a lot.)
-If you wanna get to know somebody for realz, they'll look at you weird when you try to talk with them more.
-If you don't talk about/say something they wanna hear, they'll tell you to "Shut up!"
-Classical music is referred to as "Grandfather" music.
-If you have never had a girlfriend, they'll say your gay, until you just ask out a random girl. (It doesn't matter if she says yes or no.)

Do I need to go on?
Primary school and school in general in Switzerland is awesome. Here (Belize) not soo much.

I think you guys now know why my post count is so high -_-

Trust me Haha, be glad for the school (and class) you're in. It sounds pretty normal-ish for nowadays.

Sometimes I wish I could go back to my old school days in Switzerland. There I looked forward to going to school because of the people who I knew and hanged with there (was lots).
Here; I just get through by having motivation. (My motivation=Wanting a good education, so I can study for whatever I want and then work as that. Also; to have a family, nice job and be well-off in live. That's the only reason I do as good in school as I currently do.)

That sounds sucktastic.
While we are discussing school suckage, I have a story:
I was a prime suspect in a bomb threat at my Middle school because I said the words Firecracker. I'm not sure what logic that is.

Games that refuse to use Gameplay effectively to do anything are like films that refuse to use cinematography in film to do anything.

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#14 juanpa899


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Posted 05 November 2011 - 05:13 PM

In middle school i was accused of sexual harassment because i tripped on a girl.

#15 Andy


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Posted 05 November 2011 - 10:04 PM

I can barely change in the locker room for gym class due to all the other guys chewing and spitting in the floor, and using the F bomb every 2 seconds.Don't even get me started on the smoking problem. Why was I born an asthmatic? :(
But other than that, it's a pretty cool school. We have an amazing Football program, and our coach recently broke the record for most high school wins in the state of Kentucky. I have a lot of friends, and no one really bullies on anyone else. There's alsoo a few other Nintendo fans here and there ;).
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#16 HaHa-No


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Posted 06 November 2011 - 02:10 AM

Oh mah god. This totally reminds me of when I used to be in Primary school in Switzerland.

Your school sounds all right. Here, you can't compare it at all -_-

Where to start talking about High School... let's just do it in points:
-If you get good grades (85 and above) and are male; they call you a nerd...
-Only games played here=FPS, Racing and Fifa
-Group Work=You do nearly everything, unless you're lucky and have a normal person in your group.
-If you don't wanna talk about Basketball, Football, FPS games or gossip like "did you hear x broke up with y?", then you're pretty lonely.
-If you love other game genres besides Sports and FPS, you'll be awkward and no one will want to hang with you.
-If you're a nerd no one will want to hang with you. (Except maybe 1 or 2 friends, of which one is a girl. There are other friends, but it's not like we really talk a lot.)
-If you wanna get to know somebody for realz, they'll look at you weird when you try to talk with them more.
-If you don't talk about/say something they wanna hear, they'll tell you to "Shut up!"
-Classical music is referred to as "Grandfather" music.
-If you have never had a girlfriend, they'll say your gay, until you just ask out a random girl. (It doesn't matter if she says yes or no.)

Do I need to go on?
Primary school and school in general in Switzerland is awesome. Here (Belize) not soo much.

I think you guys now know why my post count is so high -_-

Trust me Haha, be glad for the school (and class) you're in. It sounds pretty normal-ish for nowadays.

Sometimes I wish I could go back to my old school days in Switzerland. There I looked forward to going to school because of the people who I knew and hanged with there (was lots).
Here; I just get through by having motivation. (My motivation=Wanting a good education, so I can study for whatever I want and then work as that. Also; to have a family, nice job and be well-off in live. That's the only reason I do as good in school as I currently do.)

I am lucky >.<. If you get good grades here everyones saying things like
"Oh mah gawd your so amazing"
"Tell me your secrets".

Y'know what, I'm going to say my grades from practice SAT's.

Writing-5C (my teacher says I'm let down by my handwriting and paragraphing).
Maths-5C (I scraped this score, if I'd got one less it would have been a 4A).
Reading-5A (I was 2 marks off getting everything right in this test).

If anybody's wondering, Science has been cut off SAT's (thank goodness, I'm utter crap at it as a subject -w-)

Edited by HaHa-No, 06 November 2011 - 02:11 AM.


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#17 AMAC



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Posted 06 November 2011 - 02:35 AM

Y'know what, I'm going to say my grades from practice SAT's.

Writing-5C (my teacher says I'm let down by my handwriting and paragraphing).
Maths-5C (I scraped this score, if I'd got one less it would have been a 4A).
Reading-5A (I was 2 marks off getting everything right in this test).

If anybody's wondering, Science has been cut off SAT's (thank goodness, I'm utter crap at it as a subject -w-)

What? Why has science been cut? Like English and Maths, it's a subject that everyone doing SATs will have to do for the next five years of their lives (something for you to look forward to :P ) so I don't see the reasoning behind scrapping it as a SAT. Education really is being dumbed down these days. -_-

#18 HaHa-No


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Posted 06 November 2011 - 03:40 AM

Don't ask me :b. I haven't been told, all I know is it's an extra curricular, not a main lesson. Which may have lead to being cut.

EDIT: It's actually been cut for about 2 years, I believe.

Edited by HaHa-No, 06 November 2011 - 03:41 AM.


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#19 Xiombarg


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Posted 06 November 2011 - 06:25 PM

High school is probably my favorite school years, besides freshman year (I was a freshman and all my medical issues appeared.).
I'm pretty well liked, no one hates me. I'm not seen as a nerd or a weirdo. Sure, there are those groups of people who are hated and excluded. But from my experience, unless you are out to make a name for yourself or give others expectations of you, you'll do fine. I play along with what everyone says and let jokes and other things go by.
The difference from middle school is that I was an antisocial jerk. But I matured in high school.
My friends are probably the most interesting guys at the school. They screw around every lunch and sometimes act gay(one of them is gay, but he jokes around too). I'm actually surprised that girls have started getting into the group, ever since they joined, everyone has been acting more chaotic. I'm a little disgusted by the drama that one of them brings up, but the others are pretty cool. It's just been getting a tad uncomfortable with the change in mood.

EDIT: It's actually been cut for about 2 years, I believe.

I don't think so. It was on my PSAT last year.

#20 Auzzie Wingman

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Posted 06 November 2011 - 06:35 PM

I feel as though schools are leaving parents to become lazy.

We go to school for education that will help us in the future. Unfortunately there are many things that schools do not teach about living after school is over. They leave that kind of task to parents, and a lot of parents nowadays are too crap to handle that.

The education system needs to be reviewed.

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