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Will Nintendo's image need to change before the release of the Wii U?


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#1 Marc



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Posted 06 November 2011 - 01:22 PM

Has anyone got any ideas or speculative theories on how Nintendo seem to be managing their own brand image? There is just too much negativity surrounding Nintendo, and what, because they like to brand their business to as many people as possible? I hardly know anyone anymore that appreciates the company like I do. Even my Dad had made a point to me recently saying "You're really faithful to Nintendo aren't you?". I of course had to agree, but it was more of a moment where I noticed my own self belief in the company, and that I actually care a lot about them doing the right thing. I want to play their games for as long as I live! B) :D

They aren't spoken of much at all amongst many students I know or core-gamers, unless someone wants to criticise them. I don't think it is just because there was the lull of the Wii, or poor launch of the 3DS, but something more cultural.

If they want to appeal to a market that is now looking furthermore distant (unreachable even?), as well as newer generation of gamers having no interest, or confidence in the company...what next? Surely they can't assume they will just throw out 3rd Party support similar to what is available on 360 or PS3. A promise of addition 3rd Party support is certainly not a bad step at all, but is only really changing matters once the console is actually launched. Between now and then, some changes need to be made so to make Nintendo worth everyone's attention once more. In years to come I can expect there to be greater acceptance to the company, but I am just not feeling totally comfortable right now with the level of support they seem to have. Doesn't it bother you that people seem to negate their image?


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#2 Katana


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Posted 06 November 2011 - 01:53 PM

We'll I remember the quite dark days of the 64 and the darker days of the Cube,lack of support was crippling their machines and I have to be honest on the Cube Nintendo did not even make the best games on that system (my opinion) but I though that RE4 and Metroid Prime (yes Retro are close to Nintendo but not in-house) was the best titles on it and it was a tough time defending Nintendo.Then the Wii came along and Microsoft/Sony fanboys rubbished that system as we'll and to some degree they had a point.Shovelware and a lack of good titles.Its like Nintendo have been adapting/changing/branding etc but didn't quite know where to position itself...casual...hardcore...(hate these terms but makes it easier) or are they both and then end up pleasing no-one.
Just 2 days ago I was talking to a 360 player in my local comic shop and he admitted that he loved generic titles...shooters with no brains...another driving game as realistic as possible and he had never heard of Zelda...I am being serious :o
Nintendo have to prove this time round that they want to compete with Sony/Microsoft for the big games like GTA and they seem to be doing this,we all know the titles that have been mentioned.I hate to say it but Nintendo need to cater for these players because there are lots of them,then they will cater for the lifestyle crowd and also players like us that buy Nintendo machines to play Nintendo games.
I think there is a crowd of people that think big guns,big men,big explosions = hardcore great game....and a plumber or an elf running around saving a princess is for kids...but I did say to this guy I met that I'f he played OoT he would be stuck 15 mins in because he is used to generic brainless crap...and he agreed :D
I think it is cultural...FIFA...COD etc dominate and to be honest I hate these games,but Nintendo have to get these players on-side so yes more re-branding it seems :) but something tells me Nintendo know this.And as soon as I saw the controller I knew Nintendo had changed direction,and the machine is more powerful that I thought it would be (I was expecting the same as 360) so Nintendo have entered the graphics arena again.
Also the 3DS is really gaining momentum now with the software being released and then it will be trickle..trickle of Wii-U...I have to be honest for the first time in a while I am confident of Nintendos chances and that Wii-U will be known as a gamers machine :D
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#3 Crackkat



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Posted 06 November 2011 - 05:12 PM

bro, you're totally right about nintendo support and i share your worries. i had a similar incident with my dad, when i showed him the wii u he was like "but nintendo never get the games you want." so i had to explain to him that this time is different.

now my point is that nintendo may be looked down upon now, but at the end of the day, the better console will get the attention it deserves (as long as people can afford it). when i explain wii u to drones over and over again they slowly begin to listen and eventually admit they might consider buying the console. this is achievable with persistent explanation and no actual console to prove it. just think how things will be when we own the console and our drone friends come and see it for themselves, no matter how anti nintendo they are, if the console is amazing, they will want to buy it because at the end of the day they want to please themselves :D

so maybe the wii u won't have the best launch due to the economics of fashion trends and nintendo's unpopularity, but over the wii u's life time i think sales will pick up rather than decrease like wii.
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#4 Guest_TRON_*

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Posted 06 November 2011 - 07:45 PM

i agree with you guys. the only things nintendo is lacking is 3rd party support and a good online service. with Wii U the power will be there from day one. so get the COD, battlefield games on your system and a good online structure to play them and it will be a hit. nintendo lost a lot of fans this and last gen. not having the GTA type games on their console forced people to go else where. they have to really bring it with the Wii U... and also understand some of their fans have grown up and want more mature gaming. they have to show the power and that its a next gen console and (in my opinion) they need to secure one big 3rd party exclusive for launch of the Wii U. the one thing nintendo fans NEVER have to worry about is first party quality... their games will be jaw dropping on the Wii U. i do think they need to acquire more studios to help so we can get new IP's plus their games wont take 3-4 years to launch in between games.

#5 Feld0



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Posted 07 November 2011 - 04:48 AM

Regarding Nintendo's image, you might find this article I just wrote up an interesting read: http://wiiugo.com/th...casual-console/

They do have a lot to work on, but seeing the bona-fide hardcore approach they're taking with the 3DS, I think they're well aware of that. I'm just worried about them accidentally or unnecessarily neutering the Wii U's potential by simply making 60% of the name "Wii". Despite Nintendo's intentions, "Wii" has sadly become synonymous with "casual" and probably isn't going to help the Wii U's case. I just hope Iwata knows what he's doing, as the "DS" in "3DS" has already resulted in mass confusion...

Nintendo did not even make the best games on that system (my opinion) but I though that RE4 and Metroid Prime (yes Retro are close to Nintendo but not in-house) was the best titles on it and it was a tough time defending Nintendo.

Retro's most definitely in-house. Last I checked, they were fully owned by Nintendo. After the MPT trilogy and DKCR, Iwata seems to even see them in the same league as EAD. They've only ever made four games, and every single one of them has been a first-party Nintendo title.

#6 Katana


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Posted 07 November 2011 - 05:08 AM

Ah I stand corrected..I thought Retro was only part owned by Nintendo.
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#7 Crackkat



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Posted 07 November 2011 - 09:47 AM

i agree with you guys. the only things nintendo is lacking is 3rd party support and a good online service. with Wii U the power will be there from day one. so get the COD, battlefield games on your system and a good online structure to play them and it will be a hit. nintendo lost a lot of fans this and last gen. not having the GTA type games on their console forced people to go else where. they have to really bring it with the Wii U... and also understand some of their fans have grown up and want more mature gaming. they have to show the power and that its a next gen console and (in my opinion) they need to secure one big 3rd party exclusive for launch of the Wii U. the one thing nintendo fans NEVER have to worry about is first party quality... their games will be jaw dropping on the Wii U. i do think they need to acquire more studios to help so we can get new IP's plus their games wont take 3-4 years to launch in between games.

there are already two exclusive launch games for wii u :D killer freaks and ghost recon online. both of which look awesome!! that may increase by the time it launches in august to november
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#8 Caius Casshern Sins

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Posted 07 November 2011 - 10:18 AM

there are already two exclusive launch games for wii u :D killer freaks and ghost recon online. both of which look awesome!! that may increase by the time it launches in august to november

Um Ghost Recon Online is not an exclusive, it is also on the PC as a Free to Play game.

However, I do agree Nintendo will need to create a new image for themselves to do it. The recent 3DS ads are a good sign of that. Nintendo just needs to make sure that there system is presented to the masses in the right way, that it is a new console ( this is why some people think they need to re-name the console), make it seem like a console that is both casual and Hardcore. This means create different ad campaigns that will appeal to the different type of audiences.
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#9 Guest_TRON_*

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Posted 07 November 2011 - 11:26 AM

there are already two exclusive launch games for wii u :D killer freaks and ghost recon online. both of which look awesome!! that may increase by the time it launches in august to november

like what i see from killer freaks but not sold on it. I know the game that was shown was pre pre alpha but they need to up the graphics significantly. im not a graphic whore but the Wii U is starting a new gen and the launch games need to look the part. there need to be a clear distinction between PS3 graphics and Wii U graphics.

#10 BazzDropperz


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Posted 08 November 2011 - 12:31 AM


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#11 Andy


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Posted 08 November 2011 - 09:39 AM

If certain 3rd parties *coughUbisoftcough* would stop it with all the crappy shovel ware, Nintendo may not even have that problem.
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