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Initial impressions of Zelda Skyward Sword

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#1 Guest_TRON_*

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Posted 21 November 2011 - 03:05 AM

First off im only about two hours into the game so take this as what it is an "INITIAL" impression. this is just my opinion dont take it personal.

GAMEPLAY: its ok but not a fluid as i thought it would be. im a little worried about nintendo's mindset right now. they have to realize that not everyone wants motion control. what about the zelda fans that like their traditional button layout? this is something i really hope the work on with the Wii U.

GRAPHICS: Like i said im only about two hours into the game. i do believe as i get deeper into the game certain areas will be more impressive. my hopes for the first Zelda built from the ground up for Wii ( twilight princess was a gamecube game) was high. i was hoping they keep the same style as TP but just modifiy the engine to take full advantage of Wii increased power over the gamecube.

OVERALL: i believe this is going to be an epic Zelda adventure just like all the other. I believe this is the best series in gaming to date. i honestly have to say i have been spoiled by the Zelda HD demo shown for the Wii U. while im playing skyward sword i just cant help to think about what that adventure will be like.

happy gaming gamers!!!!!

Edited by TRON, 21 November 2011 - 03:06 AM.

#2 Gruff



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Posted 21 November 2011 - 07:55 AM

I so far have enjoyed this game myself... I'm a few hours in the game and It is very Impressive. There is so much detail in the environment around you, I could spend countless time just looking at it, the music has a beautiful jingle to it, and the story is very well put together. I like the connection between Link and Zelda, how they have known each other since they were little. The controls are a little different from what I usually experience with a Zelda game, but I'll get use to it. Everything seems to be perfect. My initial impression would be that this is going to be another great game like Ocarina of Time, or even better.

Villager.jpgBleh eh eh.

#3 Crackkat



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Posted 21 November 2011 - 02:09 PM

loving it so far!! best zelda ever!! the art style is gorgeous!! the motion plus controlls are 95% perfect (when you really understand how it works, pm me if you need help)!! the cinematic cut scenes are so enjoyable and link and zelda's relationship is beautiful!! the bird riding is immensely relaxing!! the side quests and characters are hilarious!! i have no complaints, sure no game is absolutely perfect, but im enjoying every last moment :D i hope everyone else enjoys it equally :)
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#4 StreetPassWanter


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Posted 21 November 2011 - 05:04 PM

It's beautiful! How can anyone not love this? (Well, I can see that happen with PS3 fanboys) I'm dumb enough not to be in the first dungeon right now, but I'm loving the puzzles since I like light puzzles. Combat was a little lower than I expected and I expected more, but I still like it more than button mashing in the final boss of TP.
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#5 Guest_TRON_*

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Posted 21 November 2011 - 11:10 PM

After spending more time with the game the more I dislike the controls. I love nintendo but this is something they need to work on. My wife and I have been playing zelda games for years. We both work full time jobs so when we get the chance to sit back and just play some games... Maybe won't don't want motion controls. The omission of an option to plug in a classic controller or something is like arrogance to me. For me this is a problem as nintendo has stated they won't go back to normal button configuration for the series. Dear nintendo not everyone wants to swing a remote around after a 10 hour work day plus taking care of kids, dinner, etc.

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