My apartment is not big by any means but just right for me. Main room is my main media room and for entertaining guests and such. Also where the bulk of my gaming stuff is. Bedroom is only used for a retro gaming room and has a bit of retro in it and a couple CRT's since thos emake retro games look great. Note while the bathroom is not pictured it does have a Apature Labs Shower Curtain but thankfully less than 1% Mercury. Look forward to those who show off thier place and it's ok it's it's not the cleanest or the nicest. Just presentable man.
Start with the main room.
Little blurry sorry. One shelf is all Video Game Magazines,Strat Guides and Artbooks. The VG mags are from 1992-2013. One poster on the wall is a signed Okamiden poster from the producer. Other is Muramasa
Katana by the sink and some wall scrolls and the Ys world cloth map above the TV.
Other side of the room is all.
My Earthbound Hatness I wear when I go out. PC. DVDs and such. Also a bunch of VG OST's on top of the stereo
Retro game area. Consoles vary what is hooke dup by mood.
Bunch of empty gaming related boxes stacked. Chest built in the 1930's by an uncle. SOme sticker from the Apollo missions on there he had a bunch so I slapped some on as well. Drawings you see on the wall mY Grandfather drew them before the 1920's.
Found that gorilla at the donation table at my moms place so took him slapped a old Zelda shirt on him.
Edited by DreamCat, 16 April 2014 - 05:59 PM.