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what do you want the Wii U to be????

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#1 Guest_TRON_*

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Posted 13 December 2011 - 04:33 AM

for a nintendo fan there is a lot to look forward to from the Wii U. so what do you want the console to provide for you as a gamer? here is my list.... no particular order.

1. HD graphics and processing power. i want to visually see stunning games that far exceed ps360. im not a graphics whore but the Wii U is starting the next gen so i want to see that leap.

2. next-gen third party support. i for one am not satisfied with third parties bringing their current ps360 titles to Wii U. i want to know that i will be able to play the gta, battlefield, cod, and whatever other third party games that will be created for ps4 and nextbox.

3. New IP's. yes nintendo its time for your developers to step up and provide not ONLY family firendly new ip's but hardcore/mature titles that your loyal fans can enjoy. i dont want to feel like i have to go out and buy another console just to get new entertaining mature titles.

4. games that didnt make the Wii. im looking at you starfox and f-zero. those games that didnt make the Wii i would love to see in beautiful hd 1080p. make this happen nintendo.

5. Gamecube love. cant wait to play thoses titles i missed out on in the gamecube era.... which was a lot of titles.

ok thats my list... what do you guys want? is there a make or break feature you want? noticed i didnt mention anything online as that isnt a make or break for me and i dont play games online.

#2 Auzzie Wingman

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Posted 13 December 2011 - 04:50 AM

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1. Don't worry about graphics. It's a pointless thing to worry about. You'll just turn into Buramu.
2. Don't worry. The 3rd party support will be there. It just wasn't with the Wii because it didn't have sufficient power.
3. New IP's are fine. I really don't expect Nintendo to make anything mature, not so much that it isn't their style, but more like it's not expected at all. Just let them do what they do best, and deal with it when it comes.
4. Are you sure it's just 'Games that didn't make the Wii'?
5. I find it funny you can post this, and say that online doesn't matter. Especially since the Wii U isn't GC backward compatible and unless the online was great, you wouldn't be getting them.

Anyway, the online should be a make or break for you, as the online will definitely be a make or break for Nintendo and the future of the Wii U. They've gone ahead, and put it out there, that the Wii U will bring back the core gamer to Nintendo. Considering the current gaming age we are in, unless the online is something mighty fine, I really don't see how they can do it.

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#3 Guest_TRON_*

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Posted 13 December 2011 - 05:53 AM

online for me could be limited to just downloadable games. i dont play multiplayer so i could care less about those features. the post was just my opinion and what i like. so the others that post i just wanted to know what you guys thoughts and what you wanted the wii u to be for you as a gamer.

#4 SparktehFox


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Posted 13 December 2011 - 09:47 AM

I just want to play it.
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#5 Crackkat



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Posted 13 December 2011 - 10:21 AM

everything i could possibly want from wii u is turning out to be true so im absolutely satisfied with it. if you do the research you will find that sooo much is already known about the console and there is nothing else i could ask for (except a guarantee that gta 5 will be on it)
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#6 Guest_TRON_*

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Posted 13 December 2011 - 11:41 AM

everything i could possibly want from wii u is turning out to be true so im absolutely satisfied with it. if you do the research you will find that sooo much is already known about the console and there is nothing else i could ask for (except a guarantee that gta 5 will be on it)

dont know if you followed the rumors pre e-3. there was a developer that said there was a big feature (game changer system seller) that is going to make this console sale that nintendo didn't announce. he said it wasn't the controller. i still have that stuck in my head. there is a LOT not known about the console. nintendo will piss me off if they try and make me wait until e3 2012 for a full reveal.

#7 Deadly Virus

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Posted 13 December 2011 - 11:50 AM

dont know if you followed the rumors pre e-3. there was a developer that said there was a big feature (game changer system seller) that is going to make this console sale that nintendo didn't announce. he said it wasn't the controller. i still have that stuck in my head. there is a LOT not known about the console. nintendo will piss me off if they try and make me wait until e3 2012 for a full reveal.

Nintendo really seems to be actively improving the Wii U, I think they've been using the period of time since E3 to take in feedback and make adjustments accordingly. Not sure if it's true or not, but on another forum I heard that a few months before E3 the Darksiders devs played around with a prototype Wii U controller. Apparently it was shaped more like an original Gameboy, and they didn't even know about the new controller until June. This could mean there are more drastic changes in the console and controller's design that we are yet to see.

Not sure if it's likely, but I could see the name changing too. Personally I dont find anything wrong with Wii U, years of knowing Nintendo's console as the Wii kinda desensitized me to it.. But there's been a lot of complaints and, ya never know. I doubt anyone thought the name Revolution would change, and I don't think we knew about that until a few months into 2006 either.

Edited by Deadly Virus, 13 December 2011 - 11:51 AM.

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#8 Guest_TRON_*

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Posted 13 December 2011 - 12:02 PM

Nintendo really seems to be actively improving the Wii U, I think they've been using the period of time since E3 to take in feedback and make adjustments accordingly. Not sure if it's true or not, but on another forum I heard that a few months before E3 the Darksiders devs played around with a prototype Wii U controller. Apparently it was shaped more like an original Gameboy, and they didn't even know about the new controller until June. This could mean there are more drastic changes in the console and controller's design that we are yet to see.

Not sure if it's likely, but I could see the name changing too. Personally I dont find anything wrong with Wii U, years of knowing Nintendo's console as the Wii kinda desensitized me to it.. But there's been a lot of complaints and, ya never know. I doubt anyone thought the name Revolution would change, and I don't think we knew about that until a few months into 2006 either.

true. lots of pre-e3 rumors said nintnedo wanted to distance this console from he wii. they said this console was nintendo's return to the core and they didnt want people to associate this console with the wii. i think they should change the name but i dont care i will get it anyway.

#9 SparktehFox


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Posted 13 December 2011 - 12:52 PM

dont know if you followed the rumors pre e-3. there was a developer that said there was a big feature (game changer system seller) that is going to make this console sale that nintendo didn't announce. he said it wasn't the controller. i still have that stuck in my head. there is a LOT not known about the console. nintendo will piss me off if they try and make me wait until e3 2012 for a full reveal.

Nintendo already stated that the full reveal would be at E3 2012. Don't be so selfish, it's not like they're actually trying to make YOU wait.

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#10 Crackkat



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Posted 13 December 2011 - 02:37 PM

dont know if you followed the rumors pre e-3. there was a developer that said there was a big feature (game changer system seller) that is going to make this console sale that nintendo didn't announce. he said it wasn't the controller. i still have that stuck in my head. there is a LOT not known about the console. nintendo will piss me off if they try and make me wait until e3 2012 for a full reveal.

SERIOUS?!?! omg thats awesome!! i thought i had literally found out every last drop of info on the console but i guess the one thing i missed was the pre E3 rumours!! but that literally made my day to know there is another massive thing about the console :D can you tell me which developer said this
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#11 FireBoost06


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Posted 13 December 2011 - 02:45 PM

All I ask is...

1. The most important to me is online. I really want a great online that is similar or better than what xbox live or psn offers.
2. Graphics that blow away ps3/360. I really don't care about graphics that much but I want the Wii U to stand up to the next generation consoles from sony and microsoft.
3. New hardcore games from nintendo. I think is time for Nintendo to make a hardcore game that will bring back the core audience.
4. Great pricing. I dont want the console to be too expensive nor too cheap. I think $349.99 is the sweet spot.
5. Great games at launch. I know they learned from the 3DS launch so i believe Nintendo will have a great games for the Wii U at launch.
6. CHANGE THE NAME TO SOMETHING THAT DOESNT INVOLVE THE WORD "WII". If Nintendo knows that people think the 3ds is like a ds but with 3d and better graphics then they should change the name. I dont want people thinking that the Wii U is a wii but with better graphics and a controller with screen. But either way if they name it WII U i will still get it.

Thats all i ask for and i hope that Nintendo surprises me at e3 2012 with the Wii U final form. :)

#12 Crackkat



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Posted 13 December 2011 - 02:48 PM

All I ask is...

1. The most important to me is online. I really want a great online that is similar or better than what xbox live or psn offers.
2. Graphics that blow away ps3/360. I really don't care about graphics that much but I want the Wii U to stand up to the next generation consoles from sony and microsoft.
3. New hardcore games from nintendo. I think is time for Nintendo to make a hardcore game that will bring back the core audience.
4. Great pricing. I dont want the console to be too expensive nor too cheap. I think $349.99 is the sweet spot.
5. Great games at launch. I know they learned from the 3DS launch so i believe Nintendo will have a great games for the Wii U at launch.
6. CHANGE THE NAME TO SOMETHING THAT DOESNT INVOLVE THE WORD "WII". If Nintendo knows that people think the 3ds is like a ds but with 3d and better graphics then they should change the name. I dont want people thinking that the Wii U is a wii but with better graphics and a controller with screen. But either way if they name it WII U i will still get it.

Thats all i ask for and i hope that Nintendo surprises me at e3 2012 with the Wii U final form. :)

well i don't think the online will disappoint :D if its true that valve and EA are competing over the online base, then nintendo just need to sit back and watch these two companies make the best online systems they can offer and then all nintendo needs to do is choose :D
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#13 neverwinteru



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Posted 13 December 2011 - 02:49 PM

SERIOUS?!?! omg thats awesome!! i thought i had literally found out every last drop of info on the console but i guess the one thing i missed was the pre E3 rumours!! but that literally made my day to know there is another massive thing about the console :D can you tell me which developer said this

I remeber hearing about that quote also not sure which developer ill look later

#14 Crackkat



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Posted 13 December 2011 - 02:51 PM

I remeber hearing about that quote also not sure which developer ill look later

get back to me if you find out because that would be much more helpful :D
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#15 Robotic Sunshine Commander

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Posted 13 December 2011 - 02:53 PM

I just want to play it.

lol agreed ! i have a feeling it will be released in summer 2012 . which is perfect because of my summer vacation :D

In terms from what i want to see on the console i think you covered all my ideas. I really want to see an extremely community based , secure online system on the wii u.


#16 Deadly Virus

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Posted 13 December 2011 - 02:58 PM

lol agreed ! i have a feeling it will be released in summer 2012 . which is perfect because of my summer vacation :D

In terms from what i want to see on the console i think you covered all my ideas. I really want to see an extremely community based , secure online system on the wii u.

I'm predicting a November release for the Wii U, Nintendo seems to have a habit of releasing main consoles in that month.

And also, has it been confirmed if we're getting Gamecube games on the Virtual console yet? That would be pretty cool cause then we may end up getting Dreamcast too, if Sega is feeling kind.. :o

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#17 Robotic Sunshine Commander

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Posted 13 December 2011 - 03:02 PM

I'm predicting a November release for the Wii U, Nintendo seems to have a habit of releasing main consoles in that month.

And also, has it been confirmed if we're getting Gamecube games on the Virtual console yet? That would be pretty cool cause then we may end up getting Dreamcast too, if Sega is feeling kind.. :o

I'm pretty sure they said something about it being a possibility , but im not sure. Dreamcast would be awesome to play on the wii u. especially with the screen in the controller. It could be like a better looking vmu unit


#18 Link707



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Posted 13 December 2011 - 03:07 PM

I'm predicting a November release for the Wii U, Nintendo seems to have a habit of releasing main consoles in that month.

And also, has it been confirmed if we're getting Gamecube games on the Virtual console yet? That would be pretty cool cause then we may end up getting Dreamcast too, if Sega is feeling kind.. :o

There was an article way back about Nintendo hinting a gc virtual console but I don't think that it has been officially been announced. Though it's a pretty done deal

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#19 Robotic Sunshine Commander

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Posted 13 December 2011 - 03:10 PM

I'm predicting a November release for the Wii U, Nintendo seems to have a habit of releasing main consoles in that month.

And also, has it been confirmed if we're getting Gamecube games on the Virtual console yet? That would be pretty cool cause then we may end up getting Dreamcast too, if Sega is feeling kind.. :o

I was thinking that until darksiders 2 was confirmed for summer 2012. Which is rumored to launch with the U so thats why i said that


#20 Deadly Virus

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Posted 13 December 2011 - 03:27 PM

I was thinking that until darksiders 2 was confirmed for summer 2012. Which is rumored to launch with the U so thats why i said that

It could still launch in November, it just means that Darksiders 2 on Wii U will be released later than the PS3/360 versions. Hopefully it'll be worth the wait though, as the extra graphical power and the touch screen controls that we still don't know about yet will surely make the U version superior to others.

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