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#21 NintendoReport



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Posted 11 June 2014 - 09:14 AM

just watching the treehouse now and i must say the robot game and project guard are complete POOP,2 of the most boring,pointless games ive EVER SEEN!! im 1hr 40min into a vid thats over 4hrs so just hope it gets better



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"These Projects won’t necessarily become games unto themselves. They reflect the early, experimental stage of Nintendo’s game development — and their presence at E3 reflects an urge to showcase the particular qualities of the Wii U console"



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#22 Akazury


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Posted 11 June 2014 - 09:43 AM

just watching the treehouse now and i must say the robot game and project guard are complete POOP,2 of the most boring,pointless games ive EVER SEEN!! im 1hr 40min into a vid thats over 4hrs so just hope it gets better



heres the full footage of the treehouse incase anyone else missed it

Treehouse life started up again so those 4 hour are to be extended. Besides Project Guard looks promising, as it looks like a 3D tower defence based upon a security system but they are still experimental. But there's still HW and X left on there as some other things I can't remember

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#23 BrandedSwordsman



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Posted 11 June 2014 - 11:18 AM


Edited by BrandedSwordsman, 19 May 2018 - 01:59 AM.

#24 syks-1


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Posted 11 June 2014 - 12:34 PM

I don't think you're a Nintendo fan if you thought everything they showed was disappointing. All you're looking for is Metroid and Star Fox. 





Quality, diversity, challenge, and fun are the four things that come to mind. 

You are right,im not a sony,nintendo or microsoft fan,im just somebody that likes to play games...the only 2 games i really liked were the splatoon one and zelda,,bayonetta does NOTHING for me as didnt like the first one,,that zelda hyrule or whatever its called is nothing more than dynasty warriors but with zelda characters and i HATE dynasty games....X maybe an ok game but im yet decided on it.....oh woolly yoshi or whatever its called is almost a rip off of little big planet (yeah i know gameplay is different but it just reminds me of it)


fzero would of made me excited for sure,so would of metroid and starfox but i also would of liked a few more standout new ips,,,that splatoon game or whatever its called has grown on me alot as ive watched more footage of it,i think it will be a deep and very fun game

#25 dark_rabbid


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Posted 11 June 2014 - 03:33 PM

You are right,im not a sony,nintendo or microsoft fan,im just somebody that likes to play games...the only 2 games i really liked were the splatoon one and zelda,,bayonetta does NOTHING for me as didnt like the first one,,that zelda hyrule or whatever its called is nothing more than dynasty warriors but with zelda characters and i HATE dynasty games....X maybe an ok game but im yet decided on it.....oh woolly yoshi or whatever its called is almost a rip off of little big planet (yeah i know gameplay is different but it just reminds me of it)

fzero would of made me excited for sure,so would of metroid and starfox but i also would of liked a few more standout new ips,,,that splatoon game or whatever its called has grown on me alot as ive watched more footage of it,i think it will be a deep and very fun game

You do realize yoshi actually did the yarn look first right? Therefore little big planet should be the game that bugs you not the yoshi game.

Edited by dark_rabbid, 11 June 2014 - 03:34 PM.

#26 TheDoctor_13


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Posted 11 June 2014 - 03:51 PM

It was pretty disappointing and short. The 90 min. and 120 min. press conferences that MS and Sony had were far more compelling and interesting to watch. There is no way either of them will follow suit and have a digital presentation in the future. I expected the the digital presentation to be at least 90 mins. long and have a lot more announcements and more gameplay footage. Its all very well having Tree House live coverage throughout the day but not every one has the time to dedicate to that. The intro with Reggie and Iwata fighting wasn't needed nor was all that Robot Chicken animation stuff. That time could have been better spent showing more games related stuff. Nintendo really needs to go back to the traditional press conference.

Uhh what? Now I didn't watch all the conferences from MS, Sony, EA, Ubi all the way, but from what I saw and from previous conferences, BORING. Even when Nintendo did it, and I'm a Nintendo fanboy, and they were still meh. 


The Digital Event however was a lot of fun, and kept me interested, nicely paced, no akward moments. I kinda agree with the gamebit, but game demoes arn't that fun, the treehouse even, when they were talking about the game development, I was on another tab, only stuck around for 2 minutes of demo. I kinda wish there was more games shown, but unless there is a big reveal, more games couldn't really been shown. Project Guard (although a internesting little title, and Project Giant Robot wouldn't really belong, and 3DS needed to take a side line.

Edited by TheDoctor13, 11 June 2014 - 04:22 PM.

Stupid Snowmads!

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