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Your top 3 games needing a Sequel

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#1 Raiden


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Posted 20 July 2014 - 12:07 PM



3) Skies of Arcadia

One of the most beloved games on Dreamcast by SEGA fans,Dreamcast fans and overall RPG fans.

Does this game offer a groundbreaking story? Nope rather Point A to Point B really. Ground breaking battle system? Nope very traditional. Then what does it offer making it so special?


A few things. While then visually looked great has aged quite a bit but the style still works and colorful.

Characters and story are so charming and was never so fun to be a pirate. You could customize your ships to a degree and have in air ship battles which are the highlight of the game. This game wants you to explore. Imagine if Wind Waker had a party system and a RPG. That's basically this game. Fly to islands explore dungeons solve them beat them and move on with the story. Other things like the fight with the gigas can be pretty intense as they are ship battles and each giga is a boss can be flying walking or other things but these things are massive and each one is a very different fight. Music is fantastic as well. Overall just a charming great game.


Why a sequel so wanted? Sure we have VC on PS3 and PSP which had Vyse and Co in the game as cameo's and Rogue Galaxy on PS2 from Level 5 is a similar feel but that was more serious. Just be great fo have a sequel to a game when there is more world to explore and imagine them in HD and Sonic Racing Transformed might be the closest we ever get.






2) Shenmue



This is a game much like Dreamcast itself was far too ambitious for it's own good and costly.

This was to be the saving grace for Dreamcast and was meant to be a 16 chapter Saga spanning maybe 6 games. At the time of it's release it had been in development for several years and $70 million was spent to make it. For a long time was the most expensive game ever made. Very detailed world enter many buildings every NPC had a daily routine of a job or shoppping trips or cleaning outside thier house. Sometimes they were not home and you even saw them leaving their home and walk to work or walk from work to home when the shift was over. Each NPC had a name and blood type and biography. SEGA and Yu Suzuki aimed and succeeded in a living breaking world. Something to this day we do not see. Now the story is a slow burner as Shenmue covers only Chapter 1 in 16. Shenmue II covers 3-5(Chapt 2 was a side story comic)


You could pick up random objects buy things at the store at will light bulbs batteries cassete tapes food games whatever. It however suffered from bad voice acting and sometimes stilted dialogue. People who played it either loved the game or hated it because they just did not get it. That was the problem and the fact in order to make profit every DC owner had to buy the game multiple times over. Shenmue II took the story to china and was more action focused as the story was getting more intense. Sadly the game ended on a massive cliffhanger that flipped the series on it's head. Since then fans been begging SEGA with campaigns and the series grown a cult following. Yu Suzuki gave a postmordem and since been teasing a Kickstarter for III. Story must be finished.





1) Megaman Legends



This one is number one for a reason. It's the most painful because we almost had it and was ripped from us.

Megaman series had many spinoffs and side series that ranged from great to meh. Mega Man legends much like Mario 64,Zelda OoT,Final Fantasy VII took the series into 3D the right way.


It was a Adventure series with Megaman. Full of charm played great good music and gave us Servbots! (Lego lookin fellas) cutest bad buys! Trone Bonne most loveable villian.(and a great spinoff game with her) Megaman Legends 2 much like Shenmue II left us on a major cliffhanger with our hero trapped. 2011 came and Megaman legends 3 was confirmed for 3DS. Capcom unity helped and then Capcom said we will release a demo for 5$. Fans said sure we will play it! Then out of the blue for no reason Capcom cancells the game blames the fans and the game was 30% finished. Megaman and Capcom fans were enraged as it was one of many times Capcom was pooping on beloved series. Yes some of those wounds have healed thanks to Inafune bringing Mighty No 9 next year. Still it hurts we will never see our hero saved.

Edited by Ryudo, 20 July 2014 - 12:13 PM.

#2 Azure-Edge


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Posted 20 July 2014 - 01:10 PM

Definitely agree with the first and third. As a long time Megaman fan I loved the concept of the Legend game.


#3 Raiden


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Posted 20 July 2014 - 02:19 PM

Not sure why the Shenmue one came out spaced like that. Tried to fix it but no dice. Anywho if anyone else has 3 games they feel NEEDS a sequel feel free what the topic is for. :)

#4 LinkKennedy


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Posted 20 July 2014 - 04:07 PM

Beyond good and evil- what can I say about this that hasn't already been said, a timeless classic.

Binary Domain-improve the gameplay(which is already solid) and just expand on the world(which was very interesting).

And I wish they would reboot(if that counts lol) Blood Oman.

#5 Big Boss

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Posted 20 July 2014 - 11:04 PM

pokemon x and y

assassin's creed 4

call of duty ghosts

#6 Raiden


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Posted 20 July 2014 - 11:06 PM

pokemon x and y

assassin's creed 4

call of duty ghosts


Edited by Ryudo, 20 July 2014 - 11:39 PM.

#7 storabajskorven



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Posted 20 July 2014 - 11:15 PM

1. Sacrifice

2. Wonderful 101

3. Half Life 2

#8 Auzzie Wingman

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Posted 23 July 2014 - 10:16 PM

Threads of Fate. Not really a cliffhanger at the end when Rue finds Ruecian, but implied there could be more game. It's not like they can't do a sequel. For those unfamiliar, Threads of Fate (or Dewprism as it's also known) was an action RPG for PSOne/Dreamcast by Squaresoft. You either played Mint, the runaway magic wielding princess, or Rue the "Kirby with a Final Fantasy sword". Too bad it's a Squaresoft IP, which means a cheap, destroyed version of the original is more likely than a sequel. I like it a helluva lot better than pretty much every other RPG on PSOne that I ever played, except perhaps Digimon World 2003. Dat game was a drug of no maximum strength.

Brigandine A very nice Atlus SRPG which used hexagons as opposed to squares. It wasn't episodic like other games of its type. You chose one of 5 nations (6 if you wanted to play the bad guys and knew the cheat code [bring back cheat codes instead of unlockable toggles<brb making hashtag>]) , and was presented with a world overlay with castles. Each castle represented a battlefield, and you'd move leader units and the monsters they had to the frontline castles to either takeover adjoining castles or defend from attacks. The difficulty also determined how many days you had to takeover all the castles in the continent or a giant snake (hurr) would devour the world. I had it PSOne, but I think it was also on another console (Megadrive I think).

Well, while I'm at it, another PSone game, Tomba. In ways I could compare them to Kirby. The first game I think was much like your typical Kirby game, with level by level progression. The second game however was a massive improvement, almost RPGish in nature for a 2D platformer. It kind of reminds me of Amazing Mirror in progression, but to be honest it was like a better, open world version of Kirby 64 (don't hate, it's an opinion). There was a ridiculous quest list that I don't even remember beating. My only problem with this game, is that it's not only the sad reminder that Sony will never make these kinds of colourful polygonal games that were actually nice to play, but that Tomba was a way better fit than half the cast selected for PSASBR.

Trophy Cards are classy too! LOLZIGZAGOON



#9 Raiden


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Posted 23 July 2014 - 11:15 PM

Glad someone else out there liked Threads of Fate

#10 genev


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Posted 24 July 2014 - 04:39 AM

1) The World ends with you

2) Child of light

3)Beyond good and evil

                                                          '' It is dangerous to be right in matters where established men are wrong.''




#11 Kyle1503



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Posted 24 July 2014 - 05:23 AM

1) Super Mario 3D World (e.g Super Mario 3D World 2)

2) Skyrim (sequel must be on Wii U)

3) Nintendoland

#12 Raiden


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Posted 24 July 2014 - 02:15 PM

1) The World ends with you


#13 umegames


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Posted 24 July 2014 - 04:54 PM

i agree with all, however i would replace 3 with powerstone

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