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Call of Duty Advanced Warfare - Xbox One Dynamic Resolution

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#1 NintendoReport



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Posted 07 November 2014 - 04:56 AM

Some interesting "tricks" were used to get the xbox one version running  at a higher res then the last entry Ghosts.




The Xbox One version of first-person shooter Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare outputs at a resolution of at least 1360x1080, developer Sledgehammer has said.


On Xbox One, the resolution dynamically scales up to full 1080p, Sledgehammer co-founder Michael Condrey said in a Reddit AMA.

That, he pointed out, makes for a 50 per cent increase on last year's game, Infinity Ward's Call of Duty: Ghosts.

On PlayStation 4 Advanced Warfare runs at a native 1080p resolution.

Both versions output at 60 frames-per-second, as is standard with Call of Duty games



Even though PS4 is native 1080p, it's been noted to have some dips in frame rate while the Xbox One version stays solid at 60. Big difference then last year though.


There’s a deeper analysis of Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare still to come from Digital Foundry. Until then, they closed with these final thoughts on their initial dive into the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One compassion.

“Running at 1080p, [the PS4] presentation remains king of course, while Microsoft’s hardware only occasionally shifts up to that resolution, typically in less demanding areas. However, the less consistent 50-60fps performance level on Sony’s platform is a surprising state of affairs, and bearing in mind that frame-rate is king in Call of Duty, we’re surprised that the dynamic scaling tech wasn’t deployed on both platforms.”

“On balance, it’s an impressive showing for both platforms, with few obvious asset-side differences caught during our initial testing.”

Read more at http://www.inquisitr...PjL5rb3W2bh0.99


Edited by Sorceror12, 07 November 2014 - 04:57 AM.

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#2 Gruff



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Posted 07 November 2014 - 05:06 AM

Even though PS4 is native 1080p, it's been noted to have some dips in frame rate while the Xbox One version stays solid at 60. Big difference then last year Ubisoft though.


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#3 NintendoReport



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Posted 07 November 2014 - 05:11 AM





It's interesting though how the resolution on the xbox one version scales depending on what is happening on screen. That is a pretty darn good trick to help performance, and I bet next year it will be implemented on PS4 but it won't be mentioned.

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#4 Gruff



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Posted 07 November 2014 - 05:17 AM



It's interesting though how the resolution on the xbox one version scales depending on what is happening on screen. That is a pretty darn good trick to help performance, and I bet next year it will be implemented on PS4 but it won't be mentioned.

While I don't play COD, I wish they were making it for Wii U. It would be nice to see if it could perform like the other two consoles. (And it doesn't hurt to have more games.)

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#5 Scumbag



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Posted 07 November 2014 - 05:17 AM

Looks like Xbone's extra 10% from the GPU might have helped here considering Ghosts was 720p barely 60fps. AW is more like 900p xbone though?


What I do know is that Xbone's dynamic resolutiion and framerate advantage is campaign only, online both versions are 60fps but Xbone is never at native 1080p.

#6 NintendoReport



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Posted 07 November 2014 - 05:27 AM

Looks like Xbone's extra 10% from the GPU might have helped here considering Ghosts was 720p barely 60fps. AW is more like 900p xbone though?


What I do know is that Xbone's dynamic resolutiion and framerate advantage is campaign only, online both versions are 60fps but Xbone is never at native 1080p.


The Xbox One version of first-person shooter Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare outputs at a resolution of at least 1360x1080, developer Sledgehammer has said.


It gets to 1080 however it's squashed. Here is an image used to show how the resolution changes during gameplay.



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#7 Lupaie



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Posted 07 November 2014 - 05:45 AM

It makes total sense and I hope more studios will use this. In very fast parts of the you can't focus on the little details and you need the speed there. Yet in the slower parts, gamers can focus more on its surroundings and things look a bit sharper then. I can imagine that Racing games could use this technique too.



Come to think of it. Remember the time when Widescreen movies had to be scaled for 4x4 and 16x9 ratios. Some manufacturers came up with all kind of scalers. The best ones kept the middle space of the screen intact and worked most on the edges. 


If you translate that to for example racing games. I could imagine that the middle part(say 1000 pixels wide) of the screen (1920 pixels wide) would render in 1080 and that the sides would render in 720. I'm living in fantasyland here... ;) But that way most characters, cars, racinglisnes were in full details while the edges are a bit less sharp. Yet when racing through those scenes with 60fps who would notice

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#8 NintendoReport



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Posted 07 November 2014 - 05:58 AM

Here is info from digital foundary verdict



Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare - the Digital Foundry verdict

Given more time to closely scrutinise Advanced Warfare across a breadth of stages, the tussle between PS4 and Xbox One is an easy one to summarise. Owners of Sony's latest kit enjoy a pure, true, unadulterated 1080p image throughout the game, planting its flag closest to the PC's pristine standard of presentation. The one downside for this version is its propensity for frame-rate drops in campaign mode - wavering between 50-60fps under load, and stuttering very occasionally lower. The Xbox One, meanwhile, handles this solo mode with far fewer dips, albeit with the introduction of tearing at stress points.

This does not have a bearing on its multiplayer mode, where both PS4 and Xbox One are optimised to hold 60fps at a consistency we'd expect of the series. Odd, single frames are skipped every now and then while jet-boosting around taxing stages like Instinct - but these are largely imperceptible blips on an otherwise straight 60fps line. If you only have eyes for multiplayer, either platform comfortably satisfies in the frame-rate stakes.

As a detracting point for Microsoft's platform, the resolution is often at the 1360x1080 point in campaign, only really rising to a full 1920x1080 outside of battle. This dynamic framebuffer doesn't translate as we'd expect to multiplayer either, where it's fixed to the lower number in perpetuity - resulting in a cut-off in image clarity the further into the distance you look. For us, this would be one of the bigger points of consideration, but it's not so much of an issue in the single-player campaign, owing to its more heavily post-processed image.

However, the PS4 and Xbox One each share the highest quality textures, effects and geometry of the maxed-out PC version. They only fall noticeably short in three areas; the low-grade anisotropic filtering on textures, less accurate specular mapping for reflections, and opting for SSAO, rather than the PC's subtler HBAO+ shading around objects. Otherwise, you get the full deal, complete with subsurface scattering.

Overall, the PS4's superior image quality compared with Xbox One makes it the choice pick on the multiplayer front, with both holding up here at 60fps. As for the campaign mode's playability, it's an apples and oranges contest between the Xbox One's performance lead and the PS4's resolution advantages, with little else in-between. But for those equipped to do so, the PC version is a tantalising alternative that deserves respect for putting the series back on track.


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#9 nintendo3DS


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Posted 07 November 2014 - 10:55 AM

Does anyone else have this game (on PS4)? 

#10 Raiden


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Posted 07 November 2014 - 02:43 PM

Nothing can help the fact it's still CoD. Series needs to stop existing.

#11 BrosBeforeGardenTools


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Posted 07 November 2014 - 04:16 PM

There are some pretty good rumors that the XBox One CPU is a bit faster, which could lead to better frame rate. But the PS4 GPU will always be faster, meaning it will be hard to match it on resolution.

#12 Fero


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Posted 16 November 2014 - 10:07 PM

Nothing can help the fact it's still CoD. Series needs to stop existing.


It's a perfectly solid franchise, and I find the latest one to be my favourite even though I'm usually not a big fan, think about the type of people who buy it, they generally pay for it once a year and it lasts them the whole year... 

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