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Does Nintendo NEED new IPs?

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#1 TheDoctor_13


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Posted 10 March 2015 - 07:23 PM

Pretty much all the time you'll hear "Nintendo needs new IPs!" or "They re-hash Mario / Zelda, thats all they come out with!" or most likely both. But does Nintendo really need New IPs?

I say they do a good job at keeping old franchises fresh, even sacrificing New IP potential for a old IP, Mario Galaxy probably could've been something, Kirby's Epic Yarn defiantly, and more. Not saying thats a bad thing, but does give fuel to the fire. I think their doing a good job now, Pushmo/Crashmo, Dillions Rolling Western, Rusty's Real Deal Baseball, Splatoon, Codename Steam, BoxBoy, Harmo Knight, I'm probably forgetting some. Ok maybe a little heh to include like Rusty, BoxBoy, and Harmo Knight. 

Though I think they can do old IPs also, most are forgotten or well just so old you have full creative realm.  Kid Icarus was a good hit return. Ice Climbers can come back as a Never Alone like title. Theres Star Tropics which can be a third person Action-Adventure. Custom Robo. Always been a fan of Balloon Fight. They can maybe turn Pilot Wings into a more realistic simulator, but not too far. 

Then of course there is like Sin & Punishment, F-Zero, 1080*. 

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#2 Raiden


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Posted 10 March 2015 - 07:26 PM

They have over 80 new IP's in last 14 years. They have new IP's all the time. Every system they have tons of new IP's. Yes they need them like anyone else while at the same time more familiar ones keep making them well and it's fine. Nintendo does both. Nintendo makes some of the most new IP's just so many idiots and uninformed people who believe everything they read from other idiots.

#3 grahamf


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Posted 10 March 2015 - 07:40 PM

Splatoon. Your argument is invalid.



#4 GAMER1984



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Posted 10 March 2015 - 07:45 PM

Sorry but you are not going to like the replies to this. But I will DM you my thoughts

#5 TheDoctor_13


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Posted 10 March 2015 - 08:41 PM

tI'm not saying the NEED them. I know their coming out and have came out with loads of new IPs, I gave examples in the op.

Of course they need New IPs to survive, I wasen't suggesting to get rid of them, that would be mad lol. Just saying that those people that say that kinda stuff are wrong, as ryudo pointed out the new ips to years number. I'm just saying they've released plenty of new ips that they can put some focus on re-imagining old ips.

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#6 Mewbot


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Posted 11 March 2015 - 01:18 AM

They need to keep making new IPs, yes. But to say that they're not already is madness.


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#7 NintendoReport



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Posted 11 March 2015 - 02:24 AM

New IP's are good, it gives the designers a bit more flexibility because there isn't some ingrained standard or expectation regarding gameplay/content that you get with an IP that has been around for decades. We all know how Splatoon came to be, inside a dev "Garage" that was creating all sorts of prototypes and ideas. Not necessarily to create a new IP, but to create new gameplay mechanics and ideas which matured into an IP.


It seems Nintendo has restructured itself in a way that it can work on new ideas and gameplay while other studios work with Nintendo's current IP catalog.


Sorry but you are not going to like the replies to this. But I will DM you my thoughts


and what? why don't you just post it here lol. I think The Doctor can handle other peoples responses. 

Oh, and for a simple answer to your question OP. YES they NEED new IP's even if just for the sake of creativity and experimentation.

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#8 Son Edo

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Posted 11 March 2015 - 04:09 PM

Yeah they do and they have current ones sitting around doing nothing.

#9 DéliopT



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Posted 12 March 2015 - 06:35 AM

Most people say that Nintendo doesn't create new IPs because they just don't care about most of the IPs you listed.
Had Nintendo created IPs like Halo, Gears of War, Destiny, Uncharted, Assassin's Creed, and no one would say that Nintendo doesn't create new IPs.


What this means is, with the exception of Splatoon and probably STEAM, everything else is secondary (or worse) to the mass market. It just doesn't fit to their tastes so they just ignore it or simply dismiss it.

That's exactly why Nintendo needs those type of IPs. It's those type of IPs that put Sony and MS on the map for the majority of gamers.


So, in short, Nintendo does need new IPs.




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