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What's in store for the 3DS?

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#21 Raiden


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Posted 16 May 2015 - 07:59 AM





DQ8 already has an english localization. DQ7 was remade and would've needed a new one. That's a huge difference and it's the main one that tends to be the deciding factor, especially with such a text-heavy game.

To release this in the west, all they have to do is go back to their english script and just copy it into the new game and then probably get at least half a million sales out of it. They'd be absolutely insane not to do it! Whereas with DQ7, it's a huge game with lots of translation to do. It's also a lesser known game in the west. That's a much bigger gamble for them. DQ8 is no gamble at all, it's guaranteed profit.


English translation for the new DQ7 out as well. Many times companies like this pay to use fan translations. Xseed almost entirely uses them for Falcom games. DQ8 also sold rather poorly..only half a mill in the US and that was only because it included a demo of FF12.DQ7 didn't sell great either but it was released late.  That said they sell on DS but then again this is the same company who hyped people up at a conference to announce a port of a port of a port and so far yet to release it over a year later.

#22 Marcus



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Posted 16 May 2015 - 11:47 PM

English translation for the new DQ7 out as well. Many times companies like this pay to use fan translations. Xseed almost entirely uses them for Falcom games. DQ8 also sold rather poorly..only half a mill in the US and that was only because it included a demo of FF12.DQ7 didn't sell great either but it was released late.  That said they sell on DS but then again this is the same company who hyped people up at a conference to announce a port of a port of a port and so far yet to release it over a year later.


Where is the english translation for DQ7?


I wasn't just basing that on speculation, they did admit that was the reason: http://www.siliconer...rect=no&oswrr=1

#23 Raiden


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Posted 17 May 2015 - 07:02 AM

Where is the english translation for DQ7?


I wasn't just basing that on speculation, they did admit that was the reason: http://www.siliconer...rect=no&oswrr=1

Square also said it would take 40 years to remake FF7 for PS3. http://kotaku.com/55...vii-remake-take


That is the link I was refering to as to why they are stupid that you posted. Time and time again the stuff sells on DS/3DS from DQ to Brave to Fire Emblem to SMT. They sell well in the west. ALso the same company who thought All the bravest was a good idea.


  Square says a lot of dumb things that are BS. Also it would take a few months at best to translate. Since I know DQ games they are not the most text heavy games. Brave has 10x the text any DQ game has. Hell Xseed is 20 people and the one game they are translating it Trails in the Sky 2 and been doing it since 2011! There is so much text in TITS2 the text alone would fill up more than 2 PSP UMDs!  Xseed can do a game that has THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS of lines translated,Square can do it for Brave which has FAR MORE text than a DQ game then they can easily do DQ7 esp when DQ7 is already in english just fix some things. Top it off Xseed is doing several projects at a time. Tho the one downside to fan translations is you sometimes get people who are cray cray lol. The whole Nightwolf thing was hilarious.


Squaresoft are run by idiots the same idiots who said Kingdom Hearts and FFXV will run and released on anything that can Do DX11..So where is the Wii U versions? Wii U can do DX11 Equivelent with GX2. Square the same ones who said Tomb Raider didn't sell well enough for them..you know all 4 million copies before the remaster.  Dragon Quest in general is like Zelda they are not setting the world on fire with a text heavy story. DQ games are pretty much the same now as they were on NES. Part of the appeal is they stay the same for the most part. (DQIX changed it up)


In short Square,Konami,Capcom are in the same bag being poorly run full of idiots who don't know thier head from the sand. Take whatever they say with a grain of salt. I don't go looking for fan translations just know always people making them and a select few making a decent sum on doing it. Ys games all got that way for the PSP/Vita releases. They have 20X the text DQ has.

#24 Marcus



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Posted 17 May 2015 - 08:15 AM

I think they were saying that the full world of FF7, if remade with the detail of FF13 would take ten times as long (which I suspect was hyperbolic). That's not necessarily the same as saying the version they would remake would take that long. If they ever did remake it, chances are the world wouldn't have that same amount of detail. Almost no "open world" games do. A remake of FF7 would probably be about the same size a project as FF15 I would guess. But would probably take less time cos they'd already know what they were making, instead of all the dilly-dallying they've had with 15.


And where exactly did they say that Kingdom Hearts and FF15 will run on anything with DX11. That would be an insane thing to claim.

Edited by MarcusT, 17 May 2015 - 08:42 AM.

#25 Raiden


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Posted 17 May 2015 - 08:39 AM

I think they were saying that the full world of FF7, if remade with the detail of FF13 would take ten times as long (which I suspect was hyperbolic). That's not necessarily the same as saying the version they would remake would take that long. If they ever did remake it, chances are the world wouldn't have that same amount of detail. Almost no "open world" games do.


And where exactly did they say that Kingdom Hearts and FF15 will run on anything with DX11. That would be an insane thing to claim.

Nomura isn't the the smartest man. I can't find the eaxt link from 2 years ago so this article is paraphrasing but he basicaly said in the old article release the games on anything that can run DX11. http://playeressence...ances-are-slim/


Funny how DX is a MS thing Sony uses Open GL but can do the same things pretty much and so can GX2


#26 Marcus



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Posted 17 May 2015 - 09:02 AM

Right, but there's a difference between supporting the same (or a similar) graphics library and having the same graphical power. The Wii U could have the identical architecture and hardware functions as the PS4 but if the game's being written mainly for the PS4, the Wii U wouldn't be able to handle it in terms of the CPU and GPU power. Which means they'd need to do the whole graphical downgrade thing to get it working on the Wii U. Which I'm guessing puts them off! It sounds like they're having enough trouble trying to get the Xbox to keep up as it is.

Edited by MarcusT, 17 May 2015 - 09:03 AM.

#27 Raiden


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Posted 17 May 2015 - 09:21 AM

Right, but there's a difference between supporting the same (or a similar) graphics library and having the same graphical power. The Wii U could have the identical architecture and hardware functions as the PS4 but if the game's being written mainly for the PS4, the Wii U wouldn't be able to handle it in terms of the CPU and GPU power. Which means they'd need to do the whole graphical downgrade thing to get it working on the Wii U. Which I'm guessing puts them off!

Nah Wii U can likely do KHIII with optimization,something absent this gen with 40GB installs. It's like comparing a SEGA Genesis to SNES. Not the raw power but it's good enough where the difference isn't as big as people make it out to be despite only 512 colors vs SNES 32,000 because games like Sparkster or Earthworm Jim. FFXV maybe could at 720P at 30. XCX and Zelda are running on it.

Also keep this in mind. XBOX is selling as well in Japan as Air Conditioners to an Eskimo. Wii U does fairly ok there and outsold PS4 a couple weeks ago. It has Monster Hunter,XCX DQX and Fatal Frame so Wii U has appeal in Japan.  KHIII makes little sense esp when it's mainly a Sony franchise and second a Nintendo one but NONE a MS one. Xbox crowd is not the one to buy JRPGs either in the US in general. Nomura is often a talking head for higher ups and is fed PR lines like the DX one. He's good at a lot of things and terrible at some others like Zippers and belts but Square is poorly uitizing him and guys like Ito plus the interal power struggle Square is having as a company. FF13-2 sold far less than Tomb Raider and they were happy with that but mad about 4 million TR selling not being enough.why would a total flop like 13-2 and LR be talked about in a good light? Why would a flop like X-2 be a big talking point for the remasters? Because they were made by Kitase and Toriyama goes back to their internal bullcrap.

They as a company are REALLY run poorly.


So again Square is dumb.

Edited by Ryudo, 17 May 2015 - 09:59 AM.

#28 Marcus



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Posted 17 May 2015 - 11:36 AM

Well of course it COULD do it with optimization. Almost anything could. But how much? It has 1/4 the RAM for a start. It's unlikely they're designing the game to just leave most of that unused. You'd need to know exactly how they're putting the resources to use to know how easy it would be to port to the Wii U. That makes a huge difference. If they're using most of that memory for high-res textures, well it's simple enough to just scale those down in a few clicks. What if they're using all of that for rendering really high poly models en masse? Well then they'd have to go through all of those models and make alternatives at 1/4 the poly count. That's a lot more work than downsizing a texture.

Recall, it took Ubisoft about 6 months longer to release Watch Dogs on Wii U, and it still came out as a bad port. That was even designed for last gen consoles. Do you think they're all just really crap at their jobs or do you think maybe it's just quite hard to do?

Edited by MarcusT, 17 May 2015 - 11:37 AM.

#29 Raiden


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Posted 28 May 2015 - 07:16 PM


So I was asked where is the fan translation of DQ7. It's in the works.




Edited by Ryudo, 28 May 2015 - 07:15 PM.

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