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Possible SURPRISE 3rd party titles announced at E3?

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#1 GAMER1984



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Posted 18 May 2015 - 10:23 PM

So I was just thinking about what 3rd party titles could be surprised announced at E3.  Right now the only thing I could think of is an activision title maybe COD. That has at least some rumors supporting it. Any other titles you guys can think of we might get a SURPRISE (as in you know Wii U dont get 3rd party titles) Wii U version????

Edited by GAMER1984, 18 May 2015 - 10:24 PM.

#2 NintendoReport



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Posted 19 May 2015 - 02:42 AM

Could be interesting if the Wii U gets a few more 3rd parties announced from bigger publishers at least in regards to mature titles. The normal Skylanders, Just Dance, Lego, DI and stuff is already known to be coming.


Rumblings of Assassins Creed have been around for a bit, with the Wii U logo popping up on websites (not sure if it remains). COD may be the best bet with all of the rumors, logos, promo stuff being littered around.

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#3 DéliopT



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Posted 19 May 2015 - 05:47 AM

I just can't see who else would want to support Wii U besides Ubisoft, Activision and Sega.

Ubisoft is out, Sega pretty much too. If Activision does anything else it's got to be a remaster like they did with Goldeneye. A CoD remake of the MW trilogy makes sense: new generation, two of the most loved CoD games.



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