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Wii U - Star Fox Zero E3 2015 Trailer

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#1 NintendoReport



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Posted 17 June 2015 - 01:52 AM


No online multiplayer.

I don't thinks the graphics are bad, and I don't think they are all that "great" either. They look fine though and it's Star Fox. Additionally, the game has 5 months or so to be worked on yet and keep in mind the gamepad and tv are streaming two different feeds at 60 fps.

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#2 Nukie


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Posted 21 July 2015 - 12:09 PM

Is this the only thread discussing Star Fox Zero? Or did I just miss them all?
It's one of only a handful big 1st party titles still coming to Wii U, it has a radical control set up like nothing we've seen before, but no one is making any noise about it.

#3 NintendoReport



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Posted 21 July 2015 - 12:12 PM

Is this the only thread discussing Star Fox Zero? Or did I just miss them all?
It's one of only a handful big 1st party titles still coming to Wii U, it has a radical control set up like nothing we've seen before, but no one is making any noise about it.



There are a few, https://www.google.c...fox thewiiu.com


Forums are quiet, especially in the summer lull, Iwata's passing, server issues but nonetheless I expect more discussion on this game when we see another trailer which i would expect coming up in a direct soon. I think we should be getting a general direct sometime in August (just a guess)


I think  gameplay looks good, controls look like something to take a bit to get comfortable with but once you do it will feel natural. I hope the overall graphics get polished a bit more and we see more levels with more "action" . I do see they are going for the StarFox 64 look and feel, at least that is how it comes across.

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#4 Nukie


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Posted 24 July 2015 - 12:54 PM

I have been reading some articles about the Nintendo Media Event in Toronto. The SFZ impressions of using the gamepad are mixed to say the least. The impressions range from "Oh I get it, yeah I really do" to "this is ridiculous, how am I supposed to fly while looking at the blah blah blah ". Haven't seen anyone whose tried the demo post "wow, this is the best control method ever" yet.
So now more than ever, I am very keen to get my hands on the game, because I am intrigued to know how it all fits together. I'm sure Nintendo exhaustively tested the gameplay mechanics before bringing the game to E3. Nintendo knows how to do fun, it's just not the pick up and play mechanics were used to.

A while ago I posted the above jpg showing the gamepad being used to 'look out the window'. Pretty conservative compared to what's coming.
I am really looking forward to Star Fox Zero because of its very different control method.

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