I know many people see AAA as the cream of the crop. Just It feels so many of then are mediocre to bad with a shiny coat of paint and millions invested in marketing. Some greats for sure. Some clearly are either mediocre like Destiny or terrible like ACU. Yet they still sell. They often overshadow smaller budget and less marketed games. That's to be expected but they are sometimes fantastic games with some goofiness or over the top. It great when you discover one. As a main example Platinum Games are very much like that. Even with big names they make the B-tier but amazing games. Devils Third is another. Ninja Gaiden used to be AAA. Ninja Gaiden 3 is bad,well vanilla NG3. Ninja Gaiden 3 Razors Edge on Wii U is a really good B game. More or less using pretty much the same assets it seems they kinda remade the game on Wii U not as much a port as they added and removed things. Like missions characters and weapons.
B games do not always have to be pure action games. Nier is a great Action RPG. Many people likes Enslaved. Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom I will take to the grave is better than anything Team Ico did. Conan is a fun action game but damn ugly lol.
Why do I enjoy them so much? They often just have some unique charm to them. Also do more of a even balance of gameplay and story rather than so much AAA being more cinematic. Often have a cool factor and mostly they often feel how we imagine 16 bit games in 3d as kids. They sometimes have some great humor and over the top. Not always.
I don't know if I can pick a fave but some I love are well ANYTHING from Platinum like Metal Gear Rising,Bayonetta series. I guess yeah anything PG makes I esp love.
Anyone into B games of any genre and what are some of your faves? If new to them try Bayonetta or MGR.