I had to wait a half hour for Dragon Age install and 20 minutes on Diablo and PS3 often does the same thing.
MGS5 can be played on PC or PS3 or 360 or XBO. Shovel Knight is on Wii U,3DS and PC. Tearaway on Vita. Those are not reasons to buy the system. In the west tho I bought Dragon Quest Heroes as I love DQ and want more western DQ games. 2016 EXCLUSIVES will justify the system for me. Other than that PS4 has sold on marketing but on games you can mostly play elsewhere already.
Huh...strange. Most of the PS4 games I've installed finished rather quickly...and usually, they have it set up so you can play to certain points in the games after installing it a certain amount.
Uh...I never said they were exclusives, but they are very much playable and available on the PS4, which is a good enough reason to list them as any.
If we're talking exclusives, well, then there's still inFAMOUS Second Son, inFAMOUS First Light, Uncharted, Bloodborne, Disgaea 5, Driveclub, Everybody's Gone To The Rapture, Gran Turismo 7, Kingdom Hearts 2.8HD Remix, Killzone: Shadowfall, etc. Combine those with third parties, decent sales on the PSN, PS+ games, and you've got a system worth buyin'.