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Wii U NOT ceasing production says Nintendo

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#1 Raiden


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Posted 22 March 2016 - 07:33 PM



#2 Auzzie Wingman

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Posted 23 March 2016 - 02:06 AM

The report came from Nikkei, which is reputable in Japan for pretty much always hitting the mark. They aren't some source that can be counted out for small reasons, as they only post about business when they are 100% sure.


They previously reported about the 3DS XL before the 3DS XL was even a thing. But more importantly, this is Nintendo. As much as I like them their damage control is amazing. Things like not having a 3DS XL, or the not N3DS being sent out west, both which were busts and probably were well on the plans before reports arrived.


The original piece stated that some parts have ceased production. That wouldn't be something that could be easily popped out. All Nikkei would have to do is get someone in to double check, as I'm sure that production amounts are part of their analysis pieces.


I don't expect the Wii U to cease as early as they state though. Ultimately, there is still something to be made. NX doesn't fund itself.

Edited by Auzzie Wingman, 23 March 2016 - 02:07 AM.

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#3 NintendoReport



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Posted 23 March 2016 - 06:20 AM

They said the report did not come from them and that it would continue production into the next quarter and beyond. Wouldn't it be easier to just say, we will be producing the remainder of this year and into 2017 blah blah. lol.


Funny they even bothered to respond though. Either way, production could cease on the Wii U by end of year and they would have enough units stocked for future demand.

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#4 Raiden


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Posted 23 March 2016 - 11:29 AM

The report came from Nikkei, which is reputable in Japan for pretty much always hitting the mark. They aren't some source that can be counted out for small reasons, as they only post about business when they are 100% sure.


They previously reported about the 3DS XL before the 3DS XL was even a thing. But more importantly, this is Nintendo. As much as I like them their damage control is amazing. Things like not having a 3DS XL, or the not N3DS being sent out west, both which were busts and probably were well on the plans before reports arrived.


The original piece stated that some parts have ceased production. That wouldn't be something that could be easily popped out. All Nikkei would have to do is get someone in to double check, as I'm sure that production amounts are part of their analysis pieces.


I don't expect the Wii U to cease as early as they state though. Ultimately, there is still something to be made. NX doesn't fund itself.

No they reported and a successor to 3DS. XL was just a revision . They also said Wii U would be 250 bucks and said NX will use Android. Both turned out false. They throw so much trash at the wall some of it's bound to stick and that is when people freak out and GO SEE THEY WERE RIGHT. They were not right and still wrong and report BS

#5 pexpress


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Posted 20 June 2016 - 01:38 AM

in any case not before the nx will be commercialised





Edited by pexpress, 22 June 2016 - 08:42 AM.

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