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i need 2 questions about wii u answered before i commit to a day one purchase.

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#1 djlewe78



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Posted 21 May 2012 - 03:00 AM

Hi guys and hope all is well! Right now ive posted on here and read lots n lots of posts about the specs and capabilities of the wii u and i find it all facinating. But i have a small problem .... i havent got a clue what any of it means! So as u all seem to know heres my questions....
1. If the 360 n ps3 are lets say 1/10 in power etc what wud u say wii u was?
2. A bit of different question now, i tried to imagine my ipad wass a wii u tablet while i was playing project gotham on my xbox and when i looked down at it (pretending i was looking at a map or whatever ) i crashed or messed up a bit, is it really possible to look away from the main playing area to utalise this new controller? Especially in an online shooter, if u look away for a second ur dead!
Please help me make my final descion x

#2 Guest_TRON_*

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Posted 21 May 2012 - 03:11 AM

1. no one knows the answer YET. just put it like this the Wii U will be powerful enough to run next gen engines. it will get the multiplatform titles that nextbox and ps4 gets. so expect at E3 to see graphics that leave ps360 in the dust.

2. im not sure if you ever played a ds or 3ds... but its basically the same. yes it take time a little to get use to having a second screen for gaming. but once you do it becomes second nature. you will see how different it is and how much better it could be.

im not sure if that helps but i can only hope you get it... I will have mine on launch day and will be up gaming all that night. its going to be a hardcore gaming marathon.

#3 djlewe78



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Posted 21 May 2012 - 03:38 AM

1. no one knows the answer YET. just put it like this the Wii U will be powerful enough to run next gen engines. it will get the multiplatform titles that nextbox and ps4 gets. so expect at E3 to see graphics that leave ps360 in the dust.

2. im not sure if you ever played a ds or 3ds... but its basically the same. yes it take time a little to get use to having a second screen for gaming. but once you do it becomes second nature. you will see how different it is and how much better it could be.

im not sure if that helps but i can only hope you get it... I will have mine on launch day and will be up gaming all that night. its going to be a hardcore gaming marathon.

Thanks mate, i have a 3ds but as its all in ur hand i think its a bit different to the wii u, also the games wiill be different. Like i said if u take ur eyes off an online shooter u usually get killed.

#4 Stewox



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Posted 21 May 2012 - 04:12 AM

Hi guys and hope all is well! Right now ive posted on here and read lots n lots of posts about the specs and capabilities of the wii u and i find it all facinating. But i have a small problem .... i havent got a clue what any of it means! So as u all seem to know heres my questions....
1. If the 360 n ps3 are lets say 1/10 in power etc what wud u say wii u was?
2. A bit of different question now, i tried to imagine my ipad wass a wii u tablet while i was playing project gotham on my xbox and when i looked down at it (pretending i was looking at a map or whatever ) i crashed or messed up a bit, is it really possible to look away from the main playing area to utalise this new controller? Especially in an online shooter, if u look away for a second ur dead!
Please help me make my final descion x

1. WiiU will be about 4 times better than X360 in terms of graphics when peaked out, we do not know if the memory and CPU will be up to those multipliers but it will be good.
2. Many developers think they would use the new controller for FPS, no, the best play experience for a FPS is the WiiU Zapper method, a gaming revolution, the age of playing FPS with the stupid analogs is over, for me it was over 6 years ago, but this time this has finally the ability to reach global recognition, I do not know how many 3rd-party developers are going to commit to it, because most of them are pretty ignorant still, but for nintendo first-parties, this method(another picture) is already 99% confirmed, I can't wait.

What more do you need to know?

Edited by Stewox, 21 May 2012 - 04:30 AM.

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#5 Nollog


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Posted 21 May 2012 - 04:52 AM

1. I don't understand. Are you asking for specs if Wii U is 10 times more powerful? or are you asking if it was 10 times more powerful, would it be next gen?

2. Tactics come into play.
You don't reload out in the middle of nowhere, you run to a secluded area to reload, the same can be said for checking your map.
Also, you could hold the controller up to your face if you wanted.

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#6 Stewox



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Posted 21 May 2012 - 05:24 AM

1. I don't understand. Are you asking for specs if Wii U is 10 times more powerful? or are you asking if it was 10 times more powerful, would it be next gen?

2. Tactics come into play.
You don't reload out in the middle of nowhere, you run to a secluded area to reload, the same can be said for checking your map.
Also, you could hold the controller up to your face if you wanted.

To a newbie to answer his question you need to answer it as you though what he probably thought in the tech manner, you don't need to try to answer it literally.

The general public goes with those simple 1st-grade class question and answers, atleast about tech. I answer questions how I would answer any such question, my way, the question doesn't have to be answered literally.

It is not possible to describe the system power with one number, especially with this lack of information, that's why I have notified that one number is only valid for the graphics, we do not know for the rest.

2. Is obsolete, at least for me, I won't be playing FPS with analogs, so I will go simply around any such problems :) Trying to explain how to play a fast paced gameplay or usual western FPS game with this controller and looking on the screen while not trying to die, is conflicting, i don't even what to think about it, it's out of logic, the games and gameplay will have to be designed around the controller, carmack agrees. Link 1 - Link 2

We don't want another PS360 scenario, that the society will be fed some software which wasn't designed for the input systems. It will be sad to see these american 3rd parties pushing FPS games onto the analog sticks, I hope they notice the WiiU zapper sooner.

Edited by Stewox, 21 May 2012 - 05:53 AM.

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#7 Nollog


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Posted 21 May 2012 - 05:47 AM

To a newbie to answer his question you need to answer it as you though what he probably thought in the tech manner, you don't need to try to answer it literally.

The general public goes with those simple 1st-grade class question and answers, atleast about tech. I answer questions how I would answer any such question, my way, the question doesn't have to be answered literally.

It is not possible to describe the system power with one number, especially with this lack of information, that's why I have notified that one number is only valid for the graphics, we do not know for the rest.

2. Is obsolete, at least for me, I won't be playing FPS with analogs, so I will go simply around any such problems :)

Your English needs work.

The OP isn't a "newbie" either, he has a good few posts.
2. wasn't talking to you. :'(

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#8 djlewe78



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Posted 21 May 2012 - 06:30 AM

Hey guys thanks for all your comments and they have helped, i was asking how much more powerful the wii u will be as im not really sure about all the processer and graphics chips chat everybody was talking about.

Your English needs work.

The OP isn't a "newbie" either, he has a good few posts.
2. wasn't talking to you. :'(

Thanks mate :)

#9 Stewox



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Posted 21 May 2012 - 06:50 AM

Your English needs work.

The OP isn't a "newbie" either, he has a good few posts.
2. wasn't talking to you. :'(

The number of posts never matters. The questions appear to be like from an avreage gamer who has no idea about tech but I am glad he is interested in knowing. The american slang doesn't help either.

My english is such as it is, it's not my mother's language therefore I don't have any obligation to make it better, i do not purposelly use slang and shortcuts, i do my best.

If there are more questions we gladly would like to answer them, and helping new players to get into the community, but you have to learn and do something your self, this is no babysitting, since my personal opinion on the 3rd-party support is mixed, I do not want the invasion of modern-warfail PS360 demographic to invade the nintendo community, their philosophy is not welcome here, they will need to learn the ways of this community, at least i hope so.

I don't like the splitting of the core community and arguments in the core, the disagreements as in this case have been interesting but not damaging, thought not helping either, I do not want this to continue so I am adressing them even though it was not targeted at me, my goal is to provide the best possible answer to a newcomer, but the contradicting answers from others in the core community can only confuse the newcomer more than help, but I am saddned that not a lot of people recognize the power and importance of the WiiU Zapper. In other words, I want to correct you that, if the WiiU Zapper method catches ground, there might be no need to worry about these issues, this is important to point out, the newcomer would get a better idea and a hope that he would not need to worry about this issue which boosts his confidence in buying the device. The issue I am talking about is question number 2., there is no best explanation what to do in that situation, it's up to the game design, but the whole issue might be obsolete sooner or later.

There is another aspect of these community conection, this is a forum, you should not take anything too personally. My thinking is not compatible with how corporate business works, there is no such thing as a BOSS without first being a worker, the best example for this case is Nintendo, Satoru Iwata, the CEO of Nintendo had the proper path of promotion in the company, he has not been assigned to be a CEO without working in the industry and in the company from the beginning, a rarity in today's business structure and certainly the only such company in the console business today.

Nintendo has strong views on how we should run our company. We consider ourselves, above all else, as a gaming company. We believe other companies (in the console marketplace) see themselves primarily as technology companies.
- Satoru Iwata

That's why I continue to be a fan of nintnedo, I am glad my parents bought me N64 which I remember the moment in the store pointing finger and not wanting to go away from that, I was 6 years old, I have no idea tho this day what was in me that I was wanting that because my memory is too deep to remember correctly, I may not have been the same guy without that key event in history. The fact holds true, what you experience in the beginning leads you into the future, age doesn't matter, i've seen a lot of 40+ people who look like 14 old on the web, not a lot of people change, I have changed my lifestyle, but I keept all the good from the old one.

Edited by Stewox, 21 May 2012 - 07:35 AM.

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#10 djlewe78



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Posted 21 May 2012 - 07:05 AM

The number of posts never matters. The questions appear to be like from an avreage gamer who has no idea about tech but I am glad he is interested in knowing. The american slang doesn't help either.

My english is such as it is, it's not my mother's language therefore I don't have any obligation to make it better, i do not purposelly use slang and shortcuts, i do my best.

If there are more questions we're gladly would like to answer them, and helping new players to get into the community, but you have to learn and do something your self, this is no babysitting, since my personal opinion on the 3rd-party support is mixed, I do not want the invasion of modern-warfail PS360 demographic to invade the nintendo community, their philosophy is not welcome here, they will need to learn the ways of this community, at least i hope so

Lol i love that last statement im a nintendo boy through n through, i have a 360 to play other games but im certainly not a cod fan boy, also just because i dont know what chips or what processer is what doesnt mean im not a true gamer! I bet u watch tv but u dont know whats inside! Yes id like to know more but i kinda trust nintendo to do all that tech stuff for me so i dont have to worry.

#11 Nollog


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Posted 21 May 2012 - 07:33 AM

Hey guys thanks for all your comments and they have helped, i was asking how much more powerful the wii u will be as im not really sure about all the processer and graphics chips chat everybody was talking about.

If you believe IGN's specs they rumoured last year, 1-2 times more powerful.

If you believe more recent rumours, ie. power-7, 2GB ram, 2 upad's, bump in spec to accommodate UE4, 3-4 times more powerful.

Swetx, stop being so confrontational with people who "don't know as much as you". You'll scare them away with your bear-like attitude. :'(

Edited by Nollog, 21 May 2012 - 07:34 AM.

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#12 Stewox



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Posted 21 May 2012 - 07:56 AM

Lol i love that last statement im a nintendo boy through n through, i have a 360 to play other games but im certainly not a cod fan boy, also just because i dont know what chips or what processer is what doesnt mean im not a true gamer! I bet u watch tv but u dont know whats inside! Yes id like to know more but i kinda trust nintendo to do all that tech stuff for me so i dont have to worry.

That's more like it. Explaining your situation always works, with me, you can know I won't have a bad response.

My personal opinion is not forced upon anyone, I just share it alongside because I have been challenged/questioned. You need to take into the account that i have stated "looks like it" - that is just a speculative comparrison - so no, I have not made any 100% accusations of you being a COD fanboy, neither i was going to post that side in the first place, but I had to.

I haven't had it in the plan originally, but It turned out good, you have passed the test, you are not a COD fanboy, if you were, you would have responded violently instead you found amusement in it, which I salute. The comment on the invading demographies (eg. PS360 people shifting to WiiU) is simply my opinion and has nothing to do with you since I cannot have known anything about you.

My opinion stands because I do not want nintnedo to start making modern-warfares because there might be so many people crying about it when they come to WiiU ... nintnedo is strong and i have faight they will not cater into these bad trends, those are my biggest fears that the console might be infested with crazy kids who scream on VOIP for every other headshot - but i know i won't be much playing MP to listen to those. My fears are that those demographies will damage the strong nintendo community and weaken it, you don't want a community that is split into sectors, that confuses the company, okay, it's already split into hardcore and casual, but we can coexist peacefully, I do not think PS360 demographic will be able to coexist peacefully with the established nintnedo community. The invading demographic might blame nintnedo just because of their past experience for something nintnedo is not guilty or responsible about, this is not the first time this happened.

For other users it is important to understand my writting, and how I form posts, I change it fast, part of the statements are fact, parts of it are subjective opinions, I do not have to be responsible if they're understood the wrong way, but I am gladly provide further explanation and clear any misunderstanding for anyone that asks without negative or rude manner on his part. As a conclusion the down is my COD experience, do not take it as a part of this core post, it's just what I write alongside, it could be posted separately, it is subjective opinion. I just talk a lot and combine stuff when I form my posts, I make line breaks to notify this, sometimes where it's more important i make several empty lines to notify something completely different in the discussion.

Speaking of COD - I was a heavy cod player in the early days, COD1 , COD2 and COD4. Though, what I mean with COD, is the new milking modern-warfare stuff, I do not bash the whole franchise, but this recent years have been all about cashing in on the popularity of gameplay that has disappeared from the competitive radar, I do not have the problem with it as in it-self, I have a problem with it because it is affecting every other developer out there and it's making the whole industry to go into that trend, only a few companies have stood true to their creative grounds, and that is, nintendo, relic, blizzard, and petroglyph ...etc there might be more viable companies that I cannot recall right now at this moment.

Edited by Stewox, 21 May 2012 - 08:03 AM.

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#13 birdmaster21


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Posted 21 May 2012 - 07:56 AM

If you believe IGN's specs they rumoured last year, 1-2 times more powerful.

If you believe more recent rumours, ie. power-7, 2GB ram, 2 upad's, bump in spec to accommodate UE4, 3-4 times more powerful.

Swetx, stop being so confrontational with people who "don't know as much as you". You'll scare them away with your bear-like attitude. :'(

IGN is right everytime they recieve specs as rumors they are right.
The Master of All Birds!!!!!

#14 Nollog


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Posted 21 May 2012 - 07:59 AM

IGN is right everytime they recieve specs as rumors they are right.

I hope you just forgot the [sarcasm]IGN is right[/sarcasm] tag

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#15 djlewe78



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Posted 21 May 2012 - 08:12 AM

That's more like it. Explaining your situation always works, with me, you can know I won't have a bad response.

My personal opinion is not forced upon anyone, I just share it alongside because I have been challenged/questioned. You need to take into the account that i have stated "looks like it" - that is just a speculative comparrison - so no, I have not made any 100% accusations of you being a COD fanboy, neither i was going to post that side in the first place, but I had to.

I haven't had it in the plan originally, but It turned out good, you have passed the test, you are not a COD fanboy, if you were, you would have responded violently instead you found amusement in it, which I salute. The comment on the invading demographies (eg. PS360 people shifting to WiiU) is simply my opinion and has nothing to do with you since I cannot have known anything about you.

My opinion stands because I do not want nintnedo to start making modern-warfares because there might be so many people crying about it when they come to WiiU ... nintnedo is strong and i have faight they will not cater into these bad trends, those are my biggest fears that the console might be infested with crazy kids who scream on VOIP for every other headshot - but i know i won't be much playing MP to listen to those. My fears are that those demographies will damage the strong nintendo community and weaken it, you don't want a community that is split into sectors, that confuses the company, okay, it's already split into hardcore and casual, but we can coexist peacefully, I do not think PS360 demographic will be able to coexist peacefully with the established nintnedo community. The invading demographic might blame nintnedo just because of their past experience for something nintnedo is not guilty or responsible about, this is not the first time this happened.

For other users it is important to understand my writting, and how I form posts, I change it fast, part of the statements are fact, parts of it are subjective opinions, I do not have to be responsible if they're understood the wrong way, but I am gladly provide further explanation and clear any misunderstanding for anyone that asks without negative or rude manner on his part. As a conclusion the down is my COD experience, do not take it as a part of this core post, it's just what I write alongside, it could be posted separately, it is subjective opinion. I just talk a lot and combine stuff when I form my posts, I make line breaks to notify this, sometimes where it's more important i make several empty lines to notify something completely different in the discussion.

Speaking of COD - I was a heavy cod player in the early days, COD1 , COD2 and COD4. Though, what I mean with COD, is the new milking modern-warfare stuff, I do not bash the whole franchise, but this recent years have been all about cashing in on the popularity of gameplay that has disappeared from the competitive radar, I do not have the problem with it as in it-self, I have a problem with it because it is affecting every other developer out there and it's making the whole industry to go into that trend, only a few companies have stood true to their creative grounds, and that is, nintendo, relic, blizzard, and petroglyph ...etc there might be more viable companies that I cannot recall right now at this moment.

#16 Stewox



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Posted 21 May 2012 - 08:20 AM

If you believe IGN's specs they rumoured last year, 1-2 times more powerful.

If you believe more recent rumours, ie. power-7, 2GB ram, 2 upad's, bump in spec to accommodate UE4, 3-4 times more powerful.

Swetx, stop being so confrontational with people who "don't know as much as you". You'll scare them away with your bear-like attitude. :'(

See ... he wasn't scared, actually quite on the contrary, it turned out better than I expected.

And if we are speaking of specs rumors ... IGN was the first one to mention 5 times. By saying "In real terms, the Xbox 720's raw graphics processing power is expected to be six times that of the Xbox 360 and will yield 20-percent greater performance than Nintendo's forthcoming console, the Wii U."
I don't blame you on this one, it's quite hard to know every single bit that's out there.

No idea what IGN knows or not, they might have pulled this from the RV770 rumor that was about WiiU and written is as fact. IGNorants, but sometimes they're right just because they're major media and can get early access to stuff.

Edited by Stewox, 21 May 2012 - 08:22 AM.

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#17 djlewe78



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Posted 21 May 2012 - 08:22 AM

Hi stewox thanks mate and thanks for understanding and ur last quote. Believe it or not ive been a gamer for nearly 20 years. My first computer was an atari xe ( before st ) and if i wanted a new game my dad would by me books on how to programme in basic so i had to make my own, so as soon as i got a job i saved up for a console ( a snes ) so i kinda stopped needing to know about specs etc and just concentrated on games. Ive kept up to date with gaming jernalism but being a nintendo gamer i never really got into learning about graphics engines and processers because it wasnt important. But now its become more relavant and although im a bit lost im still interested in whats happening, u just gotta be gentle with me and drip feed me info on tech specs lol.

#18 Nollog


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Posted 21 May 2012 - 08:38 AM

See ... he wasn't scared, actually quite on the contrary, it turned out better than I expected.

And if we are speaking of specs rumors ... IGN was the first one to mention 5 times. By saying "In real terms, the Xbox 720's raw graphics processing power is expected to be six times that of the Xbox 360 and will yield 20-percent greater performance than Nintendo's forthcoming console, the Wii U."
I don't blame you on this one, it's quite hard to know every single bit that's out there.

No idea what IGN knows or not, they might have pulled this from the RV770 rumor that was about WiiU and written is as fact. IGNorants, but sometimes they're right just because they're major media and can get early access to stuff.

That, I put in the more recent rumours pile.
When I said IGN, I meant the original specs they rumoured, the one they built into a PC(lol).

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#19 birdmaster21


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Posted 21 May 2012 - 09:11 AM

I hope you just forgot the [sarcasm]IGN is right[/sarcasm] tag

no sir if you do your homework which you didnt, you will know that when they got the specs of the Xbox 360 and the wii and the PS3 from one of their sources they were right every time 100%
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#20 Nollog


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Posted 21 May 2012 - 09:15 AM

no sir if you do your homework which you didnt, you will know that when they got the specs of the Xbox 360 and the wii and the PS3 from one of their sources they were right every time 100%

Okay, and have they been right about anything Nintendo-related in the past 2 years or however it's been since Matt and Creg(sp?) left?

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