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Developer: “We Won’t Be Working On Wii U Due To Its Complexities”

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#41 Ixchel


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Posted 02 June 2012 - 04:31 PM

People will find literally any reason in the world not to develop for a Nintendo system I'm afraid. With the N64, it was because the cartridges didn't have enough space. With the GCN, it was because it was "too kiddie". With the Wii, it was because it wasn't powerful enough. Now with the Wii U, they're trying to place the blame on everything from the system hardware, to the controller, to vague "complexities".

Nintendo fans just can't win guys. All we can do is wait for E3 and hope that whatever is revealed manages to shut the whiners up for a while. :P

Wait, the GCN was considered kiddy? I thought it was another space problem from the small discs?
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#42 Soul



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Posted 02 June 2012 - 05:17 PM

I doubt the first one. My friend is making a game like assault cube and wants to put it on the WiiU app store.

Maybe these so-called "developers" are just a bunch of small time nobodies who are butthurt because they couldn't afford a Wii U dev kit.

Or maybe these are people who work for Nintendo and are trying to lower expectations so that we'll be that much more surprised at the amazing third-party support that Wii U will receive come E3. :laugh:

#43 Meelow100


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Posted 02 June 2012 - 05:19 PM

Wait, the GCN was considered kiddy? I thought it was another space problem from the small discs?

People said the GameCube was kiddy because "it looks like a launch box" but I love the design of the GCN.

#44 Socalmuscle


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Posted 02 June 2012 - 05:21 PM

I just had to create an account to show you guys something. This "anonymous" dev is pretty much a fake, or just lazy! The goal is just to give Wii u a bad image.

Watch this video with 2 Vigil Games programmers, you'll see why i'm saying it's a fake:

They get to talk about it openly?


Surprised it only took 3 guys 5 weeks to port the game. And that was using the same engine from the 360 and same assets. They didn't get to start with any wii u libraries, wii u specific engine, or much help. Older hardware to boot. (on a side note, it does indicate that not only will there be proper wii u games, but there will be a deluge of multiplat games as well. Only a good thing. "it prints money")

I think that speaks to their talent level as well as how easy wii u development is and how powerful even the early dev kits were.

It also speaks to the idea that some ports don't get special treatment. It may literally be just the same game + cute controller additions.

Most multiplat games from 360/ps3 will probably take this route as its easy money.

The real developers will be taking advantage of far superior hardware to really show off their talents. Those games will take more time though, even if they are multiPlatform. New textures, new polygon models, new collision parameters, new lighting, etc. that takes time and effort.

Hopefully the gamers that make up the wii u market reward those developers that put the work in and discourage those that just port the same thing from the old systems.

#45 Deadly Virus

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Posted 02 June 2012 - 05:37 PM

Wait, the GCN was considered kiddy? I thought it was another space problem from the small discs?

The disc size was an issue, but really a very large portion of the Gamecube's shortcomings were because of the general perception of it being a "kiddie" or "immature" console, compared to the PS2 and Xbox which were seen as these big bad powerhouse machines that every cool kid on the block had to own.

GTA 3 and Vice City for example could have quite easily fit on even the GCN's relatively small disc space. And the hardware had no trouble at all running it either. The reason they didn't come to the GCN was, essentially, because GTA was seen as not belonging on a Nintendo system at the time.

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#46 Ixchel


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Posted 02 June 2012 - 07:14 PM

Oh, alright. That's kinda odd. I always thought the Gamecube was doing well and I LOVED that it looked like a lunch box. The idea of a small portable home console was really cool. I never thought it would prevent people from developing games for it though. :/
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#47 ShadowVector



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Posted 02 June 2012 - 08:18 PM

Edit: Yet another fail by ShadowVector. I posted this comment in the wrong place. -_-

Edited by ShadowVector, 02 June 2012 - 08:56 PM.

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