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Why is it "pro" to not have a screen?

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#21 swordx


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Posted 12 June 2012 - 11:48 AM

It's just a name...Why should you care?

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#22 Nin_Stream


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Posted 12 June 2012 - 01:30 PM

Nintendo created the Wii U Pro Controller for those FPS COD baboons. They said we arent playing COD on your system with that Tablet controller. So Nintendo gave them the cough "Pro" cough controller. But those individuals still wont play the Wii U cause they just hate Nintendo.Simply put Nintendo listened to the whiners.
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#23 JaylisJayP



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Posted 12 June 2012 - 03:28 PM

Nintendo created the Wii U Pro Controller for those FPS COD baboons. They said we arent playing COD on your system with that Tablet controller. So Nintendo gave them the cough "Pro" cough controller. But those individuals still wont play the Wii U cause they just hate Nintendo.Simply put Nintendo listened to the whiners.

There's a lot more than the "COD baboons" (one of which I am not) who would much prefer the comfortable feel of a regular controller than holding a tablet with buttons for hours. Nintendo must have had some concern about this themselves to even think about the idea not to mention actually go through and produce them.

I have very little interest in having to look in two different places to access a map or fast travel or whatever other gimmick 90% of the games are going to throw on this thing (please save this quote and we'll see if I'm right in a year). The idea of a scope is kinda cool, but then I won't be holding the gamepad in that instance.

I consider myself a standard "hardcore" gamer. I love all genres and all difficulties. I own all 3 current gen systems and can appreciate motion controls when they're fun. And I can at least speak for myself (which is all anyone who posts in these threads is doing anyway) when I say if I do buy a Wii U it'll probably be mostly because I can play the Nintendo first-party games with a Pro Controller.

I'd love to see the attach rate for the Pro Controller if it's not bundled in with the system, too. I imagine it'll be fairly high, just a guess.

Man, Nintendo fanboys hate being stereotyped by other gamers out there but evidently don't have much trouble doing the same thing to others. Why does every gamer "have" to like the idea of a tablet? Maybe there's a large group of gamers out there who do enjoy playing COD, yet are still interested in the Wii U for games like Mario, Zelda, Metroid...but they'd rather just play them old-school and not have to deal with gripping a gamepad for hours on end. It's just their preference.

#24 WisdomPowerCourage



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Posted 12 June 2012 - 03:37 PM

I'm tired of people saying that the Wii U Gamepad is going to be terrible and it's just a gimmick, people won't even give it a chance. If you look at the button layout you can see that would play the game in the exact same way except you get the added bonus of a touch screen.

#25 JaylisJayP



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Posted 12 June 2012 - 07:09 PM

I'm tired of people saying that the Wii U Gamepad is going to be terrible and it's just a gimmick, people won't even give it a chance. If you look at the button layout you can see that would play the game in the exact same way except you get the added bonus of a touch screen.

Just depends how comfortable it is to hold. Someone at Nintendo probably didn't think it was all that comfortable if they're coming out with this other controller.

#26 uh20



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Posted 12 June 2012 - 07:26 PM

yea yea, its most likely a bit of a marketing gimick because xbox360 like controller + xbox fans dubbing themselves hardcores and pro's + attempt at bringing back.... HaRdCoReS

the gamepad is said to be light but just like the 3ds (minus the crappy button scheme) it does get hard to hold up,
also, if you want every drop of juice out of the system than expect wii u games that use just the pro controllers (or a gamepad with no screen)

so in a sense, the pro no screen controllers will deliver more intense hours of intense graphics on a pro controller dubbing it pro and hardcore

everyone elses opinion here, and what should be is that a cooooool new awsome GIMMICK (which everyone now needs to refer to as a good word) like the wiiu gamepad should be dubbed pro, or hardcore, or ultra superspasm omega superamerican hotdog hotsauce controller... with nuke attached, but to market it well, the pro controllers not that bad of a name, just not really a correct name when you put sense to it.

#27 Nin_Stream


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Posted 12 June 2012 - 08:15 PM

You broke my brain. Not a single word of that made sense to me. And I still dont give a damn about all that you said.

There's a lot more than the "COD baboons" (one of which I am not) who would much prefer the comfortable feel of a regular controller than holding a tablet with buttons for hours. Nintendo must have had some concern about this themselves to even think about the idea not to mention actually go through and produce them.

I have very little interest in having to look in two different places to access a map or fast travel or whatever other gimmick 90% of the games are going to throw on this thing (please save this quote and we'll see if I'm right in a year). The idea of a scope is kinda cool, but then I won't be holding the gamepad in that instance.

I consider myself a standard "hardcore" gamer. I love all genres and all difficulties. I own all 3 current gen systems and can appreciate motion controls when they're fun. And I can at least speak for myself (which is all anyone who posts in these threads is doing anyway) when I say if I do buy a Wii U it'll probably be mostly because I can play the Nintendo first-party games with a Pro Controller.

I'd love to see the attach rate for the Pro Controller if it's not bundled in with the system, too. I imagine it'll be fairly high, just a guess.

Man, Nintendo fanboys hate being stereotyped by other gamers out there but evidently don't have much trouble doing the same thing to others. Why does every gamer "have" to like the idea of a tablet? Maybe there's a large group of gamers out there who do enjoy playing COD, yet are still interested in the Wii U for games like Mario, Zelda, Metroid...but they'd rather just play them old-school and not have to deal with gripping a gamepad for hours on end. It's just their preference.

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#28 Nollog


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Posted 12 June 2012 - 11:53 PM

What kind of crap comeback is that? IT APPLIES TO YOU TO!

What comeback?
Are you insinuating CUD is trying to start an argument or something?!

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#29 Xiombarg


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Posted 13 June 2012 - 06:07 AM

Nintendo created the Wii U Pro Controller for those FPS COD baboons. They said we arent playing COD on your system with that Tablet controller. So Nintendo gave them the cough "Pro" cough controller. But those individuals still wont play the Wii U cause they just hate Nintendo.Simply put Nintendo listened to the whiners.

I am probably going to be using the pro controller just because I spend a long time playing games and a tablet can get dirty among other things. Plus, I have a seizure disorder, which will make the pro controller a preferable choice in some situations(even though I haven't had one in about 6 months).
Basically, you are saying the controller is for people who don't like nintendo when it is actually for people who may not always want to use a tablet.

Have you ever had a TV like thing a few feet from your face? Yeah, for me, it will cause headaches and would push me away from longtime gaming.

#30 JaylisJayP



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Posted 13 June 2012 - 07:31 AM

You broke my brain. Not a single word of that made sense to me. And I still dont give a damn about all that you said.

Let me put it in terms you can understand.

To many different types of gamers ... Pro Controller > Gamepad.

#31 Nin_Stream


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Posted 13 June 2012 - 11:20 AM

DS...DSi...and 3DS...So yes I have screens fairly close to my face. It doesnt bother me one bit. But I see where you're coming from so I can respect your opinion.

I am probably going to be using the pro controller just because I spend a long time playing games and a tablet can get dirty among other things. Plus, I have a seizure disorder, which will make the pro controller a preferable choice in some situations(even though I haven't had one in about 6 months).
Basically, you are saying the controller is for people who don't like nintendo when it is actually for people who may not always want to use a tablet.

Have you ever had a TV like thing a few feet from your face? Yeah, for me, it will cause headaches and would push me away from longtime gaming.

Correction. To gamers who are afraid of change and dont want to master a new controller they want the Pro controller. Well news flash controllers like the 360 controller and Pro controller are outdated and its time to move onto the future.

Let me put it in terms you can understand.

To many different types of gamers ... Pro Controller > Gamepad.

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#32 Plutonas



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Posted 13 June 2012 - 05:55 PM

The controllers dont picture pro or non pro gamers.. It is just the trend xbox created around their controller.. American craps. U buy always what fits well in ur hands and enjoy ur game..

Pro gamer means, the gamer who gets money for playing games, for example game testers, etc..

#33 silverismoney



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Posted 20 June 2012 - 01:36 PM

its called marketing there calling it PRO to sucker in x360 and ps3 fans

the same trick was applied to the sony like twin analogs of wiis classic pad its marketing trick to get more ps2 players into wii this new pad another version of a CLASSIC PAD is called pro so mr fanboy sony ans ms can feel all big in the chest PLAYING WIIU ON OUT DATYED CONTROLLERS its a way of sucking them in they did it with monster hunter on wii THERES NOTHING PRO ABOUT IT A WIIU FPS PRO IN REALITY WOULD BE A wii remote plus and a nunchuck REAL GAMERS WOULD KNOW THAT

#34 SolarLune



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Posted 22 June 2012 - 03:57 PM

Just a thought on the names of the two gamepads. The only difference between them is that one has a touchscreen with a lot of really cool features. Yet, the one without the screen is called the Wii U gamepad "pro". Any thoughts?

After all of the responses, I thought somebody would have brought this up. The pro controller has no screen, which means that it probably has a much better battery life than the gamepad. This being the case, "Pro controller" = "Sit in front of your TV for hours without charging", as opposed to the Gamepad's five hours (which is still pretty good). Also, while the gamepad probably won't be heavy, it's a bit oddly shaped, and holding it from the top, while not uncomfortable, is not the same as holding a controller from the bottom, so that's something else to take into account.

Edited by SolarLune, 22 June 2012 - 03:59 PM.

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#35 eugoreez


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Posted 22 June 2012 - 04:30 PM

it's fascinating that people can talk about comfortable without even holding it...
urhhh.. potatoes?

#36 gregoryorizal



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Posted 22 June 2012 - 06:31 PM

it's fascinating that people can talk about comfortable without even holding it...

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#37 Link707



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Posted 22 June 2012 - 08:11 PM

it's fascinating that people can talk about comfortable without even holding it...

He's basing it off the people that have... Everyone whose held it says it's comfortable

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#38 Hamez



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Posted 03 August 2012 - 09:07 AM

It might because it allows you to have your full focus on the TV screen, as you don't have to constantly switch view from the TV screen to the GamePad screen and back again. Thus it would be something that "Pros" would prefer to use for competitive play.

But I also think that there is a high chance of it being a simple marketing strategy, or its resemblance to the Wii Classic Controller Pro, or a combination of everything said.
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#39 thehappening



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Posted 03 August 2012 - 01:19 PM

you have hit the nail on the head my freind,there is no pro in the pro pad its called that because of stubben idiot fanboys who actually think a obsolete control pad is core gaming or PRO gaming ,its just nintendo calling it a name silly ps3 fan will be happy with ,its nintendo marketing to monkeys.of course a wii remote and a wiiu gamepad are more pro for gaming ............just dont tell the ms / sony fans

#40 Nollog


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Posted 03 August 2012 - 02:47 PM

The silly thing is pro gamers usually have two or three screens so they can keep abreast of the stats in the game they're pwning up.

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