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Satterfield re-iterates the un-announced game

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#1 Usman Mohammad

Usman Mohammad

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Posted 23 July 2012 - 01:54 AM

At 47:20

He mentions that the un-announced game could be a launch title. Though it may not be a must buy, as he says he may buy it.

www. gametrailers.com /full-episodes/u6xhk7/ invisible-walls-episode-217

remove the spaces.

Edited by Usman Mohammad, 23 July 2012 - 01:57 AM.

#2 Nollog


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Posted 23 July 2012 - 01:58 AM

Is it a new invisible walls or something?

http://media.mtvnser...50-610f9aa0e020 is the latest IW video.

Edited by Nollog, 23 July 2012 - 01:59 AM.

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#3 Usman Mohammad

Usman Mohammad

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Posted 24 July 2012 - 12:50 AM

Is it a new invisible walls or something?

http://media.mtvnser...50-610f9aa0e020 is the latest IW video.

Yh it is a new invisible walls. I couldn't just link the site, otherwise the media player would appear so I had to put the link under the media player which doesnt work.

#4 Naomi


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Posted 24 July 2012 - 04:03 AM

Invisible Walls...hmmm....sounds confusing
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#5 Nollog


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Posted 24 July 2012 - 05:20 AM

Invisible Walls...hmmm....sounds confusing

It's a term from games of olde where they'd have the appearance of a wide open world, but have invisible walls to block the player from going into the area which was just a cheap render.
Nowadays the consoles and PC's have the power for real open worlds though, so it's p. much a dead tactic.

Anyway, from Shane's comments it seems the unannounced game might be third party, first party, or even any good.
"Ah, there's aannother game that might make launch(tone:?) that hasn't been announced yet that maaybe I would buy for it(tone:?)"
It's not Call of Duty, Resident Evil, or Halo. :P

Edited by Nollog, 24 July 2012 - 05:21 AM.

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#6 SolxBurst


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Posted 25 July 2012 - 02:36 PM

He seems excited for it so I wonder what it is?


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