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If Wii U fails to get 3rd party games who's to blame?

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#1 Guest_TRON_*

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Posted 05 August 2012 - 01:33 AM

We all know this the main concern with the upcoming console from nintendo. most have already doomed it as another Wii situation. it has really gotten me to think long and hard. lets look at the pros for "WHY" 3rd party games should come to the Wii U.

1. Power/Architecture- looking at the RUMORED specs for the upcoming next gen consoles one thing is very clear.... this is not a Wii situation. the Wii was at least 20x less powerful than the HD console we have right now. the rumored specs suggest the Wii U will be at max 8 times less powerful. thats on the high side.... but it looks like the GPU will be in the same ball park as the ps4 and 720. so when you take all this into account developers shouldnt be trying to make a power excuse... STOP BEING LAZY and ports your games developers.

2. Controller options- i dont think ever in history has a console had so many controller options. the Gamepad yes it has a screen but a traditional button layout and feels good in the hand. for those that like the Wii remote nunchuck option for there shooters you have that. nintendo didnt have to do this but they update the classic controller and made it the gamepad pro(seriously we all know this was made for shooters). developers IMO have no excuse for controller options and cant claim nintendo only have a gimmicky controller option.

3. Online/networking- yes nintendo havent announced their full plans for nintendo network. but what i do know(miiverse) im looking forward to it. developers could (which i doubt because others will copy) give gamers an online networking experience that could only be achieved on the Wii U. seriously nintendo (with Miiverse) could have the facebook of console gaming. if that happens they will sell a boatload of consoles.

so i say all this to say its up to the developers and IMO will be their fault if their games dont come to the Wii U. i feel like they could help bring an audience by not just giving a half a$$ port and really develop for the console(exclusives). you cant develop one game for a console and say oh well it didnt sell that well thats it. you are lazy, and IMO shouldnt call yourself a developer.

#2 Eskimo_sam



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Posted 05 August 2012 - 02:42 AM

i think it could be nintendo as a company.
maybe there really hard to do buisness with remember its still all run with douches in suits

#3 Auzzie Wingman

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Posted 05 August 2012 - 04:55 AM

It's a combination of everything if that's the case.

Wii U may not have what was wanted/needed in terms of hardware.
The online may not be up to scratch.
Controllers may not be as 3rd parties would like.
Nintendo may not have appealed well to 3rd Parties/
3rd parties may not have given Nintendo a chance among things.

Can't really point at a singular point here.

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#4 Nollog


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Posted 05 August 2012 - 04:58 AM

Indeed, you can't just pick one out of all the problems and blame it all on that.
There might be one more to blame than the other, but I doubt any company wanting to make a profit has looked at any one fact about the wii u and said "Dealbreaker."

Nintendo being slow to react to the change of the last 6 years is probably what I'd choose.

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#5 Auzzie Wingman

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Posted 05 August 2012 - 05:00 AM

^Oooh, that's a nice one.

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#6 Crackkat



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Posted 05 August 2012 - 06:28 AM

well said tron really good read and i totally agree with you. the one and only problem nintendo may have created for the wii u third party support wise is naming the console wii u. therefore in some cases pushing away the audience that might buy those third party games. but i dont see this as a real issue.

i say that the wii u is soo innovative, its launch lineup is undeniably better than any system that came before it, and miiverse is so innovative as well that it absolutely has to succeed EXCEPT if the global economy worsens. that is the one and only thing stopping wii u sales, and in effect potentially stopping sales of third party software
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#7 Auzzie Wingman

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Posted 05 August 2012 - 06:40 AM

its launch lineup is undeniably better than any system that came before it

Debatable. The Vita had some pretty rocking stuff.

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#8 Mignaga



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Posted 05 August 2012 - 07:43 AM

I think another main cause that no one else has mentioned would be us the consumers. If we aren't buying games like ZombiU, Darksiders 2, or Batman why would any developers/publisher even remotely want to bring their huge upcoming game to the platform? Yes other stuff matters too (like the power of the console) but in the end I think it is sales that speaks larger than anything else.


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#9 Alph


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Posted 05 August 2012 - 08:04 AM

It's the lazy developers!

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#10 uh20



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Posted 05 August 2012 - 08:07 AM

i think everything confirmed is great for developers, maybe get rid of the part of nintendo still taking a cut of the titles, but they dont seem to require or leave the developers out in the cold without premade scripts

that leaves whats not confirmed, mainly hardware specifications and consumer purchases, which could easily take the new console downhill

all in all i think its going to be fine, just dont skimp out on the powah

#11 Auzzie Wingman

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Posted 05 August 2012 - 03:37 PM

It's the lazy developers!

You can't seriously expect people to believe that this sole reason is why the Wii U gets no 3rd party.

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#12 Guy Fieri

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Posted 06 August 2012 - 01:06 AM

A mix. If the system is underpowered and games cant release on it then it's Nintendo's fault.

But if the system is capable and it doesn't get many 3rd party games ( doesn't look like that at the moment), then the 3rd party companies are to blame.

But looking at the current 3rd party lineup as it is at the moment I think the Wii U will do fine in the 3rd party department.

#13 Matus98


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Posted 06 August 2012 - 08:52 AM

For now, we have a lot of 3rd party games announced for wii u. That means that the other companies like the console and can see a good future for it. So I think that it's obvious that they will keep bringing their games to it. MANY people were waiting for Nintendo to have 3rd party games on their consoles. And now that that it's happening, I believe that the sales will be great, so I really can't see any reason for the other companies stop making their games for the wii u.
That's my opinion.
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#14 Alph


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Posted 06 August 2012 - 11:44 AM

You can't seriously expect people to believe that this sole reason is why the Wii U gets no 3rd party.

They could at least go to some effort and make separate games (from other games like Street Fighter X Tekken, Capcom could release a more crappier version of the game for the Wii). I might cost them more but hey... I don't know!

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#15 00stevo


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Posted 06 August 2012 - 11:50 AM

As long as it can keep up with the next xbox and playstation,and as long as it has a good online service i dont see an issue for the Wii U.

But i think Nintendo should roll out a good advertising campaign very soon to make people aware a next gen console is coming,because lets be honest,apart from fans and gamers in general nobody really knows about it.

They need to give it a presence.

#16 Robotic Sunshine Commander

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Posted 06 August 2012 - 12:04 PM

As long as it can keep up with the next xbox and playstation,and as long as it has a good online service i dont see an issue for the Wii U.

But i think Nintendo should roll out a good advertising campaign very soon to make people aware a next gen console is coming,because lets be honest,apart from fans and gamers in general nobody really knows about it.

They need to give it a presence.

they will
it took them awile for the 3ds too but the advertisements were pretty good for that plus the wii u experience events have been all around the world lately wchich is great in its own right


#17 SleepyGuyy



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Posted 06 August 2012 - 12:07 PM

Nintendo mentioned, early in the NintendoNetwork announcment, that when they spoke to devs about what they wanted in an online network... they all said "flexibility" (pretty vague). Nintendo intends to make it flexible (as far as I know), which means many different possibilities online. Nintendo may have a small advantage here.

As for the controller... yeah, its prepared for the next gen. Sony doesn't seem to change their controller much, and Microsoft isn't terribly ... creative. So the most they will do, is a touch screen. I'd say a level playing field is coming on this front.

And as for power... well because it's coming out first, and because Nintendo has spoken about their focus on game design, rather than powerful hardware.... well I expect it to be weaker than the competition. This means if (later in the generation) an Xbox or Playstation game comes out that is very complex, it will not be ported to WiiU. And this means ... bad. But I expect it to be to a much lesser degree than the Wiis late lifecycle issue.

But Nintendo knows they will need third party support. And Nintendo has acknowledged their poor 3rd-party support. They do seem to be working to fix company problems... one of which (used to be) difficult to work with.
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#18 Robotic Sunshine Commander

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Posted 06 August 2012 - 12:14 PM

Nintendo mentioned, early in the NintendoNetwork announcment, that when they spoke to devs about what they wanted in an online network... they all said "flexibility" (pretty vague). Nintendo intends to make it flexible (as far as I know), which means many different possibilities online. Nintendo may have a small advantage here.

As for the controller... yeah, its prepared for the next gen. Sony doesn't seem to change their controller much, and Microsoft isn't terribly ... creative. So the most they will do, is a touch screen. I'd say a level playing field is coming on this front.

And as for power... well because it's coming out first, and because Nintendo has spoken about their focus on game design, rather than powerful hardware.... well I expect it to be weaker than the competition. This means if (later in the generation) an Xbox or Playstation game comes out that is very complex, it will not be ported to WiiU. And this means ... bad. But I expect it to be to a much lesser degree than the Wiis late lifecycle issue.

But Nintendo knows they will need third party support. And Nintendo has acknowledged their poor 3rd-party support. They do seem to be working to fix company problems... one of which (used to be) difficult to work with.

i agree except for the porting games statement. its pretty much been confirmedmthat wii u has directx 11 identical hardware that runs the newest open gl software which means its pretty safe to say its future proof.
I know nintendo figured out a good balance between hardware and price point, the real question is, will microsoft and sony do the same


#19 MorbidGod


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Posted 06 August 2012 - 12:57 PM

Mignaga right when he stated it has to do with the audience, but third parties can fix that by making exclusives at or near the lunch for Wii U. We need more ZombiU games. Why? because this being the start, third parties can set a pace saying we are going to give yiu what you like and more of it then people will BUY the Wii U for those games.

Another problem is us. If we don't buy there games then they won't waste money on Nintendo platforms. Nintendo is one of the best developers. There own games move their platforms. They don't need GTA, they need a Zelda, Metroid or Mario. And they know this. But for future sales, they need third party developed games to sell.

So that's my theory. But i believe Ubisoft and EA are both fully supporting the Wii U with new titles. If Activision does the same, they will be fine.
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#20 thehappening



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Posted 06 August 2012 - 01:31 PM

DA DA DA DAAAAAA the obvious reason for this to happen would be nintendo hatred by the industry, who else would be to blame ,,the industry didnt bring games to GC and wii and N64.....

there totally scared of nintendo instead of enbrasing nintendos hardware as a way to make money its mostly the american industry that does this ,its beyond childish and pathetic

to think grown men with profits to make act this way shows the level of racism and japan bashing and anti nintendo fear and ms fanboying and sony fanboying that actually goes on ,,,this is the same industry that thought wii would be 3rd place these people are not inteligent enough to compete with the big N

Edited by thehappening, 06 August 2012 - 01:33 PM.

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