ZombiU- one of the most anticipated Wii U games not a system seller but lots of potential hopefully it won't become the red steel of the Wii U
Rayman Legends- This is a system seller if you played Rayman Origins you know how much fun that the game was
Pikmin 3- This is a system seller if you are a fan of the franchise me I will probably buy it but I have never played a Pikmin game before
3rd party support- Mass Effect 3, Darksiders 2, Batman Archam City, Ninja Gaiden 3, Madden 13, FIFFA 13, Assassins Creed 3, and I probably missed some so leave the names in the comments if so or if one isn't a launch game sorry for the ignorance
So you probably agree that this is better than both the PS3 and the 360 launch lineup combined and I would also like to add what the 3rd party support brings more to the table than most people who talk, out of ignorance ,think like batman having all DLC or Mass Effect 3 having comic book some DLC and a new weapon and probably more stuff but one of my favorite tv shows is about to come on so if you have anything to add put it in the comments and Thanks for reading
Edit: so lets recap two established franchise (pikmin and Rayman) and one new IP plus tons of third party support and also I can tell already that a lot of you are going to say New Super Mario Bros U, but that has not been confirmed as a launch title only a launch window game so yeah
Edited by starraters, 27 August 2012 - 06:18 PM.