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The Crusaders of Centy

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#1 Philip Draco

Philip Draco

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Posted 18 June 2011 - 09:28 AM

Years ago, "Monsters" ruled the land.
These creatures where bathed in never ending darkness, and existed peacefully in the land above.
One day, a enormous beam of light bathed the land, scorching the "monsters", who had no natural defence to light.
The monsters fled to the underground to escape.
Centruys past, and a new creature, called "Human", took place where the "monsters" existed.
Some of the monsters adapted to the light, and fought with the humans to claim what they deemed there rightful inheritance.
To keep peace, Warriors from both sides where given the ability to talk to both Human and "monster" (and plants.)
This Chosen squad would be the diplomats between the two, solving the problems that stood in between peace.
This Chosen squad slayed evil, Both on the humans and the monsters side, and brought peace to the land.
Until the Crusaders all disappeared
The land once again plunged into chaos. War between the monsters and humans escalated, and the crusaders where forgotten to time.

In a desperate attempt to slay there "enemy", A new law was passed for the humans: All males upon reaching 16 must fight the monsters.
The law is working. Monsters are being destroyed faster then they can grow.

Annihilation would be the only option without intervention.

The time has come! The crusaders of centy must return! Be a part of this legend!

I'll need the following:

Name: Charicter's name.
Allignment: Human or Monster?
Personality: Charicters personality
Age: Age.
Background: If possible. The crusaders are picked when they are needed. You don't need to start as one, nor do you need to be one to be in the RP.
Prefered Power:

Approval, and you're in. There is no Character limit here, nor are the crusaders restricted by a head count.
Furthermore, there's no time limit. apply and join whenever you want. :D

Charicter list:

Name: Philip Draco
Alignment: Human
Description: Brown hair, medium height. tan skin. Likes to wear blue clothing.
Personality: Kindhearted, a little rash, and hates monster. it's all he's ever been taught to do.
Age: 15, 16 within 2-3 days.
Background: Philip's father was a powerful fighter, Victorious in many monster battles. He died sword-clentched fighting the attack of two hundred and thirty eight monsters attacking the town while poisoned.  
Philip shares his fathers passion for monster slaying, although he has never gripped a real weapon before. He is eager to equip his fathers blade on his birthday.
Philip has three friends at his school, they hang out often. one of them already was sent to the battlefield, the other two await there turn.
At school, Philip learn mathematics, weapon forging, reading, and basic swordplay. He Utterly failed the spellcasting school, and he feels the bow to be a cowards weapon.
Prefered Power: While Philip has no natural "Magical" abilities, He is a very keen visual learner, able to pick up abilities after watching the process, sometimes only once or twice. Granted, he can't perfect it without practice, but the initial pickup has always come easy to him.

User: Ruthie

Name: Raven Stone
Allignment: Monster
Discription: Female, Dark purple skin, skinny with pointey ears (Shadow Elf)
Personality: Quiet, thoughtful, sometimes cynical, dislikes humans
Background: Whole family was slayed by humans seeking revenge from their villages being ramsacked by monsters
Prefered Power: Able to bend the air at will, excellent at throwing knives, could understand human language from birth.

User: Epic Kirby
Name: Arthurnius (Arty for short)
Allignment: Human
Discription: Shoulder length brown hair, rough dirty clothes, thief by trade, steals the belongings of villages destroyed by monster raids
Personality: Funny, charming, wily, thinks that life is a joke.
Age: 19
Background: Mother was killed when he was a young child, father deserted him to join a sinister vigilante gang who go around torturing and killing monsters.
Prefered Power: Master swordsman

Edited by Philip Draco, 21 March 2012 - 08:57 AM.

I know a lobster that's stronger then you.

No biggie, he's stronger then me to. :D

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#2 Philip Draco

Philip Draco

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Posted 21 June 2011 - 05:51 PM

Okaaayyy I guess I'll just make the first post. I can do this story by me onesy. Posted Image

The Day was coming.... and Philip was excited!
"Two more days. Two more days, and I'm out Slaying Monsters!"
Philip was daydreaming on his way to school. What was it like to thrust the sword into a creature twice as big as you? How does it feel to be hailed as a hero for slaying a leviathan?
"I, PHILIP! HAVE SLAYED THE MIGHTY BEAST! 'Ohhhh thank you Philip! you're our hero! Take this large bag of money and bagels!' Don't Mind if I do, squad of cheerleaders! Now now, there's plenty of me to go around...."
"Hey Phil. Whatcha doing?"
"Daydreaming again?"
".... maybe...."
"Is that why your lunch is all over the ground with a pointy stick stabbed in it?"
"....Sonia, I'm gonna be late for class."
"Well, good luck, 'Hero'."

And so, as Sonia leaves, Philip collected what remained of his bread and cheese and went to the first class of the day... History.
"Today we will be discussing the Raid of Monster Village. Everyone turn to page 213...."
"PHILIP! Perhaps you would like to read the book to the class?"
"Um... Yes Miss Manny."
"Now, Philip. You may begin."
" *sigh*"
"The Battle started in 1343. Monsters had been attacking viciously for no reason or purpose.

The knights lead an attack to stop the monsters by destroying the nearby 'village' that the monsters created.

For what reason the savages made the village was unclear, but it's thought that they where trying to increase the success of the destruction by imitating people."

"Regardless, the Knights found the Village hidden past Dahlia Valley on Anemone Beach. The Village was guarded by a large wooden wall, and The Knights laid siege to it, starting with the gate. It cost the lives of twenty warriors, but the fence fell to a clever knight who took a torch, gathered some coconut husks, and burned the wall to ciders.

Without the wall to protect them, the entire village was easily slaughtered by the noble knights."
"Thank you Philip. You may return to your seat."
"Now remember class. Philip is turning 16 in two days. As such, instead of class tomorrow, we will be having a going away party!"
All the class rejoiced!
"Bring something to help Philip on his way. and remember, he, like any of you, might be in a history book someday."
"Oh, and the written assigment is still due tommorow."
"Last Homework... and I'll never have to see this school again!"
"Such brave heros... and soon it is my turn!"

Edited by Philip Draco, 21 March 2012 - 08:30 AM.

I know a lobster that's stronger then you.

No biggie, he's stronger then me to. :D

Posted Image

#3 Ruthie



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Posted 22 June 2011 - 07:24 AM

Name: Raven Stone
Allignment: Monster
Discription: Female, Dark purple skin, skinny with pointey ears (Shadow Elf)
Personality: Quiet, thoughtful, sometimes cynical, dislikes humans
Background: Whole family was slayed by humans seeking revenge from their villages being ramsacked by monsters
Prefered Power: Able to bend the air at will, excellent at throwing knives, could understand human language from birth.

Edited by Ruthie, 04 July 2011 - 11:09 AM.

Assistant Writer of Wii U Go and Vita/3DS enthusiast.

#4 Philip Draco

Philip Draco

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Posted 22 June 2011 - 09:35 AM

(Alrighty. Posted Image)
"P.E is in thirty minutes. I better start walking."
Due to the nature of "Physical Education" in this land, the nearby forest is the most suitable place. keeps the accidental injuries down.
In townsfolk at least.
"Remember Phil, Fast slash and strong arm. Don't give a monster a second chance, it'll take all it can get if you do, and don't forget to bring a secoundary weapon, you never know what could happen..... Huh.... What should I use for a secondary?"
Philip ponders this while walking down the path.
"Daggers are quick, but not very bold.... A javelin?.... Nah, that's to big, and it's more of a primary weapon... I am NOT going to bring a bow, and the last magic healing spell i tried burned down half the forest..."

"I know! A club! I could bat them away while trying to get my weapon back! Plus, It's similar to a sword, so swordplay practice would count twice! Club it is!"
"I'll watch Johnny. He's gotten excellent as a club user, and I can get enough of it to know the differences between a sword and a club."
"....Wait a minute.... This isn't the path! WHERE AM I!?"
And so, P.E Begins.
"Oi! Philip! Get lost again, huh?"
"...Sorry Miss Julet."
"No worries. Get in there, we have a surprise today."
Philip entered the training area. A cage sits in the corner.
"Miss Julet? What's in the cage?"
"Oh, We where going to lock you in there to keep all the fan's you'll have away from you."
"Ha ha. What's REALLY in there?"
"Monsters. A hunter recently found a nest of long ears and donated them to the school. I figured I should have the honor of witnessing your first monster hunt. "
"Really? We'll be fighting monsters today??"
"Kinda. These are all the monsters we have, so you and the class will just rough them up a bit."
"Speaking of class, where is everyone else?"
"Hunting. One of the long ears got away. I figured I could use it as a training exercise. First one to find the long ears wins the right to the first battle."
"And everyone else got a head start???"
"Who's the late one here, silly?"
Not really paying attention, Philip runs off to the woods to find the long ears.
"Thank you Miss Julet!"

Edited by Philip Draco, 21 March 2012 - 08:37 AM.

I know a lobster that's stronger then you.

No biggie, he's stronger then me to. :D

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#5 Philip Draco

Philip Draco

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Posted 24 June 2011 - 12:29 PM

"Alright... If I where a long ears... where would U hide?"
Philip searches around the training area. The fence on the perimeter keeps monsters out, so...
"...It should probably keep them in, right?"
"Lets see.... The monster guide book said that long ears don't like getting wet, so it's not near the aquatics training...."
"Likes to jump and jumps high. Maybe it's in the trees?.... Nah, it can't jump THAT high..... I think...."
"Likes to burrow holes... I should start looking for fresh dirt.... LIKE THERE!"
Philip ran to the pile. Sure enough, it was recent. However, there didn't seem to be a hole anywhere nearby.
"Why is there a pile of dirt with no hole nearb-"
and so, Philip is dogpiled by three other students.
"GET HIM JOHN! DON'T LET I-... oh wait. It's Philip."
"......Please....Off... Hurry...."
"Sorry Phil. We though you where a monster."
"Tear read it liked to burrow, so we thought that maybe if we set a bunch of soft dirt, it would notice it and start digging. They John and I would nab it."
"So when you came along and looked at the dirt...."
"I Get it, I get it.... Got a health apple on you?"
"Yeah. Here."
Health apples. The closest thing they have to a health care program. Heals minor health problems quickly.
"Danka. Any luck with the long ear hunt?"
"Well...We've SEEN it.... but it jumps faster then we can run."
"Hence the trap?"
"Hence the trap. You wouldn't happen to have any ideas on how to catch it, would you Phil?"
"...Hmm. Actually, I have an idea, but it requires more then just me. Ready to lend a hand?"
John Nods
"I'm in."
"Ok. Here's the plan."
"None of us can outrun this thing. However, It still runs from us. Long ears don't swim well, so we might have an advantage if we can corral it to the aquatics area.

Me, John and Tear can chase it into the aquatics area. Nart, you're the best swimmer of the four of us. you wait in the pond, and grab it when it comes by."
"Sounds okay to me. How do we find it?"
"Look for burrows and anything new in the area."

John starts to walk off.
"Let's follow John. He's pretty good at noticing stuff."
Agreeing with Tear, Philip follows them, while Nart heads to the pond.....

Edited by Philip Draco, 21 March 2012 - 08:42 AM.

I know a lobster that's stronger then you.

No biggie, he's stronger then me to. :D

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#6 Philip Draco

Philip Draco

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Posted 26 June 2011 - 09:58 AM

John Points to a nearby burrow. Fresh dirt is piled outside of it.
"Good job John! Maybe we can gra- Hey!"
John grabs Tear and shakes his head.
"Why not? He's trapped!"
John points to another burrow.... and another burrow.... and another...
"...A network.... If we go for one, it'll pop out of another..."
John gathers a few large rocks.
"Good idea John! We'll block as many as we can so he can't leave!"
"..Ummm... I'm not supposed to be lifting heavy stuff..."
"No worries Tear. Me and John will take care of it."
Philip looks over, watching John pick up 4 rocks for every one he can grab.
"Oi. I still don't get why he bothers coming to P.E, he makes even the strongest monster look like a sponge cake..."
"Now, Now, don't complain. I'm sure you could get just as strong as he is if you where the son of a blacksmith. Or that tall."
"You're right, You're right... back to work..."
One by one, the burrows are covered. until they get to the last two...
"Tear? Watch this hole with john. I'll go to the other burrow and try to smoke him out."
Before they can react, the long ears kicks one of the rocks off a burrow hole and flees toward the fence.
John Bolts after the Long ears.
"So much for that! BACK TO PLAN A!"
The trio give chase.
"Tear! He's headed to the fence! Maybe we can corner him!"
"He can't get out, right?"
"Nah. He'd have to leap higher then the tallest tree in the forest to get over THAT fence!"
"But he can dig!"
".... I hadn't thought of that.... How deep is it?"
Not deep enough. John points to the new burrow the creature has made. He's gone.
"....well so much fo-"
A voice comes from the other side of the fence.
John couldn't fit through the burrow. Tear hates dirt. knowing this,Philip went down into the hole
"I'll be right back guys."
"What shall I do with my Prize?"
"Oh. Great. Anon."
"OH! Hello there little Philip! Behold! THE VICIOUS, SPEEDY, RAZER TOOTH LONG EARS! Caught by YOURS TRULY!"
"I think it's "Buck toothed" long ears, technicl-"
Anon has never been good at subtly. He is, however, the "town hero". Philip's father told him several stories about the adventures they had together. Philip's Dad did the work, Anon took the credit. Not that Anon lacks monster hunting experience, he's just not as good as everyone claims. Or as brave. Or as handsome. Or as strong.
"Sorry guys. Anon grabbed it."
Tear suddnly wasn't afraid getting dirty.
"Don't Bother. He's gone."
"I'm going to get Nart and then tell Miss Julet."
"Yuucckkk... Maybe I can still catch him!"
Tear ran off for the village
".... I suppose Tear's done for the day... What's your plan John?"
John picks up his club
"You're going to practice?"
John Nods.
"Alrighty. see you all later."

Edited by Philip Draco, 21 March 2012 - 08:54 AM.

I know a lobster that's stronger then you.

No biggie, he's stronger then me to. :D

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#7 Philip Draco

Philip Draco

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Posted 28 June 2011 - 08:03 AM

"Miss Julet?"
"Oh. Hello there Philip! Caught it already?"
"No. It burrowed under the fence and almost got away."
"Oh. Well so much for the fence... I'll get the janitor to.... almost?"
"Yeah. Anon Showed up an-"
"Umm.. Yes?"
"He went to town to glo-"
Miss Julet ran to the exit, at a speed that would make even the spotted four legs jealous.
"....I guess Class is over."
"...was I forgetting something?"
"Oh. Right. Nart."
Philip ran to the aquatics area.
Nart pops out of the pond.
"It got away."
"Aww. What happened?"
"Apparently our fence isn't burrow-proof."
"Dang. oh well, we'll be able to practice on the others in the cage."
"YOU will at least. Miss Julet left for the day."
"Oh well. Maybe tomorrow we ca-... oh.. thats right. Rule 12.3"
12.3: No Heavy Work Classes Before Enlistment.
"Yeah. Have fun, and whack a few for me. I'm going home to work on my homework and study mathmatics."
"What about your blacksmitthing class?"
"Miss Grearg has a cold. Class is canceled for today."
"I know. I was hoping to finish the sword I was working on. Oh well. I'll pick it up later."
"You were working on a sword? Can I see it?"
"It's nothing special. Just wanted something to remind me of home on the battlefeild. I'll show you when I'm finished."
"Alrighty. Have fun with your homework!"
Nart didn't really understand the whole "math" deal. After all, if it was important, it would be a class, right?
The only math Nart would need is knowing how to count the Malins he received for an allowance, and he was good enough at that.
However, Philip enjoyed it, and that was all that really mattered for Nart.
"Whatever makes him happy, I suppose."
Philip Walks home, thinking about the history assignment.
"Lets see.... Infamous figures in history. Two pages, Parchment, single space. Alright."
"Who to focus on.... Lets see... Vern the traitor... Laam the Puppet Master.... Georama the slime monster...."
"I guess I know more about Laam then the others. I'll write it about him."
"Lets see... Laam was a famous alchemist and wizard, responsible for some....thing important. Flying carpets? Guess I'll have to look that up."
"Anyway, wasn't content with his magic, turned himself part monster to ask them for help on his puppet project, blah blah blah, banished to hot daisy, been sending puppet monsters to attack ever since."
"I'll have to read my book when I get home for the details, but i think that's the jest of it."
".....Annnnnd I'm lost again."
Some time later...
"Ah! here's the path home. I hope."
"Yep. there's the village... And Anon."
"BUT ALLAS! THE FEARSOME BEAST DECEIVED ME! There was not any helpless children in the well, it was a trap! the Monster threw me into the well, and made his escape!"
"Oh, you poor thing, Anon..."
"Will my kisses help you feel better?"
"Now, now, Ladies, Ladies..."
"I better get home before this gets out of hand."

Edited by Philip Draco, 21 March 2012 - 08:54 AM.

I know a lobster that's stronger then you.

No biggie, he's stronger then me to. :D

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#8 Philip Draco

Philip Draco

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Posted 01 July 2011 - 09:51 AM

"Hi Mom! I'm home."
"OH! Hello Philip! You're early!"
"Yeah. No blacksmithing class today."
"Oh, that's right, you told me."
"No worries. I have homework to do anyway."
"Well, since you're early, what would you like for dinner?"
"Hmm... not sure."
"How about a big leg of fluffy four legged baa?"
"That sound good... but won't that take a while?"
"Well, I thought it would be a good fairwell meal and a early birthday present."
"Mom, my birthday is the day after tommorow, I'll be here tomorrow."
"Ohhh... thats right.... Oh well. I'll cook it anyway, we'll have it twice in a row!"
"Isn't that a little pricy?"
"Now, don't worry about the finances. This may be the last time we see each other, you're staying at the camp on the front lines, remember? I'm going to spoil you while i still have you."
"Alright, Alright. Thanks Mom."
"You're welcome dear. Posted Image"
Philip heads to the workplace upstairs.
"Huh... Mom's acting a little weird today. I hope she's alright...."
"Lets see.... I'll study some mathematics, and then work on the history paper."
"Where was I... page 312. 'Basics of Angles, Sines, and Cosines.'"
"Huh. I think I'm missing something here."
"Sweetie! Dinner's ready!"
"Alright Mom! be right down!"
Philip saves his spot, places the book away, and descends the staircase.
"WOW! Looks Great mom!"
"Happy early birthday!"
"Is that a golden apple???"
"Nothing but the best for my boy!"
"Mom, these things cost, like, 800 Marin!"
"As I said, Don't worry about it."
"No buts! Just enjoy. Posted Image"
800 Marin, to put into perspective, is about four times the cost of the house Philip currently resides, and almost as much as the castle cost to build.
Why is it so expensive? Golden apples, not only tasty, enhance the health of the user. Permanently. Three Brave guards defended the main castle from anywhere between 4-5 thousand armed monsters with two of these apples. They are VERY hard to find. Instead of a tree, these grow one at a time from the seeds, and each apple can only make two. They are also VEERRYYY finicky, and no human attempt to mass grow them has ever succeeded.
"How did you get this?"
"One of the solders from the castle delivered it today. It came with a note to you as well."
"Huh .Where's the note?"
"Now now, Dinner first."
"Yes Ma'am."

Edited by Philip Draco, 23 March 2012 - 08:28 AM.

I know a lobster that's stronger then you.

No biggie, he's stronger then me to. :D

Posted Image

#9 Philip Draco

Philip Draco

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Posted 02 July 2011 - 06:31 PM

Posted Image

"Now, I'm sure there's nothing wrong. Maybe the king just wants to congratulate you for your birthday!"
"But... why ME?"
"Perhaps your father's status has his magistrate interested in your potential."
".... I suppose I better start packing... I wanted to go to the party to..."
"Yeah. the school was throwing me a going away party.... But now I can't go."
"Aww... I'm so sorry."
"...Where is a suitcase i could use?"
"I already packed for you."
"..You did?"
"Well.. mostly. I didn't pack your books, I didn't know which ones you wanted to bring."
"Thanks mom!... Maybe I can say goodbye to my friends before the cart arrives!"
Philip dashes upstairs and spots the suitcase. He's not quite sure how he missed it...
"Huh. Oh well...."
"Hey... Dad's old sword is in here... Well, if Mom thinks i should bring it, I'm not going to argue."
"Let see.. I bet i could fit three books in the remaining space.... Math book.... Blacksmith tips...... which book should i bring la-..."
Philip spots his photo album.
"Yeah. I'd better bring that."
Philip quickly picks the books up and puts them in the suitcase.
"It's close to dusk, I hope i have time."
Philip runs down the stairs... just to see the carriage pull up.
"To late...."
a knock on the door.
"Hello Miss Draco. We've come to take your son to Soleil Castle. Is he prepared?"
"...Not yet, he still has a few things to take care of."
"Please tell him to hurry, We're early, so he has some time, but we must leave before dusk."
"Yes sir."
"(Hurry Philip, say goodbye to your friends, and be back before dusk settles.)"
"(Thank you mother!)"
Philip slips out the back door and rushes to bid farewell.......

I know a lobster that's stronger then you.

No biggie, he's stronger then me to. :D

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#10 Philip Draco

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Posted 03 July 2011 - 09:22 PM

"Hu.. hu... ten minutes.... Can I make it?"
"Maybe I could make it to Johnny's house.. but I don't think my freinds want to play charades."
"Tear's house is to far... and so is Nart...."
It takes about five minutes to get there, and another five minutes back to Philips house.
"I hope she'll take a message...."
"Psst! Sonia! Sonia!!"
Philip taps on the wall near Sonia's window
"Huh? Philip? What are you doing here?"
"I've been summoned by the king. I had to say bye to everyone, but they arrived before I could."
"Who's 'They'?"
"Carriage Carriers. I probubly won't be back."
"Why? Arn't you just going to see the king?"
"The day after tommorow is when i turn 16, and I'll be spending the whole day tommorow at Soleil. Even IF they take me back to town, the solders will come to get me in the morning."
"So.... This is goodbye?"
"More or less. I'll try to write. I'm sorry I can't stay longer, but I have to get back before they notice. Good luck Sonia! Tell Nart that I hope he excels his fire magic test, tell Tear to tell my teacher I can't finish the history paper, and tell me if John ever says anything."
"Alright.... Bye Philip."
"That took longer then I thought... I hope I can make it....
"Gah... I hate climbing through the window.... OOP-*CRASHCLANG Roll...roll...*"
"Okay. I'm ready!"
"That took a bit of time. are you sure you're ready?"
"Yeah. Got my sword, some books, and spare clothes."
"Good! Hop in the cart, son!"
"Bye Mom! I'll try to write you!"
"Goodbye Trata Village...... I hope i'll be back someday..."
"Get some sleep son. You'll need it for tommorow."
"Yes sir.... Do you know why the ki-"
"Not really. But I'm sure he has his reasons."
"Nice to know he's polite... I hope the rest of the solders are nice..."


I know a lobster that's stronger then you.

No biggie, he's stronger then me to. :D

Posted Image

#11 Ruthie



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Posted 04 July 2011 - 11:14 AM

Raven stared at the castle where the human king dwelled. She flipped the handle of a silver knife from finger to finger, deep lines of concentration on her face. One throw to the chest would kill the king instantly.
"I must do this," she told herself.
She cast her mind backwards to her fathers words...

If you want the Shadow clan to forgive your treachery then you must bring us back a human head, the king'g to be exact

But what had she done so wrong? It was true that she had saved a human, and usually she would have killed them along with the others. She hated them after all but for some reason something stopped her.

She threw the knife at a nearby tree, landing right into the centre of an apple.
Assistant Writer of Wii U Go and Vita/3DS enthusiast.

#12 Philip Draco

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Posted 05 July 2011 - 06:59 PM

"Huh? Wha?"
"Don't make the same mistakes I've made."
"Dad? Is that you?"
"Don't do as the King Requires. Forge your own path. Forge your own Sword."
"Dad! Where are you?"
"Trials are coming, Son. Few are prepared. Be ready when they strike."
"Crusaders are born when prejudice is removed. Believe in the ones you've learned to hate. Don't hate the one's you've learned to believe."
"Why are you speaking in riddles??"
"Good luck son... I will never leave your side...."
"Yo! Kid! Wake up!"
"Huh? Wha?"
"You're sleeptalking. It's hard to drive with the mumbling."
"Oh.... Sorry."
"Don't worry. We'll be approaching Soleil pretty quick here, so better eat some breakfast."
The guard points to a nearby drawer.
"Should be some food in there for ya."
"Ok. Thanks."
"Lets see..... Oh! Bread and Eggs! Yum!"

I know a lobster that's stronger then you.

No biggie, he's stronger then me to. :D

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#13 Philip Draco

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Posted 06 July 2011 - 09:54 AM

"Hello Reas."
"Your Magisty! You're awake! It's not even mor-"
"Send for the fortune teller."
"....Yes my Lord... but why would sh-"
"Please, my friend. I need advise on a matter of great importance."
"And so you shall get it."
"Oh. You're here already!"
"Yes, I know when I'm needed. One of the perks of future seeing."
"You know the problem then?"
"Yes. I shall speak to you alone."
"Of course. Reas, away."
"Yes my lord."
"I don't get it. I'm the head adviser! Why does he trust that silly "seer" anyway?"
"Sure, she's been right about..... everything so far.... But still...."
"Reas! I have been given the answer."
"This is going to sound crazy.... But I trust the fortune teller."
"Send all of my servents, and all the guards home for the night."
"Do it!"
"I'll need the keys to the main monster cell, and a small sword."
"Lastly, You shall escort my wife and children out for the night. Tell everyone to come back at dawn tomorrow."
"I'll tell you when It's over..."
"....Your will be done."
"Thank you my friend."
"Well, If that's everything, I've got to set up my tent in the nearby valley. Good luck my King, and try not to anger her."
"Goodbye Fortune teller."
"I'm waiting Shadow Elf.... We BOTH need information on this......"

Edited by Philip Draco, 06 July 2011 - 06:56 PM.

I know a lobster that's stronger then you.

No biggie, he's stronger then me to. :D

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#14 Ruthie



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Posted 07 July 2011 - 01:20 PM

It was time.

The sun was setting on Soleil and the sky was a mixture of crimson and blue. Raven selected her sharpest knives and attached them to her waist via a brown belt. Throwing her brown tunic hood over her head she descended towards the castle.
"That's odd..." she muttered as she reached the main castle gate.
There were no guards. The air was deadly silent. She crept towards the wooden door and unpicked it carefully without making a sound, though she felt like she could make all the sound in the world and no one would hear her, the castle was that silent.

She tiptoed around the halls, her knife in hand but this proved unnecessary as she was not apprehended in any way.
"Something is not right..."
She made her way to the thrown room.
Assistant Writer of Wii U Go and Vita/3DS enthusiast.

#15 Epic Kirby

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Posted 07 July 2011 - 04:26 PM

Name: Arthurnius (Arty for short)
Allignment: Human
Discription: Shoulder length brown hair, rough dirty clothes, thief by trade, steals the belongings of villages destroyed by monster raids
Personality: Funny, charming, wily, thinks that life is a joke.
Age: 19
Background: Mother was killed when he was a young child, father deserted him to join a sinister vigilante gang who go around torturing and killing monsters.
Prefered Power: Master swordsman

Arthurnius picked his way through the rubble, the last remnants of a stone house in a human village. The raid had been but an hour a go and human bodies were still sprawled about the floor. Using his foot, he prised a dead man's hands from a golden chest that he was holding.
"Sorry mate," Arty said to the dead man. "Not like you'll be needing it anyway and a man's got to eat."
Sheathing his long sword he prised open the chest and pocketed the rubies that were inside. He took out his sword again and began using it to sift through the rubble some more, when he found nothing else valuable he left and went back into the open air.

"Find anything, Arty?" A huge man said to him.
"Just some rubies," Arty said chucking a few towards the fat man. "Anymore villages we can go through?"
"There's one more just north of here, attacked by a legion of monsters, the people didn't have a chance but we're not going there. I have something better."
"What?" Arty said mildly curious.
"My sources at Soleil castle have told me that the King has done something really bizzare, sent all his guards home he has, would be a very easy job." The fat man held up his share of the rubies. "Bet there are thousands of these in there."
"That is bizzare... but we'd be fools not to check it out. You take your share and my share to the market to get sold and I'll check out the castle." Arty suggested.

The fat man raised an eyebrow.
"You're not thinking of leaving me out of the castle plunder are you?"
"How could you think that?!" Arty said feigning hurt.
"Just saying if you do, I'll find you and trust me when I say it won't be monsters you'll have to worry about." The fat man said menacingly.

"Whatever you say, now hurry, take the rubies, I'm heading to the castle."


Arty peered at the castle in shock. It was just as the fat man had said. No guards whatsoever. He strolled along the castle bridge whistling loudly and when he got inside he got straight to work filling his pockets with gold coins from the drawers of rooms. Finally he reached the throne room and yelped in shock. A Shadow Elf was standing there.
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Kirby Sig made by Anisaxis, thanks dude :)

#16 Philip Draco

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Posted 07 July 2011 - 04:44 PM

"...Ah. Lady Raven and Lord Arthurnius. Welcome to my castle."
"Now now, don't quarrel, you're here for diffrent purposes, and I acknowledge that."
"Lady Raven. You're here for my head. Any guards that I call to protect me would do me no good, and running is futile. Your honor and home is at stake."
"However, I believe everyone here can leave this room with high benefits. Lady Raven, Please allow me to explain, and then you may kill me if you see fit."
"Lord Arthurnius. I've left the treasure room unlocked. Third door down the hall, down the stairs, big shiny door, difficult to miss. There are Thousands of Malins in there, feel free to take what you can carry while I talk to Lady Raven."

Edited by Philip Draco, 07 July 2011 - 05:02 PM.

I know a lobster that's stronger then you.

No biggie, he's stronger then me to. :D

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#17 Ruthie



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Posted 09 July 2011 - 04:16 PM

Raven stared in horror when the king finished speaking. She drew back her knife ready to strike but found herself incapable to. She fixed it back to her belt angrily and waited for the thief to leave the room.
Assistant Writer of Wii U Go and Vita/3DS enthusiast.

#18 Epic Kirby

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Posted 10 July 2011 - 11:36 AM

"That is most generous, my lord" Arty said bowing to the king.
He made his way to the door trying not to look the mosnter in the eye. He peered down the hall and was about to go and help himself to some treasure when a thought occured to him.
"What business does he have with that Elf?" He thought to himself.
He felt around in his pocket until he found some stones. He threw them down the hall to imitate the sound of someone walking away and then crept back to the door and listened smiling.
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Check out my RP
Kirby Sig made by Anisaxis, thanks dude :)

#19 Philip Draco

Philip Draco

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Posted 15 July 2011 - 08:20 AM

(sorry for the delay. Internet issues.)
"Thank you Lady Raven."
"I know the reason my head is the prime target for most of the area. My ancestors tricked the previous people into believing that anything that wasn't 'human' was an abomination, and wrote laws to encourage this thinking. Bounty's on monsters slain, all books on history demonizing them, Attacks on the villages, regardless of the actual threat value, the atrocity's are almost endless."
"It is the hope of your superiors that the problems of your kind will end with my life. This is most certainly not the case."
"If it is told that a 'monster' has snuck into the castle and slayed the current line of the 'noble' bloodline, the attacks on the 'evil' races will surly increase even more then they are currently."
"I know I cannot erase the sins of my forefathers. I have a friend who is helping me plan out a way so that every creature, regardless of posture, type, skill, or appendage count will be able and counted equal. This plan, however, requires time, information, and a able king willing to enact it. I cannot promise my succsesor will see things as i do."
"Lady Raven, I'm well aware that your combat skills well exceed mine. I don't, however, want you to leave emptyhanded. Therefore, I belive i have something that might equate to my head."
"In excange for my life, I have two things to give. The first, This."
The king holds up a key.
"This is the master key to the 'monster' cells. Hunters have been collecting and storing them in the lower ends of the castle. There is a tunnel the hunters use to get in and out without anyone in Soleil knowing. You can free any creatures you see, and take them back."
"The other thing is this."
The king holds up another key.
"This is the key to the war room. There are three safes inside. One holds our Attack Strategies, one holds the outline of the main castle defenses, and the third has information on our weapons. You may choose one to keep and bring back to your village."
"My life in exchange for information on our defenses, the freedom of creatures, and a escape route."
The king gets up and walks to the left wall.
"The keys are hanging on the wall. I am retiring to my chambers for the night. Feel free to do as you will."
"And Lord Arthurnius? Feel free to take food from the Chef's Quarters. Second door straight ahead."
"Good night."

I know a lobster that's stronger then you.

No biggie, he's stronger then me to. :D

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#20 Philip Draco

Philip Draco

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Posted 21 July 2011 - 07:27 AM

"Hey Jack!"
"What Charles?"
"Wana here a scary story?"
"Charles, We're in the middle of the weirdest order the king's made yet."
"A long long time ago..."
"In the Frozen castle..."
"You've told this to me before."
"There was rumors of a slime monster..."
"Yeah, yeah..."
"This monster was once the size of an average slime... but he wanted more... MORE THEN THE OTHER SLIMES!"
"If you need me, I'll be napping until dawn."
"Ah come one, I need the practice! the Scary contest competition is coming soon!
"Yeah, in about nine months."
"Think of all the practice I'll get!"
"You're already the champion!"
"And why do you think that is?"
"...Fine, I'll listen. but find another test subject next time, okay?"
"Thanks Jack! *Ahem*
This slime was a ambitious slime... he wanted to turn slimes into monsters to be feared... not just the side dish of meat restaurants...
He looked for a way... and FOUND ONE!
He found a spell that would make him immune to all things. the ice, thunder, water, rocks, and wind needed was accessible to him. However, it required fire for total effectiveness....
He cast it without the fire.
The slime became a collosal slime. He was completely immine to all forms of damage.... except fire.
He ventured from the castle, seeking something to strike fear into.... and found a small village...l
He decideded he needed a name to strike fear into all who opposed him....
He chose "the Georama".
He st-"
"Oh fine. Be that way. I'll just tell you when you wake up!"

I know a lobster that's stronger then you.

No biggie, he's stronger then me to. :D

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