Well then the statement is vacuous as pc level can literally scale from less then 1 fps at the custom resolution of 1x1, to it maxed out at whatever fps and resolution your hardware can handle. The director is referring to the performance you get when it is maxed out (people with high end hardware), hence my point. When people refer to pc level of fidelity they are referring to the maximum it can output, not the minimum or something else as the maximum as that is what the hardware is known to be capable of.
When we are talking a great looking pc game, using 1080 p resolution, not 4k, not whatever retina display is out, etc. but the same textures the OC is using, the same geometry, etc, at 1080p resolution.
Maybe in your own mind, OC quality refers to the maximum a given rig can spit out. But in the real world that's bologne because the macimum pc capabilities change every few months. Besides, I had already qualified what was meant.
It's cut and dry. You can pretend to not understand by throwing out resolutions not supported by wii u or ps4 all you want. But the bottom line is the wii u won't have a problem running crysis at pc/1080p/quality, using the same assets as pc, versus older gen systems requiring compressed/ less textures, less effects, etc. And no, the crytek CEO never shot that down since the wii u has been finalized. He also didn't shoot it down when early wii unhardware was being tested. Thanks for playing.
Hope that helps.
P.s. apologies for typos. Smartphones are so smart they have a personality of their own. Lol
Edited by Socalmuscle, 03 March 2013 - 04:37 PM.