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Can nintendo pull of the gamecube2... with better 3rd party support?

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#1 Guest_TRON_*

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Posted 17 September 2012 - 02:54 AM

ok in north america November 18th the Wii U will launch. im very excited for this console as its nintendo first HD console. i think this might be nintendo best and most original console to date. the controller IMO is one of the coolest thing that has happen to gaming in a long time and SHOULD give developers thousands (ok maybe hundreds) of unique gameplay options. there are lots of fans that even though it didnt sell very well (only 21 million) gamecube was their favorite nintendo console. why because it was a very balanced system and games built from the ground up for the system were graphical showcases. things that couldnt be done on the xbox which was raw power 3x that of the gamecube. the controller was original and unique.... a la the wii u gamepad. but just at "LAUNCH" Wii U has outdone the 3rd party support of the gamecube and Wii "COMBINED". mark my words the Wii U is going to put a lot of pressure on sony and microsoft, its going to have a lot more to offer than people think it will. Can nintendo pull off gamecube 2 with amazing 3rd party support?

Edited by TRON, 17 September 2012 - 02:55 AM.

#2 Keviin



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Posted 17 September 2012 - 03:40 AM

Nope. I think it will be too underpowered in the long run.
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#3 Guest_TRON_*

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Posted 17 September 2012 - 03:56 AM

Nope. I think it will be too underpowered in the long run.

i think you will be one of many that underestimate what the console can and WILL achieve. nintendo isnt new at this they know how to build powerful "BALANCED" consoles. just like gamecube games built from ground up from people who have handle on hardware will impress... no matter what the other console do next gen.

also like i said just the launch games for Wii U have left gamecube and Wii in the dust as far as 3rd party support goes

Edited by TRON, 17 September 2012 - 03:56 AM.

#4 Desert Punk

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Posted 17 September 2012 - 04:25 AM

The gamecube was very limited in storage and memory and simply didn't have the cpu or gpu power of the original Xbox. I know when these debates come up Roque Squadron is pulled out as a Ace card for the gamecube which was a launch title for the console but that game doesn't represent the majority of gamecube games it was the exception rather than the rule. The original xbox has some truly amazing games that would be impossible on Gamecube. If Rogue Squadron had been written for the original xbox and had hand assembled code like Factor 5 did for the Gamecube it would likely have been much better on original xbox. The vast majority of games that are available on both xbox and gamecube are vastly superior on xbox. Take a look at Wreckless on xbox and then gamecube to see the graphical difference.

The wii u is a brilliant console and powerful I just don't think it will compare to the power of the ps4 or next xbox.

#5 Guest_TRON_*

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Posted 17 September 2012 - 04:29 AM

The gamecube was very limited in storage and memory and simply didn't have the cpu or gpu power of the original Xbox. I know when these debates come up Roque Squadron is pulled out as a Ace card for the gamecube which was a launch title for the console but that game doesn't represent the majority of gamecube games it was the exception rather than the rule. The original xbox has some truly amazing games that would be impossible on Gamecube. If Rogue Squadron had been written for the original xbox and had hand assembled code like Factor 5 did for the Gamecube it would likely have been much better on original xbox. The vast majority of games that are available on both xbox and gamecube are vastly superior on xbox. Take a look at Wreckless on xbox and then gamecube to see the graphical difference.

The wii u is a brilliant console and powerful I just don't think it will compare to the power of the ps4 or next xbox.

not sure about link but there was rumors factor 5 said rogue squadron couldnt run on xbox... not sure just heard that. also resident evil 4 IMO best looking game of last gen. i remember my jaw dropping when i started playing saying this cant be in real time. f-zero gx the list can go on. nintendo build powerful balanced hardware and if taken advantage of can surpass and keep up with the best from the others and thats what i expect Wii U to achieve.

Edited by TRON, 17 September 2012 - 04:30 AM.

#6 Foot


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Posted 17 September 2012 - 04:30 AM

It will succeed as u can see with the many pre-orders, however with all of the comments that KNOWN developers have been saying about the Xbox 720 and PS4, the Wii U will be underpowered. In its first 3 years it'll get support but after once it's potential is used up, it's going back to casual Nintendo games or minimal ports.

It will undoubtfully succeed though, it's a Nintendo System! I'd imagine at least 70 million before the next Wii U2 is announced.
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#7 Zonark



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Posted 17 September 2012 - 04:32 AM

Nope. I think it will be too underpowered in the long run.

Don't take offence to this. You play games based on graphics alone. Which console won the console war last? The wii. Its about sales and game play value people. The wii u will do the same the wii did sell the most consoles. And really that's what matters. Nintendo is the apple of gaming but they don't try over pricing everything

#8 Hinkik


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Posted 17 September 2012 - 05:28 AM

Nintendo has already comfirmed they won't pull another gamecube cause it didn't sell well with good specs. Also a familiar company called Sony made a so called PS3 which was focused on graphics also didn't sell so well.


#9 Hunter



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Posted 17 September 2012 - 06:41 AM

ugh, all people talk about is power. Im going to repeat what someone another site said with regards to Wii U vs Sony/MS:

People need to remember that MS and Sony are making a games console, not a super powered machine. If they were doing that they would have to charge $600+ for their consoles. I think they will concentrate more on innovation, originality and gameplay than power. If people want a super powered machine then they will buy a gaming PC, not a console.

Edited by Hunter, 17 September 2012 - 06:41 AM.

#10 Tricky Sonic

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Posted 17 September 2012 - 07:41 AM

The Wii U will be fine. I can see it definitely being the spiritual successor to the Gamecube. For those worried about it not having graphics that are able to keep up with next Gen (which by the way.. No one knows anything about yet outside of the Wii U), seriously...it would be best for all if you just shut up and go away until those systems come out. Nintendo has long gave gamers great EXPERIENCES.Every xbox and playstation has virtually remained the same every generation with same old games and just prettier games. A lot of gamers are content with that, but Nintendo fans..ie the last of the REAL gamers are not content with mediocrity.
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#11 Guest_TRON_*

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Posted 17 September 2012 - 07:47 AM

Exactly here is reggie latest quote on Wii U power.

"But the fact is that in the Wii U we've built a lot of capability. And during the Nintendo Direct that happened last night or two nights ago, overnight Wednesday to Thursday, we showed a lot of specs information for the Wii U: the fact that it has an extremely large RAM built into the system, the fact that the discs are high-capacity [25gb] discs. And so we've got a system that, based on our review of the world and our architecture, it absolutely's gonna hold up and bring the best content from third-party for a long, long time."

Exactly what I expect... The disrespect nintendo is getting is amazing. They have built a balanced console that will be able to compete for years to come.

#12 Tricky Sonic

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Posted 17 September 2012 - 07:52 AM

Exactly here is reggie latest quote on Wii U power.

"But the fact is that in the Wii U we've built a lot of capability. And during the Nintendo Direct that happened last night or two nights ago, overnight Wednesday to Thursday, we showed a lot of specs information for the Wii U: the fact that it has an extremely large RAM built into the system, the fact that the discs are high-capacity [25gb] discs. And so we've got a system that, based on our review of the world and our architecture, it absolutely's gonna hold up and bring the best content from third-party for a long, long time."

Exactly what I expect... The disrespect nintendo is getting is amazing. They have built a balanced console that will be able to compete for years to come.

There will always be nay Sayers. It's something we have to deal with. The funny thing is, most don't even have a legitimate reason for the negativity
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#13 Spleenzorio



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Posted 17 September 2012 - 08:26 AM

The Wii U will be fine. I can see it definitely being the spiritual successor to the Gamecube. For those worried about it not having graphics that are able to keep up with next Gen (which by the way.. No one knows anything about yet outside of the Wii U), seriously...it would be best for all if you just shut up and go away until those systems come out. Nintendo has long gave gamers great EXPERIENCES.Every xbox and playstation has virtually remained the same every generation with same old games and just prettier games. A lot of gamers are content with that, but Nintendo fans..ie the last of the REAL gamers are not content with mediocrity.

Exactly. No matter what Nintendo shows off, it gets me excited. Even though I have all current gen consoles, I like to think of myself as a Nintendo fanboy. I'm always pumped the most for their E3 conferences, while I never get too hyped for the other two because they never really show anything that hasn't been done before. I was so excited for the 3DS leading up to it's launch, I didn't even wanna go and try it before it came out, I wanted to experience it first hand after I purchased it. Same with Wii U. I'm glad Wii U is only 2 months away, I don't think I'd be able to hold off my excitement any longer than that :P
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#14 Socalmuscle


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Posted 17 September 2012 - 10:18 AM

Nintendo has already comfirmed they won't pull another gamecube cause it didn't sell well with good specs. Also a familiar company called Sony made a so called PS3 which was focused on graphics also didn't sell so well.

that's not why it didn't sell well at all.

great specs are only always a good thing.

It was Nintendo's failure to woo third parties while also failing to remove the "kiddy" image of the console.

A purple colored console with a handle no less. an "elementary school only" sticker might as well been placed on it.

The Wii U is the Gamecube 2 in actuality, but it will likely be the PS2 of this gen. In power and popularity.

Nintendo is in a place where they could afford the initial investment of making a decently high spec console available at a mass market price.

And they have aggressively been wooing thrid parties the likes of which haven't been seen since MS entered the market.

The GCN failed due to marketing and support. Two areas the Wii U is excelling in.

The failures of the Wii were only in power and third party support.

when I say failure, I am keenly aware that the Wii is the winner of the last gen race. but it is also by far the least played.

The wii U addresses all failures and keeps the strengths.

The Wii U is what the GCN should have been.

It may very well be the next SNES.

#15 Desert Punk

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Posted 17 September 2012 - 11:00 AM

not sure about link but there was rumors factor 5 said rogue squadron couldnt run on xbox... not sure just heard that. also resident evil 4 IMO best looking game of last gen. i remember my jaw dropping when i started playing saying this cant be in real time. f-zero gx the list can go on. nintendo build powerful balanced hardware and if taken advantage of can surpass and keep up with the best from the others and thats what i expect Wii U to achieve.

It wouldn't surprise me if there were some elements to the Gamecube design in its memory bandwidth that allowed certain things to run better on it than xbox. As a general rule though the xbox beats the gamecube in every area except access speed of its optical drive and memory bandwidth. The optical drive issue is easily addressed by the xbox's built in hard drive but the memory bandwidth advantage of the gamecube is still present. However the original xbox could deliver Soul Caliber II in 720p at full frame rates so I feel the xbox could likely do everything the gamecube could do at 480p. Also the xbox has 32bit colour instead of the gamecube's 24bit so could add extra transparency effects etc. A game to see on the original xbox is Conker's bad fur day. It's visually stunning at times.

#16 Socalmuscle


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Posted 17 September 2012 - 11:46 AM

It wouldn't surprise me if there were some elements to the Gamecube design in its memory bandwidth that allowed certain things to run better on it than xbox. As a general rule though the xbox beats the gamecube in every area except access speed of its optical drive and memory bandwidth. The optical drive issue is easily addressed by the xbox's built in hard drive but the memory bandwidth advantage of the gamecube is still present. However the original xbox could deliver Soul Caliber II in 720p at full frame rates so I feel the xbox could likely do everything the gamecube could do at 480p. Also the xbox has 32bit colour instead of the gamecube's 24bit so could add extra transparency effects etc. A game to see on the original xbox is Conker's bad fur day. It's visually stunning at times.

Conker's bad fur day is an example of where the GCN had superior features such as the 'fur shading' in both games which was new then.

And Rogue Squadron did look much better than anything on the xbox. someone mentioned Rogue Squadron 3 in another thread. Had forgotten about then game. GFX Superior than Xbox games.

the Xbox had a couple of advantages over the Gamecube, but the GCN also held advantages.

In the end, they washed out about the same.

The Xbox had better raw numbers on paper.

The GCN produced games that showed what the actual combination of the right hardware working together could do. the Altivec in the CPU was an ace in the hole as well.

The "same" result basically, but cheaper to obtain.

Pretty smart.

And pretty effective.

Edited by Socalmuscle, 17 September 2012 - 11:47 AM.

#17 Oblivion165


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Posted 17 September 2012 - 01:59 PM

I sure hope not. I owned a gamecube day 1 and only ended up getting about 5 games because there was nothing for adults.

#18 nintendo3DS


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Posted 17 September 2012 - 03:08 PM

ok in north america November 18th the Wii U will launch. im very excited for this console as its nintendo first HD console. i think this might be nintendo best and most original console to date. the controller IMO is one of the coolest thing that has happen to gaming in a long time and SHOULD give developers thousands (ok maybe hundreds) of unique gameplay options. there are lots of fans that even though it didnt sell very well (only 21 million) gamecube was their favorite nintendo console. why because it was a very balanced system and games built from the ground up for the system were graphical showcases. things that couldnt be done on the xbox which was raw power 3x that of the gamecube. the controller was original and unique.... a la the wii u gamepad. but just at "LAUNCH" Wii U has outdone the 3rd party support of the gamecube and Wii "COMBINED". mark my words the Wii U is going to put a lot of pressure on sony and microsoft, its going to have a lot more to offer than people think it will. Can nintendo pull off gamecube 2 with amazing 3rd party support?

Well, because the Wii U game cases look like the Gamecubes, you can think of it that way. :P

#19 storabajskorven



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Posted 17 September 2012 - 03:22 PM

Conker's bad fur day is an example of where the GCN had superior features such as the 'fur shading' in both games which was new then.

Conker was on Gamecube?

#20 Socalmuscle


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Posted 17 September 2012 - 03:25 PM

Conker was on Gamecube?

No. It was on Xbox. And it was an example of where the Xbox was inferior in fur shading compared to SF Adventures on GCN.

Sorry if that confused you.

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