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3rd Party Needs to Stay Conistent

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#1 Tricky Sonic

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Posted 18 September 2012 - 11:29 AM

So I was thinking about How excited I and most of you are about all the 3rd party love....but then reality kind of crashed my party. I think Nintendo is on the right track and I firmly believe 3rd party support will be solid...but It's not what worries me. How many times has a developer brought a title to a console,but never brings the rest and left you in the cold? I mean EA bringing Mass Effect 3 over is awesomeness! But...does it matter if They make 2 more and not to the Wii U? 3Rd party consistency is key. What are your thoughts?
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#2 Foot


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Posted 18 September 2012 - 11:37 AM

The Holiday lineup needs to impress developers if they want to make more games for the console, and the other Developers who aren't convinced yet can only be proved by Strong 3rd Party sales.
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#3 Crackkat



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Posted 18 September 2012 - 11:50 AM

its all about the sales bro. the immense launch support proves that third parties are willing and aren't just full of random hatred, they're not. all that needs to happen is that we buy their games and i definitely plan to do that. im a multi console owner so i highly value third party support, most of my wii u games will be third party
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#4 LaserSWE



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Posted 18 September 2012 - 12:31 PM

Im not sure its right to call the third-party support strong yet. When Nintendo showcases Wipeout 3 on the final press-conference before the launch.. well, that kinda speaks for itself. What Nintendo has with third-party right now that is interesting and really stands out is LEGO City Undercover, Bayonetta 2, ZombiU and Rayman Legends and Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate. And then it has to be said that the first two are actually being published by Nintendo so im not sure they even count as third-party support.

I would have said that Nintendo would have a strong 3rd party support if most PS360-multiplatform games were on its way for WiiU. But they are not. Most arent. And theres also very few third-party exclusives announced. Hopefully things will get unveiled and get moving soon.
I am betting that many are waiting to see how WiiU initially sell before deciding on supporting or not.

Edited by LaserSWE, 18 September 2012 - 12:32 PM.

#5 Mushlikeahusky



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Posted 18 September 2012 - 02:39 PM

I think if Nintendo gets more exclusives like Bayonetta 2 and Zombi U that will make the larger audience flock to the Wii-U. Without games like these people will keep playing their Next box and ps4. There is so much boundless potiential here and Nintendo has to expand their library they are doing a great job so far but don't need to fall into a pattern of a new mario here and there like they did with the Wii. I also love the wonderful 101
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#6 Noonabites


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Posted 18 September 2012 - 05:52 PM

I definitely understand your worry. Unfortunately, there's nothing much Nintendo can do about this. As someone mentioned, it really is all about how much support the Wii U will garner after launch (support as in how much they sell, of course).. Also, how well those games sell on the system. The Wii had amazing sales, but most of the games bought for the system were most definitely made for the casual crowd. Let's not freight about this, I'm sure it'll capture the attention if sales hold up to the pre-order hype.

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