So if anyone is into tech and wants to learn a lot more, just tune into Twit and GFQ.
Introduction out of the way, who are the people I'm talking about?
Tom Merrit - Does Tech News Today on Twit
Andrew Zarian - Runs the GFQ network
Paul Thurrot - Microsoft Specialist that talks about Microsoft news, is on What the Tech on GFQ, and Windows Weekly on Twit.
People from the chat and possibly forums will know I know a lot about Microsoft in general, and that's by just watching these webcasts and they really go indepth about what realistically Apple, Microsoft, Google etc are doing in their seperate dedicated shows on Twit.
Now introductions are deffinetely out of the way.
Tom Merrit Praising TVii
Usually tech journalists have moved to a streaming living room, Apple TV, Roku, Boxee etc, where these little devices stream video content etc from services.
So in this episode of frame rate - Show that's dedicated to media, they praise TVii as the streaming system they have dreamed of. Also watch the shazam bit, they are still talking about TVii
Paul Thurrot and Andrew Zarian liking Wii U
This is on What The Tech, a show on the GFQ network that focusses the week in tech. Both Zarian and Thurrot praise the Wii U. They both have a killer feature that they would mention but that's for next week show.
Gaming talk starts : 49 minutes, 26 seconds.
Nintendo Wii U praise (sort of) : brief mention at 58 minutes, talk at: 1 hour mark, but tease next week's show is console focussed and will talk about Wii U.
Edited by Usman Mohammad, 19 September 2012 - 11:38 AM.