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Pokemon X For Wii U

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#1 nintendo3DS


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Posted 21 September 2012 - 08:25 PM

Do you think we will ever get a game like the beloved RPG games that are on the DS/GBA to the Wii U someday? We're getting B/W2 soon, but to have a brand new or maybe a sequel to Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald on the Wii U would be awesome.

But he has said this, "It would be very cool if you could play Black 2 and White 2 on the Wii U," Masuda says with a laugh just long enough to make it unclear if he was dropping a hint or joking completely. http://www.theverge....3348288/pokemon

Want ---->

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Yes, I know GameFreak is not interest in a Pokemon Snap sequel, unfortunately.

#2 Soul



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Posted 21 September 2012 - 08:28 PM

No Black and Whie 2 we want new 3d RPG similar to skyrim. Nintendo Smash!

#3 Mushlikeahusky



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Posted 21 September 2012 - 08:52 PM

I think they will make it where we can play ds/3ds games on the wii u
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#4 Soul



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Posted 21 September 2012 - 09:24 PM

I think they will make it where we can play ds/3ds games on the wii u

i think they wont muahhahha

#5 JakeyFlower


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Posted 21 September 2012 - 09:32 PM

this would be SO amazing!

please nintendo PLEASE I BEG YOU <3

I think they will make it where we can play ds/3ds games on the wii u

i wish, that would be pretty amazing!

Edited by JakeyFlower, 21 September 2012 - 09:32 PM.

#6 Richard Fightmaster

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Posted 21 September 2012 - 10:07 PM

The video, I do not want. The 2 pictures? GIMMEGIMMEGIMME! I LOVE POKEMON! An actual home console version of the turn based battle system with 1080P HD, perhaps an MMO? That would be the greatest thing of ALL TIME! (Except for Paper Mario Universe, the first 2 games, Sticker Star, and 2 new maps put together with 80 new quests, Luigi, and DLC.)


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#7 Tricky Sonic

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Posted 22 September 2012 - 04:27 AM

I'd love a console Pokemon game that isn't just battle stadium ish.... like a full on RPG with online play
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#8 Andy


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Posted 22 September 2012 - 07:48 AM

I still think they should get Genius Sonority on board for a sequel to XD Gale of Darkness.
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#9 nintendo3DS


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Posted 22 September 2012 - 07:55 AM

I still think they should get Genius Sonority on board for a sequel to XD Gale of Darkness.

That would be pretty cool, although I still haven't tried that game yet. :l

#10 Ixchel


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Posted 22 September 2012 - 10:17 AM

I'd love a console Pokemon game that isn't just battle stadium ish.... like a full on RPG with online play

Like Colosseum and XD with online play?

I'd personally love a Pokemon MMO. I can just see it working out so well. But I know that's not as likely as another XD styled game, which would be awesome!
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#11 Tsuchinoko


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Posted 22 September 2012 - 01:38 PM

It might happen one day. With all the fans wanting one they must be thinking real hard about finally doing it. But I wouldn't be surprised it if wasn't like what we expect it to be. It would probably be similar to the portable games but with enough changes to make people not like them or accept them as the portable experience just on a bigger scale.

If they wanted to do it right they just need to do the exact same thing they are doing now on portables and bring it to the console, just in 3D. That would be best.
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#12 JakeyFlower


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Posted 23 September 2012 - 01:25 AM

come on nintendo,

pretty please :wub:

#13 EC1992


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Posted 23 September 2012 - 10:11 AM

If this happens, I will pre-order the game Day 1. Appart from Launch system days, I hardly pre-order the games. If this game comes possibly to Wii U I will Definitely buy, no questions asked. Rpg style Pokemon game would be INSANE on a home console with 1080p graphics.

Edited by EC1992, 23 September 2012 - 10:11 AM.

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#14 SolxBurst


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Posted 23 September 2012 - 11:32 AM

I want a new Pokemon Colosseum styled game, and also one styled like the handheld games that could work with the 3DS versions.


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#15 Noonabites


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Posted 24 September 2012 - 12:22 AM

It might happen one day. With all the fans wanting one they must be thinking real hard about finally doing it. But I wouldn't be surprised it if wasn't like what we expect it to be. It would probably be similar to the portable games but with enough changes to make people not like them or accept them as the portable experience just on a bigger scale.

If they wanted to do it right they just need to do the exact same thing they are doing now on portables and bring it to the console, just in 3D. That would be best.

I agree with this. And I wanted to say something similar to this so QFT! Any sort of drastic changes to gameplay might be a huge turn off for fans, just to add.

#16 That64Kid


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Posted 25 September 2012 - 05:39 PM

Needs more 3D ~3~

#17 Dark Link

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Posted 25 September 2012 - 06:33 PM

I have been waiting for a home console version of a full blown Pokemon RPG for a long time. Games like Pokemon Colloseum on the GameCube didn't cut it as the story was, if memory serves me right, very light on the Pokemon RPG elements. I never played a home console Pokemon game since Colloseum, but then again I overlook the majority of Pokemon spinoffs and never read about them online. I never even played a Mystery Dungeon game, either and some Pokemon fans say they are good.

i think they wont muahhahha

Actually, they might. Nintendo did it before with the GameCube and GBA, I don't see how they wouldn't release a 3DS Player accessory given the Wii U will have a controller combined with a touch screen. Add 3D support for the 3DS games and this should work.

Edited by Dark Link, 25 September 2012 - 06:41 PM.

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#18 neverwinteru



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Posted 26 September 2012 - 05:45 PM

Personally i want a Pokemon Colosseum sequel but close to the handheld titles in terms of gameplay. i really enjoyed how they made the theme for that game a little bit more mature than most Pokemon games.

That or they could just go full blown and finally make that MMO that everyone has been wanting.

#19 parallaxscroll


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Posted 26 September 2012 - 07:47 PM

I'm not into Pokemon but if I was, I'd like it to look like the Meowth's Party tech demo for Gamecube, which looks like this:

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#20 bornsupercharged



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Posted 02 October 2012 - 11:34 AM

Yeah, here's what I think they should make: a free roam MMO with full length story line and optional side quests. Regions should be Kanto and Johto, with Hoenn in the future as a possible expansion. I don't care if Sinnoh or Unova are accessible or not.

Battling gameplay should be the same as the core Pokemon DS games, it's turn based and will support 4 players at once. That's you and up to 3 friends battling 1 to 4 wild pokemon at a time. When someone in your party engages a wild pokemon, you will automatically be notified/invited to join the battle. Roll the dice to determine who gets to throw a pokeball each round (if someone tries to throw a pokeball everyone in the battle has the option to roll for a throw or cancel their attack). Battles automatically start in 10 seconds or when everyone in the party has opted in or out of the battle. It should definitely have guilds/clubs.

While you can choose from any of the original starter pokemon, including Pikachu, everyone starts in Kanto. There are 16 gym badges, 8 from Kanto and 8 from Johto. Once you get all 8 badges from Kanto, the gym leaders all increase in difficulty and can be rebattled once daily. You are also allowed to enter Johto once you have all 8 badges from Kanto. In Johto you collect the remaining 8 badges and are then allowed to battle the Elite 4, and the Champion. For all battle with NPC trainers, gym leaders, elite 4 and the champion, there is Solo mode and Party mode - Solo mode is normal difficulty, while in Party mode the NPC receives handicap spec boosts as well as more items (such as full restores) which are used far more frequently if there are 4 in your party vs. 2. How many pokemon the NPC sends out at once is also dependent on how many players there are in your party. If the NPC has 6 pokemon and there are 4 in your party, the NPC will send out 4 to start. Winning money is divided equally among the players in your party who participated in the battle.

All Pokemon are tradeable anywhere, as are "non-account bound" items. Of course there should be a Global Trade System as well, so you can easily trade with any player.

Edited by bornsupercharged, 02 October 2012 - 11:37 AM.

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