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Nintendo Reps at claiming 'Wii U 19x more powerful than PS3"

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#1 Stormage09


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Posted 08 October 2012 - 11:31 AM

IT HAS TO BE A TYPO LOL, like my "at" -_-

The actual console is significantly longer than I had anticipated, hinting at the level of power under the hood. Most people in attendance were surprised by this, having probably imagined the device to be about the same size as the original Wii console. Nintendo representatives on the day informed me that it was “19 times more powerful than PS3”. Having spent a decent amount of time with the launch software I doubt these claims, as the games on show at the expo appeared directly comparable to Xbox360 and PS3 titles and certainly no better. Having said that, the games are launch titles and the software can only improve in scope, gameplay and visual flair as developers get to grips with the hardware.


Edited by Stormage09, 08 October 2012 - 11:37 AM.

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#2 Mignaga



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Posted 08 October 2012 - 11:34 AM

The kind of Nintendo Reps that they have at shows like this, tend to know nothing about actual games. Ne probably came up with a number that he thought sounded good, but in all actuality is stupidly high.


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#3 Tricky Sonic

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Posted 08 October 2012 - 11:49 AM

Reps are never good sources of info. I still think it won't be until next holiday season that we see the first signs of It's true power.
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#4 Socalmuscle


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Posted 08 October 2012 - 12:29 PM

It depends on who the reps were and at what official (or not) capacity they were stating this. If we are talking the warm bodies that Nintendo hires from temp agencies, then you can safely completely discount that as much as you can the infamous "Gamestop Employee" hardware guesses. but if it were someone more "official," then it would makes sense to listen up.

I would not be surprised given the CPU architecture and the GPU as well as the RAM amount. But I would not be surprised if it was less than that. It is a good bit more powerful than current systems.

But anyone looking at the launch games mostly ports of 360/PS3 games and equating power based on obvious similarities is as mistaken as those who thought the 360 was barely a step up over the Xbox based on its launch games.

Edited by Socalmuscle, 08 October 2012 - 12:34 PM.

#5 scotty79



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Posted 08 October 2012 - 12:32 PM

think they may be missing a decimal point 1.9 sounds very feasible
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#6 Stephen



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Posted 08 October 2012 - 01:36 PM

we know its at least 2.5 times as powerful because the average amount of pixels that can be processed is more than double that of the ps3 (average)
Also note that the frame rate is probably increased adding around 1.5 times more power. That's already 4 times more powerful And that's not including all the other technical things (insert technical things here) like the 4 times more ram.
I would estimate around 6 to 7 times more powerful.

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#7 Guy Fieri

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Posted 08 October 2012 - 02:22 PM

That's just stupid, the rep should have at least thought about what he/she was going to claim how powerful the Wii U is. Should have been a more reasonable number like two.

#8 alan123


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Posted 08 October 2012 - 02:25 PM

It's not going to be nineteen times more powerful than a X360 or PS3.

#9 Foot


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Posted 08 October 2012 - 03:06 PM

Lol I posted this as a topic but I didn't see this,

FAKE! A Nintendo Rep would NEVER say this. 1) It's a weird number lol, 2) Their under strict NDA and if they were to say anything, they'd say It is next Gen
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#10 Robotic Sunshine Commander

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Posted 08 October 2012 - 03:43 PM

either complete BS, or someone informed them of the info. its plausible if overall power is 19x the ps3's overall, but still i would be skeptical


#11 JD2995



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Posted 08 October 2012 - 05:17 PM

Even the Playstation 4 would never have that kind of power, and maybe with difficulty the next next generation of consoles have that power.
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Sorry for my bad english

#12 Soul



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Posted 08 October 2012 - 06:58 PM

He ment 1.9 oh gosh thats weak.

#13 Socalmuscle


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Posted 08 October 2012 - 08:06 PM

No... No... He meant 1.9% of the PS3.

So It would take 50 Wii U consoles just to match the might of the almighty ps3.

Just forget about the power 7 tech, the eyefinity, direct x 11 capable gpu, the 2GB ram, etc.

No. The wii u is nowhere near the power of a gimped cell, a really old nvidia chipset, 512 MB of ram...

No way a next gen system that comes out 6 years later could be 19 x as powerful or display graphics on the order of 400% greater visually. Pffft! What are these people smoking???...

#14 BanjoKazooie


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Posted 09 October 2012 - 02:12 AM

No... No... He meant 1.9% of the PS3.

So It would take 50 Wii U consoles just to match the might of the almighty ps3.

Just forget about the power 7 tech, the eyefinity, direct x 11 capable gpu, the 2GB ram, etc.

No. The wii u is nowhere near the power of a gimped cell, a really old nvidia chipset, 512 MB of ram...

No way a next gen system that comes out 6 years later could be 19 x as powerful or display graphics on the order of 400% greater visually. Pffft! What are these people smoking???...

insee where your coming from, but from what I've heard from most people it's around 5-6X more powerful.


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#15 Guest_TRON_*

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Posted 09 October 2012 - 04:40 AM

let me say this much..... if anyone really thinks the Wii U is only 1.9 times more powerful than ps3.... shame on you. i hate multipliers anyway they dont mean much. the blatant disrespect nintendo is getting in this reguard is criminal. nintendo is known (has a history) for putting out powerful hardware and making the console power balanced. i expect Wii U to be simply put as powerful as it can be without melting the console. as far as real world games i expect the same thing that we got with the Gamecube. When games are developed from the ground up by developers that know the hardware they will stand side by side with ps4 and nextbox and look amazing. same way resident evil 4 (built for gamecube and ported to other systems), rogue squadron, and f-zero gx. all these games built from ground up on gamecube looked as good as anything that was on the xbox1 even though raw power it was close to 3 times more powerful than gamecube. Will the raw power of Wii U match ps4 and nextbox NO..... but will Wii U be able to keep up when developers get a hand on the hardware and take advantage of the assest nintendo put inside the box yes.... mark my words on that one. nintendo has been in the business too long to not know how to put a powerful yet cost effiecent console on the market (gamecube says HI!).

this is what you can look forward to seeing "IF" developers take Wii U serious for 3rd party games. low versus max settings gameplay

Edited by TRON, 09 October 2012 - 04:40 AM.

#16 thehappening



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Posted 09 October 2012 - 06:02 AM

first of it was a rep not a bunch of them i.e REPS one guy or gal is not a bunch of people and im sure he/she ment wii not ps3 simple typo miss information going round the net AS PER USUAL !!!!!!!!!!!

No... No... He meant 1.9% of the PS3.

So It would take 50 Wii U consoles just to match the might of the almighty ps3.

Just forget about the power 7 tech, the eyefinity, direct x 11 capable gpu, the 2GB ram, etc.

No. The wii u is nowhere near the power of a gimped cell, a really old nvidia chipset, 512 MB of ram...

No way a next gen system that comes out 6 years later could be 19 x as powerful or display graphics on the order of 400% greater visually. Pffft! What are these people smoking???...



#17 Byakuya Togami

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Posted 09 October 2012 - 08:35 AM

we know its at least 2.5 times as powerful because the average amount of pixels that can be processed is more than double that of the ps3 (average)
Also note that the frame rate is probably increased adding around 1.5 times more power. That's already 4 times more powerful And that's not including all the other technical things (insert technical things here) like the 4 times more ram.
I would estimate around 6 to 7 times more powerful.

That's just stupid, the rep should have at least thought about what he/she was going to claim how powerful the Wii U is. Should have been a more reasonable number like two.

Edited by Voldemort the Egg McMuffin, 09 October 2012 - 08:36 AM.

#18 Keviin



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Posted 09 October 2012 - 08:50 AM

let me say this much..... if anyone really thinks the Wii U is only 1.9 times more powerful than ps3.... shame on you. i hate multipliers anyway they dont mean much. the blatant disrespect nintendo is getting in this reguard is criminal. nintendo is known (has a history) for putting out powerful hardware and making the console power balanced. i expect Wii U to be simply put as powerful as it can be without melting the console. as far as real world games i expect the same thing that we got with the Gamecube. When games are developed from the ground up by developers that know the hardware they will stand side by side with ps4 and nextbox and look amazing. same way resident evil 4 (built for gamecube and ported to other systems), rogue squadron, and f-zero gx. all these games built from ground up on gamecube looked as good as anything that was on the xbox1 even though raw power it was close to 3 times more powerful than gamecube. Will the raw power of Wii U match ps4 and nextbox NO..... but will Wii U be able to keep up when developers get a hand on the hardware and take advantage of the assest nintendo put inside the box yes.... mark my words on that one. nintendo has been in the business too long to not know how to put a powerful yet cost effiecent console on the market (gamecube says HI!).

this is what you can look forward to seeing "IF" developers take Wii U serious for 3rd party games. low versus max settings gameplay

let me say this much..... if anyone really thinks the Wii U is only 1.9 times more powerful than ps3.... shame on you. i hate multipliers anyway they dont mean much. the blatant disrespect nintendo is getting in this reguard is criminal. nintendo is known (has a history) for putting out powerful hardware and making the console power balanced. i expect Wii U to be simply put as powerful as it can be without melting the console. as far as real world games i expect the same thing that we got with the Gamecube. When games are developed from the ground up by developers that know the hardware they will stand side by side with ps4 and nextbox and look amazing. same way resident evil 4 (built for gamecube and ported to other systems), rogue squadron, and f-zero gx. all these games built from ground up on gamecube looked as good as anything that was on the xbox1 even though raw power it was close to 3 times more powerful than gamecube. Will the raw power of Wii U match ps4 and nextbox NO..... but will Wii U be able to keep up when developers get a hand on the hardware and take advantage of the assest nintendo put inside the box yes.... mark my words on that one. nintendo has been in the business too long to not know how to put a powerful yet cost effiecent console on the market (gamecube says HI!).

this is what you can look forward to seeing "IF" developers take Wii U serious for 3rd party games. low versus max settings gameplay

I don't have a 1080p screen, but from what I can tell the differences aren't spectacular as they look both great.
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#19 Socalmuscle


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Posted 09 October 2012 - 10:07 AM

insee where your coming from, but from what I've heard from most people it's around 5-6X more powerful.

I've said in the past that it is noticeably anywhere from 350-400% more powerful. for the record.

but it also depends on how you calculate performance. In terms of the operations the Wii U can do, it may well be 19x more powerful. and that wouldn't be an outlandish stretch.

But in terms of what you observe on your screen, it will probably look somewhere on the order of 400% over the 360/PS3, which is still a big deal. Take Uncharted 3 or Gears of War 3. Then multiply that by 4. That's pretty dang impressive. Especially considering those are the standout graphical games on both systems, which nearly no other games come close to.

The only reason anyone would be skeptical of a 19X number is the launch games, which don't tax the system.

In a year or so, people will look back on this number and say "oh, yeah." The devs haven't shown their stuff yet on the system.

So, back to the original point - what "kind" of Nintendo rep mentioned this little tidbit and what capacity were they operating in when they said it. Those two things make all the difference in the world.

The Wii U is not going to be 60X more powerful than the 360. But it's a good bit more powerful than many realize.

#20 Guest_TRON_*

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Posted 09 October 2012 - 12:34 PM

I don't have a 1080p screen, but from what I can tell the differences aren't spectacular as they look both great.

Exactly that's the point. When Iwata said the graphical differences between wii u and ps4 and next box wouldn't be that different. He wasn't kidding.

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