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Miiverse Thead - What we actually know

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#1 Stormage09


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Posted 18 October 2012 - 04:17 PM


someone in GAF decided to make this with all the info available right now

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  • What is Miiverse?
    Miiverse is the Wii U's front end, back end, middle end, and whatever end to social networking. Unlike Nintendo's scattered services and features of both the Wii and 3DS, the Miiverse aims to integrate features all together into one software platform, and for that platform to be rooted directly into the operating system. Miiverse isn't just software, it's part of the Wii U experience.
  • What does the Miiverse look like?
    When you boot up the Wii U and bare witness to the Miiverse, this is what you'll see.
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  • It is a platform for both your games and Mii social networking. See all those game icons? Those are your games, and maybe even your friends games. All those Miis? Those are friends, family, and other online Wii U owners. Miis automatically congregate around popular games being played by their associated users.

    This image will appear on your TV. On the GamePad you will have control over a more traditional channel/icon based menu system for your games and applications. You can, however, swap the TV and controller images around.
  • Why are messages popping up on the Miiverse hub?
    Miiverse operates not unlike a message board. Users are able to write and draw messages associated with games, and have them appear on the Miiverse hub next to relevant titles. And there's more.
  • More? I am aroused by the prospect of additional information. Please keep me informed.
    Sure! See this image for example.
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  • Rather than adhere to simply Miiverse pop-ups, players can interact with Miiverse messages in the form of a text based conversation. Using the touch pad you will be able to answer questions, share information, and draw pictures to be sent to other Miis.

    Via the Miiverse menu, you will also be able to directly message and communicate with specific friends, not unlike the 3DS Swapnote application (though without it being a separate application).
  • Am I limited to just typing and sharing messages?
    No. Miiverse will support sharing of all kinds of information. This includes game screenshots and additional game data. Nintendo has not specified if screenshot tools are integrated into the Miiverse software, or will need to be implemented by developers. Game data will depend on the games. For example, in Scribblenauts Unlimited the Miiverse will be used to share user-made item creations.
  • What about video chat?
    Yep! Miiverse will support some form of video chat, no doubt using the digital camera built into the Wii U GamePad. Details on how exactly Miiverse video chat will work have yet to be revealed.
  • My friend told me Nintendo has restrictions on Miiverse that mean I'll need to wait a long time before my messages appear. Is this true?
    Yes and no. Mostly no. There was a miscommunication that Nintendo would be going over every single Miiverse message before they would appear in the Miiverse, like an approval process. This is not true. Miiverse messages will be set to automatically appear. However, Nintendo will be using various filters to detect inappropriate language and content. If tagged, a message will require approval before appearing publicly on the Miiverse.
  • Is Miiverse limited as the application, or can it be integrated into games?
    Going beyond the Scribblenauts Unlimited example, developers are free to integrate the Miiverse base message system into games as well. Nintendo is doing this with New Super Mario Bros. U.
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  • Messages typed be friends specific to this game will appear on NSMBU world map, even next to specific stages and locations if necessary. This will allow gamers to share tips, secrets and data in game via the single Miiverse platform.
  • What about other Nintendo platforms?
    Nintendo has stated they have plans to bring the Miiverse, in some capacity, to the Nintendo 3DS. And that the Wii U will connect with the 3DS to some extent. More to come.
  • I want to know more!
    You and me both. Nintendo still has much to teach us about Miiverse, but as it stands this is what we know.

    The main point to remember is that unlike the Wii, and unlike the 3DS, the various connecting, social networking, messaging, and data sharing components of Miiverse are integrated directly into the operating system. This is not a separate application, and this is not a bunch of different applications. Miiverse is one big application suite and part of the operating system itself, connecting you to the system, and connecting to your games.
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It's also worth noting that Nintendo would like Miiverse to expand beyond the Wii U, even to non-Nintendo platforms. In the future you may be able to browse and interact with the Miiverse from your mobile phone, connecting to your friends even while away from your Wii U.

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  • New Super Mario Bros. U: Data feed similar to the Miiverse hub, sharing stage specific comments/tips by other users on the world map.
  • Scribblenauts Unlimited: Sharing of user created items.
  • ZombiU: "PlayerX has been infected and appears in Y" in-game messages related to Miiverse friends who, in their game, have been infected and zombified, now appearing in your game world.

Edited by Stormage09, 18 October 2012 - 04:20 PM.

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#2 angelo07stang



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Posted 18 October 2012 - 04:26 PM

Looks awsome love the zombie u feature that shows what players been infected pretty sweet.
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#3 Robotic Sunshine Commander

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Posted 18 October 2012 - 04:45 PM

nice post!


#4 Tricky Sonic

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Posted 18 October 2012 - 05:39 PM

Looks awsome love the zombie u feature that shows what players been infected pretty sweet.

I also think this is awesome. Can't wait see it aaaallll!!"
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Check out my video game collection blog at http://genesaturn.blogspot.com/
Feel free to add me as a friend on your 3DS and Wii U as well - Friend Code = 1289-9502-7134 / Nintendo ID - Tricky

#5 Press



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Posted 18 October 2012 - 08:51 PM

Thanks, Storm. There were a few tidbits I missed.

#6 SoldMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums


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Posted 19 October 2012 - 07:34 AM

Miiverse looks awesome, I can't wait to get my grubby little mits on it :D

#7 dark_rabbid


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Posted 19 October 2012 - 07:54 AM

I can't wait to use this.......and trick friends into a room full of zombies with a tag in Zombiu. Lol

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