I have to agree with this guy.Let me get this straight. Your worried that Microsoft will show a new System that will make the WiiU look dated before we have even seen any true footage of the WiiU? that really doesn't make sense
And by real Footage, I mean actual Games, Not tech Demos

E3 2012... im a little worries.
Posted 14 August 2011 - 04:59 AM
Posted 14 August 2011 - 05:53 AM
But the Dreamcast was more powerful than everything else at its time and easy to develop for, yet nobody flocked to it.
Even in the early PS2 days the Dreamcast could hold its own graphically, because the PS2 was so awkward the write for it took them years to really push it past what you could do on Dreamcast very easily.
Developers flock to the console they think consumers will buy, plain and simple.
Hang on, are you saying you think the Wii U online services are BETTER than Playstation or Xbox? Because I highly doubt it plus its all guess work right now anyway, as we do not know what it will have at all.
However based on how much they bragged about how brilliant the 3DS would be online and how they under-delivered, I'm not holding my breath.
It depends what you mean by "better"? I know this sounds like a cop-out, but different people want different things. what I see with the Wii U is that Nintendo are trying to make a console that can be used pretty much as you want. A "universal machine". With earlier consoles they made the mistake of controlling what could be done with them very tightly, it seems that they have reversed that policy, to some extent. In that developers and publishers will be able to create their own networks, run the way they want. Hopefully all this will be accessed by a single Nintendo user account and eshop. Not the unified network of Xbox live by any means, so not as good for some, but it will allow different approaches to be tried out all at the same time.
- Andy likes this
Posted 15 August 2011 - 01:04 AM
Posted 15 August 2011 - 06:54 AM
No It won't. Microsoft Does not want to pull a Sony in terms of pricing IE: where they price their product extremely high because it is really high tech. They even said them selves not to expect a major leap in Graphical power. So the chances that it will look better then the WiiU? high. Chances that it will be a Wii to Xbox Difference? Extremely low
Also, Nintendo of America( Nintendo's largest Market) basically killed off their Hardcore chances by not localizing Xenoblades, the Last Story, or Pandora's Tower
Hold on a minute, Reggie said that NOA would see if Xenoblade and the Last Story did good in Europe they might localize it, so don't give up yet!
edit: ign gave Xenoblade a 9.0 out of ten, naming it the best jrpg of this generation, that has got to be a good sign.
Edited by Morzan, 15 August 2011 - 06:57 AM.

Posted 15 August 2011 - 10:33 AM
Hold on a minute, Reggie said that NOA would see if Xenoblade and the Last Story did good in Europe they might localize it, so don't give up yet!
edit: ign gave Xenoblade a 9.0 out of ten, naming it the best jrpg of this generation, that has got to be a good sign.
A 9.0!? OMG!! I'm definitely going to buy this game.

Posted 15 August 2011 - 11:59 PM
Posted 16 August 2011 - 06:58 AM
Posted 20 August 2011 - 03:42 AM
- Anomandaris likes this
Trophy Cards are classy too! LOLZIGZAGOON
Posted 20 August 2011 - 11:21 AM
Anyway, good news on teh 9. Hopefully that means Nintendo 'Has Plans' to plan to bring this over here now

All we need is good sales...
Edited by Wertville, 20 August 2011 - 11:22 AM.
Posted 20 August 2011 - 07:04 PM

But I not worried all that much. I think if they get some first party games in there, the system will do just fine.
Bleh eh eh.
Posted 21 August 2011 - 04:22 AM
Of course we don´t know the specifications of the WiiU yet, that´s what we have to keep in mind. Nevertheless they assumingly won´t be "top-notch", it´s more likely they are even far away from it.
A comparison: The Xbox 360 was launched at the end of 2005, with a GPU (Xenos) based on the Radeon R520 architecture. The R520 was at that time a few weeks to months old.
The WiiU will (as far as we know) launch in 2012, with a GPU based on the Radeon R700 architecture. The R700 will then be about four years old.
Of course, the GPU is just based on the architecture, so it could - under certain circumstances - have a lot more power. But I don´t really think so.
And yes, I do actually believe the "Xbox Neo" (Whatever. Just don´t call it "Xbox 720". That´s gross) will be announced in 2012. Maybe not at the E3, nonetheless in 2012, with a release in the following year.
Some people said Microsoft won´t release that early, because it has to milk with Kinect every drop out of the casuals first. Which I agree with. But Kinect was released at the very end of 2010. They have already sold more than 10 million units, and I guess they make the money with Kinect itself, not with the games for it (similiar to the Wii).
The point is, Microsoft has more than enough time to sell casual carp (pardon my language), announce Xbox Neo in 2012 (which the casuals won´t even notice), sell more casual carp by the way, and release 2013.
And looking at the R700 architecture in the WiiU, it will be easy for Microsoft to outplay Nintendo technically. Lots of folks here seems to think this would be an expensive thing to do, but it wouldn´t. Microsoft could use technology from now - from 2011 - being cost-effective to produce in 2013 an later on, and still having an advantage of three years to the WiiU (at least regarding the GPU).
P.S.: Before hating begins: That´s all just from the technical side of view and has nothing to do with the quality of games.
Posted 21 August 2011 - 05:32 AM
Seems like I am the only one to agree with TRON to an extend.
Of course we don´t know the specifications of the WiiU yet, that´s what we have to keep in mind. Nevertheless they assumingly won´t be "top-notch", it´s more likely they are even far away from it.
A comparison: The Xbox 360 was launched at the end of 2005, with a GPU (Xenos) based on the Radeon R520 architecture. The R520 was at that time a few weeks to months old.
The WiiU will (as far as we know) launch in 2012, with a GPU based on the Radeon R700 architecture. The R700 will then be about four years old.
Of course, the GPU is just based on the architecture, so it could - under certain circumstances - have a lot more power. But I don´t really think so.
And yes, I do actually believe the "Xbox Neo" (Whatever. Just don´t call it "Xbox 720". That´s gross) will be announced in 2012. Maybe not at the E3, nonetheless in 2012, with a release in the following year.
Some people said Microsoft won´t release that early, because it has to milk with Kinect every drop out of the casuals first. Which I agree with. But Kinect was released at the very end of 2010. They have already sold more than 10 million units, and I guess they make the money with Kinect itself, not with the games for it (similiar to the Wii).
The point is, Microsoft has more than enough time to sell casual carp (pardon my language), announce Xbox Neo in 2012 (which the casuals won´t even notice), sell more casual carp by the way, and release 2013.
And looking at the R700 architecture in the WiiU, it will be easy for Microsoft to outplay Nintendo technically. Lots of folks here seems to think this would be an expensive thing to do, but it wouldn´t. Microsoft could use technology from now - from 2011 - being cost-effective to produce in 2013 an later on, and still having an advantage of three years to the WiiU (at least regarding the GPU).
P.S.: Before hating begins: That´s all just from the technical side of view and has nothing to do with the quality of games.
I think I'm just going to drop this here...http://thewiiu.com/t...12-known-facts/ and know for a fact that you pulled the 'identity' of that processor out of your butt...they never said what model of GPU they're using, just that it's Radeon-based. They never said any part number.
- Hamez likes this
The post above was certified to be simply smashing by the Wii U Forum Staff.
Posted 21 August 2011 - 09:43 AM
Seems like I am the only one to agree with TRON to an extend.
Of course we don´t know the specifications of the WiiU yet, that´s what we have to keep in mind. Nevertheless they assumingly won´t be "top-notch", it´s more likely they are even far away from it.
A comparison: The Xbox 360 was launched at the end of 2005, with a GPU (Xenos) based on the Radeon R520 architecture. The R520 was at that time a few weeks to months old.
The WiiU will (as far as we know) launch in 2012, with a GPU based on the Radeon R700 architecture. The R700 will then be about four years old.
Of course, the GPU is just based on the architecture, so it could - under certain circumstances - have a lot more power. But I don´t really think so.
And yes, I do actually believe the "Xbox Neo" (Whatever. Just don´t call it "Xbox 720". That´s gross) will be announced in 2012. Maybe not at the E3, nonetheless in 2012, with a release in the following year.
Some people said Microsoft won´t release that early, because it has to milk with Kinect every drop out of the casuals first. Which I agree with. But Kinect was released at the very end of 2010. They have already sold more than 10 million units, and I guess they make the money with Kinect itself, not with the games for it (similiar to the Wii).
The point is, Microsoft has more than enough time to sell casual carp (pardon my language), announce Xbox Neo in 2012 (which the casuals won´t even notice), sell more casual carp by the way, and release 2013.
And looking at the R700 architecture in the WiiU, it will be easy for Microsoft to outplay Nintendo technically. Lots of folks here seems to think this would be an expensive thing to do, but it wouldn´t. Microsoft could use technology from now - from 2011 - being cost-effective to produce in 2013 an later on, and still having an advantage of three years to the WiiU (at least regarding the GPU).
P.S.: Before hating begins: That´s all just from the technical side of view and has nothing to do with the quality of games.
No, it will not be easy to outplay Nintendo this time around. The Sony of America president already stated that, right now, that graphics can't get much better than they are now in consoles (unless you want the cost to be completely through the roof, as high-end graphic cards for PCs cost an insane amount, like in the thousands...)

Posted 22 August 2011 - 03:16 AM
Posted 22 August 2011 - 03:57 AM
you guys are clueless!
Even if Microsoft unveils a console that dwarfs the Wii U in tech, the pricing, quality of titles, and sales are the real factors to its performance. Keep in mind, Microsoft (as well as Sony) tends to over-market their products, and their fanboys will always it up, rub it in everyone's faces, and declare it to be the equivalent of the cure for AIDS. History has shown that powerful consoles don't always win out. Take a look at the PSP and the PS3. When these platforms were unveiled, everybody hyped them to the second coming of Christ! However, when they launched, it was a whole other story. So even if Microsoft makes a huge splash at E3 2012, it will only be short-term. Once all the next-gen consoles are on the shelf, E3 2012, like the past E3 events, will be nothing more than a distant memory. We will all look at E3 2012 compared to how the Xbox 720 actually does with such amusement and derision in how we bought into the over-hype.
Seriously, tech seems to be the only concern instead of the quality of the games. Might I suggest upgrading your PC? It's always light-years ahead of consoles.
- Hamez likes this
Posted 22 August 2011 - 08:48 AM
you guys are clueless!
Ask us our opinion, then insult us without logical reason. Typical Microsoft/Sonyboy...
- GunGoomba and TSUKEMA_TSUKERU like this
The post above was certified to be simply smashing by the Wii U Forum Staff.
Posted 22 August 2011 - 11:48 AM
Ups, that was apparently a mistake of mine. I referred to Wikipedia, where it says the GPU would be based on the R700-family. But the reliability of the source is questionable.
I think I'm just going to drop this here...http://thewiiu.com/t...12-known-facts/ and know for a fact that you pulled the 'identity' of that processor out of your butt...they never said what model of GPU they're using, just that it's Radeon-based. They never said any part number.
I still find it plausible though.
However, using newer architectures for the WiiU-GPU would be a convenient surprise, and a technical outplay wouldn´t be so easy.
Since I consider Sony of America´s president an intelligent man, he lies. There is a lot room for improvement graphic-wise (and for AI etc.). You should not forget most consolegames (PS360) are rendered in about 720p - not uncommonly even below - and often have little to no Antialiasing; otherwise most games won´t even run at them fluently. The memory already is a bottleneck. PC-games like Crysis, Witcher 2, and probably Battlefield 3 give you a rough idea of what could be normative in the next console generation.
No, it will not be easy to outplay Nintendo this time around. The Sony of America president already stated that, right now, that graphics can't get much better than they are now in consoles (unless you want the cost to be completely through the roof, as high-end graphic cards for PCs cost an insane amount, like in the thousands...)
Anyway, I don´t want to get too deep into this. The eight console-generation will show a considerable jump in graphics (and AI etc.) in my opinion, in addition to new control systems.
And for the cost: Firstly, "in the thousands" is exaggerated. Secondly: What´s expensive today, is cheap tomorrow.
I agree. Quality of games is the most important aspect for me. But not everyone thinks this way - numerous gamers will go for the strongest system in terms of graphics - this is why the Xbox Neo, if announced 2012, could very well be a threat to the WiiU, assuming both would have comparable pricetags.
Even if Microsoft unveils a console that dwarfs the Wii U in tech, the pricing, quality of titles, and sales are the real factors to its performance. Keep in mind, Microsoft (as well as Sony) tends to over-market their products, and their fanboys will always it up, rub it in everyone's faces, and declare it to be the equivalent of the cure for AIDS. History has shown that powerful consoles don't always win out. Take a look at the PSP and the PS3. When these platforms were unveiled, everybody hyped them to the second coming of Christ! However, when they launched, it was a whole other story. So even if Microsoft makes a huge splash at E3 2012, it will only be short-term. Once all the next-gen consoles are on the shelf, E3 2012, like the past E3 events, will be nothing more than a distant memory. We will all look at E3 2012 compared to how the Xbox 720 actually does with such amusement and derision in how we bought into the over-hype.
Seriously, tech seems to be the only concern instead of the quality of the games. Might I suggest upgrading your PC? It's always light-years ahead of consoles.
Edited by Josephus, 23 August 2011 - 12:15 PM.
Posted 22 August 2011 - 03:43 PM
this is why the Xbox Neo, if announced 2012, could very well be a threat to the WiiU, assuming both would have comparable pricetags.
I thought it was established that the Xbox Neo was going to cost $2400 and be the size of your house.

Posted 26 August 2011 - 01:48 PM
- BazzDropperz likes this
Posted 26 August 2011 - 02:56 PM
I agree there is a lot of things that can be done graphic wise.You guys are blinded. There is a huge amount of room for improvement in graphics. Just because it's in 1080p doesn't mean it can't go further. Battlefield 3 is using Ps360 limits and many prerendered cutscenes like in the Bioshock 2 ending, you can almost see each individual hair. Resolution only makes pictures clearer but you notice polygons in graphics. If a consoles replaces polygons with atoms then you can make individual pores on a persons face.

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