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Wii U Review from Eggplante!

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#1 Eggplante!


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Posted 17 November 2012 - 09:35 PM

Our embargo has been lifted!

Two years in the making, our Wii U review is now live on Eggplante!


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#2 SoldMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums


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Posted 18 November 2012 - 06:15 AM

Really good review, but some of the hardware specs are really worrying me. :(

#3 Eggplante!


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Posted 18 November 2012 - 10:26 AM

The hardware seems to be extremely powerful so far. Don't forget that the console is creating not only a full 1080p picture, but also a near-720p one as well. Without the screen, the visuals would easily beat out what we've got with 360 and PS3 right now, but I'd personally rather have a few new ways to play than marginally better graphics.

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#4 Stormage09


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Posted 18 November 2012 - 10:31 AM

wow, but on gaf they are saying something about the speed of the ram beign slower than the 360/ps3 one, but im pretty sure there has to be something to compensate that

i though that was a serious forum but everyone there is acting like a fanboy leaving the wii u in a sub 360/ps3 power situation now LOL

Edited by Stormage09, 18 November 2012 - 10:32 AM.

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