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Target rant

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#1 Nintendoguy



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Posted 19 November 2012 - 10:16 AM

So I have been waiting on my black Deluxe 32GB Wii U at Target now. I went there on Sunday, and though I was told nothing when I purchased the pre-order card, apparently you had to show up and wait in line and get a number even if you had the reservation card. The manager told me that sine I wasn't able to get mine on Sunday that another shipment would be in Monday. I called on Monday and was told that there weren't any now, but to call back at noon when the UPS delivery came. I called back later to be told that they were gone when the store first opened at 8am even though I called at 8am and was told they didn't get any in. The girl I spoke to on the phone said that the reservation cards were only for the first day, and that now they were first come first served basically. I knew according to the back of the reservation card that she was telling me BS and asked to speak to a manager.

I read him word for word on the back of the reservation card where it says "The reserved merchandise for this card will be held at the counter in the Electronics Department for seven days after the national release date, at the Target store where purchased." This obviously goes directly against what the other employee told me where they were first come first served and I asked what he could do to help me out. He said there is another shipment coming in on Wednesday and he would put one aside for me (like what should have been done in the first place).

End Rant.

#2 Bkpiazza



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Posted 19 November 2012 - 10:30 AM

It seems like there was no store wide policy on these cards. I heard another guy whose target to,d him they were short stocked. I bought the deluxe reservation card but was very wary. I called the day before electronics worker assured me it was guaranteed. Regardless I got there at 9 on Sunday they had sold out of all general purchase units but mine was safely stored in the back. He said I was the first one to show up to pick up a reservation. Sorry you're having a bad experience. Make sure you complain to target corporate and be loud about it maybe they'll compensate you somehow...
Please feel free to add me -Wii U ID: BKPiazza

#3 angelo07stang



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Posted 19 November 2012 - 10:33 AM

Wow sorry to hear that i hate incompinate people and liers.
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#4 Nintendoguy



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Posted 19 November 2012 - 11:07 AM

It seems like there was no store wide policy on these cards. I heard another guy whose target to,d him they were short stocked. I bought the deluxe reservation card but was very wary. I called the day before electronics worker assured me it was guaranteed. Regardless I got there at 9 on Sunday they had sold out of all general purchase units but mine was safely stored in the back. He said I was the first one to show up to pick up a reservation. Sorry you're having a bad experience. Make sure you complain to target corporate and be loud about it maybe they'll compensate you somehow...

I called the corporate customer service number, and they basically said sorry, but there's nothing we can do except pass along the inconvenience that you had and to try and suggest that changes are made in the future. Even with the manager at my local Target store saying that the system will be put aside for me on Wednesday, I still don't trust that store, becuase it should have been held in the first place and that didn't happen. I think Target has to look up the definition of "reservation". What was the benefit of buying this reservation card if John Doe can walk in off the street and buy the system that is supposed to be set aside for me to purchase within 7 days of the release date?

Edited by Nintendoguy, 19 November 2012 - 11:08 AM.

#5 Bkpiazza



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Posted 19 November 2012 - 11:14 AM

I called the corporate customer service number, and they basically said sorry, but there's nothing we can do except pass along the inconvenience that you had and to try and suggest that changes are made in the future. Even with the manager at my local Target store saying that the system will be put aside for me on Wednesday, I still don't trust that store, becuase it should have been held in the first place and that didn't happen. I think Target has to look up the definition of "reservation". What was the benefit of buying this reservation card if John Doe can walk in off the street and buy the system that is supposed to be set aside for me to purchase within 7 days of the release date?

Follow this up with an email to the corporate office and cc the local store so they see you sent it. Word it professionally and strongly. It's important to be heard as, although you are getting the system Wednesday, you were guaranteed a console on Sunday. And your local store manipulated policy for whatever reason and you ended up getting the shaft for it. I am not one for complaining when unnecessary but stuff like this just drives me nuts. If you buy something tangible that's a guarantee, you should be able to take that guarantee to the bank, it's not like they made a mistake they just disregarded the policy in order to sell ( or keep) reserved units. I never let people pull hat stuff on me without a fight. Just my 2 cents...
Please feel free to add me -Wii U ID: BKPiazza

#6 WiiUgamer


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Posted 19 November 2012 - 11:22 AM

That sucks because I pre ordered 3 at target. There was a huge line of people when the store opened and the store held all reserves. I strolled in at 1030am and they had mine set aside. Plus I got the $5 gift cards. I think the people at your store sold yours because I was told they are required to hold pre orders.

#7 Nintendoguy



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Posted 19 November 2012 - 11:45 AM

Follow this up with an email to the corporate office and cc the local store so they see you sent it. Word it professionally and strongly. It's important to be heard as, although you are getting the system Wednesday, you were guaranteed a console on Sunday. And your local store manipulated policy for whatever reason and you ended up getting the shaft for it. I am not one for complaining when unnecessary but stuff like this just drives me nuts. If you buy something tangible that's a guarantee, you should be able to take that guarantee to the bank, it's not like they made a mistake they just disregarded the policy in order to sell ( or keep) reserved units. I never let people pull hat stuff on me without a fight. Just my 2 cents...

Someone at my store really did act wrongly, and I took your suggestion and sent an e-mail. I agree with you, because I believe how they acted was unprofessional. Here is the email that I sent.

Hello, I am writing to you today in regards to your Alpine (Grand Rapids, MI) store. I have had an experience where I believe the situation was handled unprofessionally.

I had bought a Reservation Card for a black Nintendo Wii U 32GB Deluxe console that was released on 11/18/2012. The back of the reservation card clearly states "The reserved merchandise for this card will be held at the counter in the Electronics Department for seven days after the national release date, at the Target store where purchased."

According to the Target company's own words on the back of the card, I should have been able to walk in at any point between 11/18 and 11/25 and my system would be held for me at the Electronics Department at the Alpine store where I purchased the card. When I came into the Target store on the morning of 11/18 I was told that they did not have any more of the Deluxe Wii U's to sell even though my system should have been reserved. A manager assured me that another shipment would be in on Monday, and that if I called one would be held for me to come pick up. I called Monday morning shortly after 8am and was told that no shipment came in at 4am, but to call back at noon as a UPS shipment might contain some Wii U's. After calling numerous times at noon only to get a busy signal, I finally got through to someone at 12:40pm and was told that they did get a shipment that morning, and they were already gone. I was also told by an associate that the reservation cards were only good for the release day, and that systems were now being sold on a first come first serve basis even without having a reservation card.

After finding out that the store was going against the guarantee that was on the back of the reservation card, I asked to speak to a manager, and I read him the information on the back of the card. He said another shipment would come in on Wednesday, and took my name and number and assured that a system would be set aside for me. I appreciate the manager working with me to save me a system, but I am still wary of this, because I was made a guarantee before by Target, and a system was not set aside for me. Why should I trust the manager now when there seems to be an error in communication between what is written on the reservation card by corporate and how employees are acting?

All I know is that everywhere else that I shop a reservation is a reservation, and someone with a reservation should be sold the product before walk in customers, and this was not the situation. It may not seem like a big deal to have to wait a few days to after release to pick up the system, but a guarantee is a guarantee, and this one was not honored, and the sheer lack of disregard of this reservation is completely unprofessional. Anything you can do to resolve this would be greatly appreciated.

#8 Bkpiazza



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Posted 19 November 2012 - 11:53 AM

Bravo! Very well written! Post the response when you get it will be eager to see how they handle this...
Please feel free to add me -Wii U ID: BKPiazza

#9 SoldMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums


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Posted 19 November 2012 - 09:43 PM

Very sorry to hear your troubles dude.

#10 Nintendoguy



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Posted 20 November 2012 - 12:56 AM

I got a very generic sounding response to the e-mail I sent to Target...

I'm sorry your recent trip to our Grand Rapids Target store didn't meet your expectations.

We're always looking for ways to improve your shopping experience. Hearing about your experience is important to us. I've documented your thoughts and comments, which will be shared with our Store Operations team for further review. It's just one way we can keep working to provide you with the experience you've come to expect at Target.

If you ever have concerns during your visit, please visit the Guest Service Desk and ask to speak with the Guest Service Team Leader. They'll make every attempt to resolve the issue during your visit.

We appreciate your feedback because it helps make Target even better.


Target Guest Relations

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